Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with pirates of the Caribbean.

Summery: When Jack takes Ana back to the island where she had Milly, he couldn't of foreseen what would happen, then when someone he never knew about turns up on the deck of the pearl declaring who he is, can Jack take it? Then after all that, when disaster strikes down on the small family once again will they be able to go on... or will this be the beginning of the end for Jack and Ana-Maria? JackAna.

A/N hiya! Sorry for the little wait, been busy. Anyway, this is the sequel to 'Coming home' and 'the man I am today' so if you haven't read them, then you might need to, to understand some things that are happening, cuz this time a lots going to be linked up. Well some... yeah. Anyway read it if you want to you don't have to but drop us a review! :-) Suzy x


"You said I could!" Jack sighed as he looked at Ana who was currently hissing at him, so she wouldn't wake the little girl currently curled up on her lap, asleep.

"That was 2 years ago. I thought you'd forgotten. Anyway why do you want to go back now? Half of them wont still be there." Jack hissed back, receiving a glare for what he had just said.

"No but my two friends will. You know Heather and Ester. Remember them." This time instead of whispering Ana had momentarily forgotten about her daughter asleep and shouted at the man.

"Mummy..." Ana closed her eyes as she sighed and kissed the top of her daughter's head.

"Go get into your bed Milly." Amelia's big brown eyes gazed up at her in protest.

"But I'm not tired." Ana laughed.

"Says the little girl who's just fallen asleep from exhaustion on her mothers lap. Go now." Ana pointed towards the door at the back of the cabin she shared with Jack.

"Will you come tell me a story?" this time the little girls eyes were on her father not her mother.

"Aye in minuet. Go get in, I'll come when I've finished what I was doing with yer mum." Amelia nodded as she wearily walked towards her room only to stop when she reached the closed door.

"Can't reach." Ana smiled as she got up and opened the door for the small girl, as soon as the door was closed again though she changed from motherly-Ana, to angry-Ana. It still amazed Jack at how fast her moods were still changing. So much for going back too normal!

"Before you start we can set off tomorrow ok?" Ana's face drained from the anger as she smiled tririumphantly. "But you still didn't answer my question. Why ask after 2 years? I was waiting for it in the first couple of months." Ana shrugged.

"Time wasn't right. Busy. Now timing good." Jack stood up and walked over to Ana grinning.

"You sound like Amy." Jack bent down to kiss Ana, but just as he did so a tiny cry came from the cabin next to theirs.

"Daddy, me want story!" Jack sighed.

"Isn't she asleep yet?" Ana tried to hide the grin forming on her face. Another scream for daddy was heard after Amelia got no reply the first time. "Amy I'll be there in a second. 'Shut up'" jack added the second bit under his breath. He continued to try and kiss Ana but she moved her head out of the way and pointed towards the door. "I'll be back to finish this later." Ana shook her head as she watched him disappear through to their daughter's bedroom.


Jack watched as the Ana Maria's face lit up, at the sight of the town she hadn't seen for over 2 years. For 3 months she hadn't mentioned the place, except for telling, Amelia countless time's, where they were heading to. His gave diverted to the giggles coming from the other side of him. He shook his head. He still couldn't quite come to terms, with how one little girl had, and had made such a change within his crew. Whenever they were near her, and she had their attention, they weren't so many pirates as uncles, big brother and genuinely idiots! The way they acted one minuet with her, to being in battle the next amazed him just as much as Ana's mood swings still did!

As soon as Ana had set foot off the Black Pearl. Heather who had been at the docks for one reason or another greeted her. In her hand she held that of a little boy, not much older then Milly.

As they walked through the town (Jack and Amelia with them.) they heard gunfire coming from the direction they were walking in. Frowning Heather turned to Ana.

"Do you think we should turn back, I don't want to get caught up in it." Ana shrugged and looked down the street to see a man running down it, his gun still smoking.

"Too late..." Amelia had tripped over and cried out, so when Ana turned round to make sure she was all right she didn't have enough time to move.

"Ana move!" frowning she looked back up to Heather and was greeted by several bullets from the man shooting everyone.

As she gasped in surprise, everything went blurry, then black for her as she hit the ground.

Everyone stood in stunned silence then jack bent down, and put his hand in front of her mouth, what he feared was coming true. She wasn't breathing. He place her hand over her heart only too find it not beating...



A/N PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!! I'm sorry! Please don't flame me or kill me or whatever. I didn't mean to! Well I did but that's not the point! It will all become clear as I go along, I swear! Anyway please review! Not too many hate mails because I do have a way out... hopefully... kind of... well you'll just have to wait and see. Please review, if I don't get many reviews I wont continue, and I'll just leave you hanging and not knowing what's going to happen next. Will I really make her dead or not?!?!?! Review and I'll give you cookies... and ice cream! Suzy x