Where I belong

»I do not own Ranma 1/2.

»thank you to all those who wrote reviews for planning ahead...hope to hear more from you...(",)

» plz read and review...

Chapter 1: The End?

Another normal day has dawned upon the streets of Nerima, people wake up, cook breakfast, eat breakfast, go to school or work, Ranma and Akane arguing...yes...they are fighting AGAIN. Ever since the braided boy and a stupid panda he calls father came into the Tendo dojo, having a fight, be it small or big, has been a part of Akane Tendo's life. A fight with HIM, Ranma Saotome.

"You stay out of my sight, hentai! When will you learn to knock before you enter?"

"Hey! I DID knock, but I guess the one at the other side of the door was just too dumb to notice. Besides I didn't see anything."

"You were practically staring! Hentai!"

"Who would dare look at your body? You? A kawaiikune tomboy with a macho body? Feh! Besides, it's not the first time I saw 'ya like that."

"So... you did look at me?!"

"Hey, told 'ya once, I see myself. And I look better!"


Now we see a flying Ranma, malleted to somewhere in Nerima. And we see a fuming Akane, mallet suddenly disappearing to god-knows-where.

"Ranma no baka. Not only does he walk on me dressing up, he insults me further."

Somewhere in Nerima, we find Ranma running on his way to...

"School. Now I'm really late. If Akane hadn't malleted me, I wouldn't be here. Kawaiikune!"

And of course Ranma was late. Their teacher was annoyed about that.

"Mr. Saotome, you are LATE, AGAIN! Not only that, you also have a lump on your head. Maybe you got into another petty fight on the street."

"If it wasn't for Akane, I wouldn't have been late. Also, the lump was HER fault." Ranma defended.

"Sir, it's not like the first time he looked like that. Besides, Ranma always gets into a petty fight... with Akane." Said one of their classmates with a smirk and so the whole class started laughing."

Akane kept on avoiding Ranma for the rest of the day. But secretly, she's glancing sad looks his way. On the way to school, lunch, and going home.

'What's Akane's problem? God. She's mad at me now. Now what do I do? Akane... talk to me...Grrr... I can't take it anymore.' "Oi, Akane! Chotto matte." Ranma hurried off to Akane's side. "Hey, talk to me Akane. It's not like you to be like this."

"What do you care? You should be happy I'm not talking to you anymore. No more uncute, sexless, macho chick, tomboy of a fiancé will bother you and fight with you anymore. No more." Akane said falling her gaze to the ground. Why do they find the ground interesting in times like these anyway? Oh, alright, I'll go back.

Ranma didn't miss the tone of hurt in Akane's voice. 'She took them seriously?' "Maybe that's a good idea."

'Ooops wrong move.'

"GOOD. Now you're free to choose from your OTHER fiancés. This stupid engagement is off!" Hurt. That's what Akane felt right now.

"Akane..." Ranma reaches out his hand to touch her.

"Leave me alone!" Akane ran away from Ranma, eager to get home, to go to her room and cry...


Back at the Tendo dojo, Ranma was doing his katas but with a little less effort. 'She really took it seriously? Damn! Stupid mouth. Always chewing on my foot. But really, my life won't be the same if she's not included in it. She's always been there, for me, she's not just fiancée but a best friend too. Besides, I certainly don't wanna go with those other fiancées. Just the thought send shivers up and down my spine. Maybe Uuchan's not bad, but still, it's Akane. She's... well still my fiancée. [This stupid engagement is off!]Right. She's not anymore. But she has to be. She's MY fiancée. I have to win her back.'

Ranma took a shower and headed straight to Akane's room. Inside, Akane was about to doze off to dreamland when she heard a knock on the door.

"Akane? It's me, Ranma. Can we talk? Pleas I need to tell you something."

"Go away!" Akane tried as hard as she could to keep the tremble off her voice but didn't succeed.

"Akane, please, there's something I really need to tell you, and ask you."

The door opened revealing a puffy eyed Akane in her yellow pajamas. "It better be important."

"You crying? OR cried?" Ranma asked, his face faulted.

Akane started to get mad. "I said..."

"I'm sorry." Ranma bowed down. "About today, yesterday, everyday. I'm really sorry."

"Ranma..." Akane calmed down, her face softening. "Please, don't do this, to me and to yourself."

"Akane, I'm really serious. Please. Just answer if you accept my apology or not." Ranma straightened himself once again.

"Ranma, I don't really know. Everytime I forgive you, you just, well, kinda do it again, or something like it. Your apologies never seem to get anywhere. It just doesn't."

"Oh. Demo Akane... Um, well, never mind then." Ranma said, face faulting. He walked over to the door. 'Darn it! Ask her! Come on!' "Um, Akane? Just one more thing..."

"Hmm? What is it Ranma?"

"Are...Were you...well...Were you serious when you broke off the engagement? Cause if you were..."

Akane misunderstood what Ranma was trying to say. "Yeah. I am. Now go on and... go to your other fiancées. I'm just one less kawaiikune tomboy."

Ranma didn't miss the hurt in Akane's voice. "Well, I'm sure life wouldn't be the same without you. Almost everything I did here in Nerima, you were there. So a life without Tendo Akane... hmm... now what kind of life would that be?

"Ranma?" Akane stood dumbfounded.

"Oh, it's nothing. Well if you're serious then, jaa." And Ranma walked out of Akane's room. Or more of out of her life.