Ok, this is a pointless one-shot songfic, so I'm not really sure why you're reading it, but you can't leave noe! Mwuhahaha! No, don't go, I'm not crazy, honest! Anyway. I own nothing but a battered computer, myself and some handmedown clothes. No suing as you might as well sue a chocolate frog. Not a bad idea... Anway, yes, own nothing, not mine, the song is (i think) the Shoop Shoop Song by Cher. Read and enjoy.

Title: It's in his kiss

Author: FireOpal

Summary: She loves him, but thinks he doesn't know. She doesn't know how he feels, so she watches him. But she doesn't know that he watches her too.

Pairing: HPGW, small RWHG.

SONGFIC – 'The Shoop Shoop Song' by Cher.


The actual story starts here, so if you're one of those people who ignore the blurb at the top, you start here.

11/05/2005 – Amendments made to lyrics when I discovered you weren't allowed to post lyrics in stories! Oops. Full original available via my profile page. Apologies guys.

She sat, her thin and lithe frame curled up comfortably on one of the many squishy leather armchairs that dotted the Gryffindor Common Room. As she brushed several stray strands of soft red hair out of her face, she forced her soft brown eyes to remain on the piece of blank parchment on her lap. Well, not entirely blank. At the top, in her neat, round hand was written the title to her Potions essay, 'Veritaserum – the making and uses.' Typical of Snape to set 2 feet of parchment, overnight on one of the most difficult topics. Inwardly, she admitted to herself that she could've started it earlier, in the Library, where she wouldn't be so distracted, then brushing that thought aside impatiently, she reread the same small paragraph in her open Potions text book, balanced precariously on the arm of the chair.

'Veritaserum is the most common and powerful truth serum ever invented. Just three drops on the tongue of a victim can have the victim pouring out his/her deepest and darkest secrets. Veritaserum is used in a wide variety of instances, from wizarding games, to important court cases. It causes the victim to become lucid, and pliable to the most direct of questions.'

Sighing deeply, she chewed restlessly on the end of her well-used quill, as her thoughts once again strayed to a certain black-haired boy, sitting on the other side of the common room, laughing with her brother and a brown haired girl, who seemed to be fruitlessly trying to force them to do their homework. Smiling to herself, she allowed her gaze to take in the familiar face of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the Boy-She-Loved.


'Really Ginevra Weasley, if you don't finish your homework, you'll end up with another detention from Snape! And besides, he'll never like you, he has Cho to dream about.' She thought to herself crossly, but before she could tear her soft brown eyes from Harrys' face, he seemed to feel her gaze, and looked directly into her eyes. Blushing quickly, she turned her eyes back to her homework, desperately trying to act like nothing had happened.


Trying to ignore the prickling in the hairs on the back of her neck that told her someone was watching her still, she continued to chew the end of her owl feather quill, forcing her mind fruitlessly back onto her homework, and fighting the blush in her cheeks.

'Honestly Ginny, if he catches you looking at him again, he'll either think there's something wrong with him, or that your crush has come back!' Grimacing inwardly as she thought to herself, she remembered her first year. She had had that pathetic crush on the famous Harry Potter, and then he had saved her life like a true hero. Somehow, over the years she had managed to get rid of the schoolgirl crush, and without realising, had found love. Yes, love. Ginevra Weasley officially loved Harry Potter. Not the Boy-Who-Lived, but the one nearly nobody saw. The one who cried over his godfathers' death. The one who hated the fame. The one who loved Quidditch, who didn't want to have to kill Voldemort (Harry had told them at the beginning of the year). Just Harry.

Tearing her mind yet again from these thoughts, she wrote a few vague lines on the parchment, the only sound in the room, apart from the crackling of the fire, and the sound of a howling wind battering at the window. It seemed that Harry was thinking hard about his next move, Ron was lounging back in his chair lazily, and Hermione was watching them silently, slightly disapproving.

As Harrys' hand glided over the pieces, his scarred brow furrowed in thought, he tried not to think about the beautiful girl – no, woman, sitting across the room. He had felt her gaze on him, but when he had looked up into her doe-like eyes, she had blushed slightly, and turned back to homework. Really, his brow wasn't furrowed over the game – he never won anyway, wizards' chess was Rons' speciality – but Ginny. Over the summer, she seemed to have grown up, and Harry (to a slight amount of undeserving shame) found himself falling in love with the independent red head. Shaking his head slightly as he moved his pawn forwards, he tried to dislodge his thoughts. She would never love him, Hermione had said that she had got over her crush on him years ago.


Ginny watched as he carefully moved the pieces, and they jeered at him when Ron made a simple move to take his remaining knight. Harry was her knight, in shining armour... Inwardly groaning at the persistent thoughts, she tried to read some more of her potions textbook, but the words seemed to be slipping away, meaningless...

Veritaserum can also be used... with added wormwood... calming draught... or very powerful... what beautiful emerald eyes... or alternatively as a potent psychological healing potion with a pinch of... and unruly silky raven hair...

Her gaze slipped back onto the centre of her thoughts, as he laughed when one of Rons' bishops made a particularly odd comment. How handsome he is when he laughs, he should do it more often...


All she wanted to do was make him happy, make him laugh. After the start of the Second War, and the death of Sirius, she had barely ever seen him laugh, or even smile. Oh how she wished she could just hug him, hold him close, make all his pain, his responsibilities, his hurt, make it all go away. If only she could kiss him...

Harry felt Ginnys' gaze on him again, and wondered silently to himself. Maybe something was wrong, or someone had given him one of the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes sweets, and his hair had turned bright pink. Horrified at the thought, he quickly look at Hermione, but then felt reassured when she didn't mention anything involving pink hair. Still, the thought niggled him...

He laughed out loud when Rons' bishop said something, mainly to relieve a lot of the tension he was feeling. He chanced a quick fleeting glance at the studious, and mysterious red haired woman sitting so comfortably across the room, and saw her look away, just as Ron moved a piece on the now-empty board, and yell out to the common room.

"Check mate, mate! Honestly, wizards' chess isn't that difficult, Harry. I don't understand how you lose every time!"

"Maybe because he spends more time studying for his NEWTS, than having a pointless game of chess!" interrupted Hermione, her words softened by a slight wry smile, as she quickly glanced at the still-jubilant Ron, her cheeks blushing very slightly before she turned back to her book. Harry saw all of this, and grinned inwardly. Hermione seemed to be finally succumbing to the inescapable – that she loved Ron. He watched Ron shoot her a quick glance as Hermione buried herself in 'So you want to start your own protection agency.' (SPEW again). As the tips of Rons' ears glowed red faintly, Harry grinned inwardly again. If only his own love loved him like this...


Ginny watched the whole scene from afar, as usual, feeling a strong pang of jealousy when she watched the three friends. If only she could be so close to Harry... She continued to watch, on and off (still desperately trying to concentrate on her Potions homework and failing, miserably), as Ron and Harry discussed Quidditch for a while, laughing over the recent Chudley Canons victory over the Whistling Witches, a popular team from Kent. However, as she looked up the precise recipe for Veritaserum in her textbook, she didn't notice Harry staring at her, watching her soft red hair fall across her face, unnoticed by his best friends, as they were arguing again.


Quickly drawing his rapt attention away from Ginny, Harry watched his friends argue, yet again, stifling a laugh as he wondered when they would finally realise each other.

"Honestly Ron, chess isn't important! How many times have you seen people playing chess in everyday situations? I mean, Harry isn't exactly going to invite Voldemort over for a chess match to decide the outcome of the war, is he?" she gave him a quick, almost frightened glance as she mentioned him, but he wasn't really paying that much attention, despite his best efforts.

"But it's a very important strategy game! Besides, it's mainly a game, something I know you don't come across very often, as you're too busy either bugging us about our work, or trying to free a load of house elves who don't want to be freed!" At this comment, Hermione flushed a deep pink, and after shooting a deadly glare at a flaming Ron, she muttered a forced reply.

"If you care so little for the welfare of our fellow magical creatures, then I'll have to bid you goodnight. 'Night Harry." As she made the last comment, she flashed a quick, small smile at Harry, clearly showing she wasn't angry with him, and he nodded, so she stalked off to her dormitory, still clutching her book.

"What's she in such a stress for?" said Ron, still looking bewildered, but angry. Then he turned to Harry, who tactfully shrugged slightly, pretending to gaze into the fire. Ron yawned. "I think I'll go to bed, mate. You coming?" Harry spoke for the first time that evening, and in her chair, Ginny suppressed a shiver as she heard his delightful voice, so kind, so gentle.

"No, I think I'll stay up a little while longer. I'll be up soon." Ron nodded, and after quickly packing away the chess set, and muttering goodnight to Harry and Ginny, he stomped off to the dormitories.

All was silent now in the common room, and an uncomfortable tension filled the atmosphere, Harry staring into the dying fire, mind racing, Ginny now unashamedly staring at Harry. After a few seconds, Harry felt her stare on him, and looked up, catching her eyes in his in a gentle gaze.

"Ginny? Are you ok?" Ginny blushed, and nodded, turning her eyes away again. She didn't notice when Harry walked across the room to sit in the chair beside her, and started slightly when he spoke again.

"Erm, are you doing your Potions homework?" 'Yeah, really intelligent Harry, she's sitting there with her Potions textbook, and you ask her if she's doing her Potions homework.' Ginny nodded again, tucking her hair behind her ear as she elaborated.

"Yeah, Snape gave us an essay on Veritaserum. Evil git." Harry nodded, feeling stupid sitting here, but trying to get it over and done with.


Ginny continued to watch Harry, as he fought an internal battle with himself, almost squirming into his chair.

"Are you ok?" she said casually, trying to remove some of the tension in the air. He nodded again, and she turned away from him, suddenly aware of how silly she must look.

"Erm, Ginny? W-Would you mind if – I mean, do you think I- er," he stuttered, his palms sweating and his glasses almost sliding down his nose with worry. He rubbed his hands together briefly, gathering his confidence, carefully avoiding Ginnys' gaze. Then he spoke up again, his voice low and quiet. "I'm sorry about this." With those words, he leant across to Ginny, took her Potions textbook from her lap, and, placing his hand gently on the side of her face, kissed her gently on her soft lips. Ginny was stunned for a few seconds, but as she felt Harry draw back from the kiss, obviously sorry for forcing it on her, she moved forwards and touched her lips with hers.

Pulling back, Harry smiled weakly at her, and she grinned back at him, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes dancing. Then, she pulled forwards to Harrys' face, and kissed him herself, her heart dancing. She was finally kissing Harry, and it felt so right, she could feel his love...


Aaaaahhh. Sweet! Cute! Now review!

PS: I'd like to thank from the bottom of my heart, a very kind reviewer, Jedimaster Igor, who showed me the correct spelling of Veritaserum. Thank you, and I apologize to everyone for this now corrected mistake.