A/N: Marin's Pov, talking to Link. It's really dark, probably because I have an 102 temperature, I feel really awful, and I'm basically all cranky. *sob* But if you review it, maybe I'll feel better! This is probably the last thing I'll write for a while, I'm taking a major break (I think I've gotten an inferiority complex when it comes to my writing), so enjoy! Link and Marin SO belong together.
It seemed like every moment lasted
A thousand years when I was you
But now each second crumbles faster
Than each word that tears me through
The nights of rain
The days of cloud
On each star that shimmers
I pray aloud
That one night you'll awaken here
Your body left behind
Your soul alone will see you through
The twisted path of time
And destiny won't hinder you
If it could hear my tears
I swear that I will wait for you
A hundred thousand years
True love means eternity
Eternity means dreams
And only there will you find me
My constant grief a scream
Only there will you listen for once
Not a hero, just a boy
The waves will crash on sand clad shores
My soul will be your toy
You can choose reality
That world I once heard of
There you'll be alive and famed
With deeds of death and blood
But only here on Koholint
Can someone see you through
I can look past your burning eyes
I can sing for you
Of cliffs that lap up water
Of stars upon the sea
Of sleeping and yet being awake
And most of all of me
My hand can guide you anywhere
My ballad can let you hear
My heart will love your every word
And you can drain my fear
I know that dreams seem false to you
I know you can't see me
You wake up every single night
Back in reality
Take out your ocarina
And I will raise my voice
We'll sing of two worlds torn apart
And there you'll make a choice
On a wave of dreams you'll soar
Above the clouds and sea
Then you'll wake up, once again
You'll have forgotten me
I know fate's rapid ride
But still I plug my ears
And close my eyes, and purse my lips
And wipe away my tears
I know you cannot stay with me
My wings can't meet your hand
Mortality cannot touch death
Lying down you cannot stand
And so its been eternally
Until death's embrace claims me
Sooner or later, I just don't care
Without you I cannot be
The dreamless child I used to be
Upon the star spattered nights
I'll look out there, my heart will fall
Just knowing you're all right
No matter what can part us
Come life, death, or the sea
We're looking at the same stars now
And you're a part of me