The sun was sinking in the purple sky as they arrived in Transylvania. It was about three years later, and the sheep were exhausted.

"That was a long journey," Anna commented.

"Are we there yet?" Gabriel asked, earning a slap around the back of the head from Carl, which sent him flying into the nearest fruit stall. Cue one hell of a lot of crushed potatoes, and one very angry fruit stall person attempting to hit Gabriel over the head with a carrot.

"Erm... okay..." Carl muttered, as he and the rest of the gang slowly slid away.

Gabriel ran after them screaming, the occassional 'pop' coming from his torso. "I'll kill you, Carl!" he shrieked.

This may well have happened if Dracula hadn't suddenly burst into tears, and went all angsty again.

"Leave Carl alone!" he sobbed. "You don't deserve him!"

"Geez, chill, dude," Marishka said, clapping Vlad on the shoulder.

"I WILL NOT CHILL!" Dracula shouted, grabbing her by the neck and choking her. She fell dead at his feet with a small squeak.

"You killed her," Anna whispered.

"I didn't. You didn't see anything! Prove it!" Dracula gasped, stepping back.

"That's illegal," Carl said, his eyes wide and bright.

"Vladdy did a naughty thing," Gabriel said in a hushed voice.

Dracula gave a low growl. Then he flew into the night, never to be seen again, except by some fourteen year olds in a time-travel fic and Van Helsing's daughter, with who he fell in love. But those are other stories. Really.
