Chapter 5: A New Home?

It' s a very beautiful day it is, and a certain pigtailed martial artists spends this day, like any other, doing his katas. It's not everyday you see a person practicing martial arts in the middle of a forest (ok maybe for ranmaverse it's a very familiar scene), the place would have been better for campings or something in that line. But for Ranma Saotome, anywhere's as good to practice, he definitely needs to practice. For the past days he never got a single kata completed due to 'emotional problems'. He has been constantly thinking, and distracted for that matter, of a certain blue-haired tomboy, commonly known as Akane, to concentrate on his katas. He decided it was about time he put this little trip into use. And so, we see Ranma Saotome working on developing his skills.

As the day was about to end, Ranma returned to the pace he was currently staying at, it was a little house in the forest owned by a good old lady. Three days ago, as he was walking through the woods when he suddenly collapsed due to hunger. He hasn't eaten for a day and a half so, having lost his energy, he fainted. Luckily, Ranma was about five meters away from the old lady's house and she saw him lying unconscious on the ground. When he woke up, he was still where he fainted, as he presumed, but feeling a bit more comfortable.


"Whe-where am I?" Ranma finally woke up.

"Oh good, you're awake already. Could you sit up straight? I've brought some food for you. Help yourself." Spoke an old lady in Japanese but with a Chinese accent. Oh yeah, he's still in China.

"Thank you. Who are you? I don't mean to be rude, after you've helped me and all but..."

"I am Xiao Liu, and old Chinese lady residing in this forest. I found you here a while ago, I figured you were not from this country."

"Yeah, I'm actually from Japan. I'm Ranma Saotome." Ranma finished his food. "Thank you for the food."

"It's nothing, really. Come, you can rest further in my house. Have you got a place to stay while you're here in China?" Xiao Liu stood up and walked toward her house. Ranma picked up his things and followed suit.

"Actually no. I've been wandering around and camping since I got here. It's no big, really, I'm used to camping outside."

"You're welcome to stay in my house for as long as you want, young man. All my old life I have lived alone in the forest, it's very pleasant that a young man like you happen to come across here."

"Th-Thank you. It's a really great help. I'll do anything I can to repay your kindness. I may be able to help you around in the house"

"That would be really nice, thank you Ranma."

end of flashback

"I'm back Xiao Liu-obaasan." Ranma called out to the owner of the house.

"Would you like something to eat Ranma?"

"That would be nice, thank you."

As Ranma was eating his meal, he remembered Kasumi's cooking. "She's a real great cook."

"Are you saying anything Ranma?" Xiao Liu looked at him questioningly.

"I just remembered a friend of mine. She's a really great cook, actually, she's good at any household chore there is. Her name's Kasumi Tendo, she's the sister of..." Ranma's voice trailed off, a frown forming on his face.

"Akane? So Kasumi is going to be your sister in law."

"Was obaa-san, was. Akane's not my fiancé anymore."

"Now, now, child. I'm sure you'll come through. It's not the end of the world. Something good will happen, you'll see. If you two are really meant for each other, fate will lead you back together. Just pray for the best. Now, eat up before your food gets cold."

"Arigatou, obaa-san. You really make me feel... at home."