So now the stories complete & I have no life but to go back and slightly edit/rewrite the chapters. Fun times, eh?

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts in any way, shape, or form.

Shattered Dreams: Chapter 1, Kairi's POV


By just looking at my life you'd say, 'Oh she's got a perfect life! Perfect boyfriend, perfect grades, everything's perfect for her!'…But it's not. My whole entire life is planned out. Not by me, but by my parents. And my so-called "boyfriend" is an inconsiderate jerk; which I'm betrothed to, to make it even worse. Once again, not my choice. As soon as I get home from school, I have to study right away to get my 'perfect grades'. If I make less than a A-…I can look forward to a night of being beaten and yelled at. Yeah I know, harsh. But this is my life, and what I'm use to…I know better to complain, I learned that the hard way when I was little. One day, I'll escape from all of this, but for now, I will just have to stay in this living nightmare.


"BEEP! BEEP!" The alarm clock buzzed repeatedly, causing me to awake and blindly reach for the snooze button. Missing the first few times, I finally managed to turn off the stupid thing. I tried to go back asleep again, but that was not exactly the best idea.

I felt a sting spread across my face and heard my mother screech, "Wake up!"

"I'm up…" I replied quietly as I stood, tears filling my eyes from the sting of her slap.

"You'd better be." She spat before walking out of the room, slamming the door closed.

Knowing I was alone, I wept silently to myself as I got ready for school. 'She use to be so nice…What could have happened?' I sighed to myself as I rushed down the stairs and out the door to escape from my parents; lowering my head so they wouldn't spot the tears. They would beat me more if they saw my tears of weakness.

"Hey, Kai, why are you crying?" A deep voice called from behind me, causing me to flinch.

"It wouldn't matter to you, Riku. It's not like you actually care about me." I replied darkly. I know his voice all too well and did not bother to turn around and face him. I think I would have screamed in frustration if I had to look him in the eyes. I was already having a bad day; I did not need this.

I could just by the tone of his voice that he was smirking, "Of course I do. We're betrothed, aren't we?"

"Don't you get it? I hate you, and I always will. That was my parents decision, not mine. If I say one word against it, they'll beat me. And you can just stop pretending that you like me, because I know that you don't. Maybe if you stop lying to my parents they'll call it off." I smiled at the thought.

"But I do like you, Kai." Riku replied huskily, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Immediately jumping back from his touch, I hissed, "Don't touch me."

"Fine." Riku retreated his hand with a deep frown, stuffing his hands in his pockets and beginning off towards the school. I sighed in relief. If he really wanted to have done something right then and there, he could of. Thank god he wasn't persistent today.

As soon as I reached the school, my two best (and only) friends greeted me; Selphie and Sora. "Hiya, Kairi!" They both gave a small wave as I approached them.

"Hi…" I sighed heavily, causing Sora to frown.

"Riku again, huh?" The brunette asked and I nodded in response.You see, even though Riku is the most popular guy in school and he supposedly tells everyone I'm his girlfriend, everyone still hates me. Selphie, I first thought kind was only being a friend to me because she felt sorry for me and she probably hoped that if being betrothed to Riku ever made me popular, she would be too because she is my friend; but she quickly proved that theory wrong. Sora I have known since we were in kindegarten. From the first day we met he has always been there for me, to comfort and defend me. Most boys I know at the school have all done something to make me dissaprove of them, but never Sora. Some of his other friends are okay with me, but they have their moments. I love them both to death, but there is one thing that bothers and embarrasses me to no end; Selphie is always trying to get me to admit that I like Sora; most of the time, infront of him. But I do not 'like', I love Sora. But of course, I was never going to admit that.

"I just wish he would just leave me alone…" I whined, crossing my arms and leaning against a nearby tree.

"I still don't get why you don't like Riku," Selphie sighed as her eyes glazed over with a dazed look, "He's so hot."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever you say, Selphie. I still think Sora is the only guy in this school that actually has emotions."

"Thanks?" Sora laughed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"I don't think so..." Selphie whimpered and blinked her emerald eyes continuously, adding a pout.

"Think what you want Selphie, but I know." I replied confidentially, standing up straight again.

"You do know why she excluded you, right Sora?" Selphie gave an evil smirk in my direction as she started.

Eyes widening and my face beginning to burn, I whispered loudly, "Selphie, no!"

"Because she liiiikes youuu!" Selphie exclaimed in a sing-song voice, bursting into laughter as she finished.

"Selphie!" I could just feel my face turning more scarlet by the second.

"It's okay, Kairi. I know she's just doing that to get on your nerves." Sora replied with what looked to be half-hearted smile.

I frowned a bit. Was he disappointed? Pretending that I had not noticed, I stuck my tongue out at Selphie triumphantly, "Ha! See that won't work anymore, Selphie!"

"Aw!" Selphie pouted, dragging her feet as she trailed along behind Sora and me as we entered the school.