The Gateway to Heaven

(A H.P and Stargate Sg-1 Crossover!)

Author's note: Right, this story may seem WAY out there, and trust me I was a little skeptical, but it's turning out better then I expected. Anyway, please review!

I own nothing to do with Stargate, nor Harry Potter. (I wish I did though)

In the small town of Surry, the heat was intensifying, the sun falling and the crickets surfacing. The residents had all but abandoned their flashy cars and dried gardens to escape, barricading themselves in their houses, air conditioners set to sub-zero and their noses pressed against the glass of their windows, waiting for the elusive sign that their cars were being stolen, a neighbor was having an affair or that wretched child, the criminal, Harry Potter was breaking their windows.

Of course in this troubled time, the only person to be found, wondering the streets in the unbearable heat was Harry Potter, his black hair grown since the end of his fifth year at Hogwarts, his green eyes focused on his feet as they walked and his lightning bolt scar on his forehead, hidden from view but his short fringe. He was making his way to the local park, his only sanctuary from his aunt and uncle, the only person floating in and out of his mind his recently deceased godfather, Sirius Black.

Harry felt anger, if nothing else at his godfathers death, he had tried and tried again to put it out of his mind, but it always floated back like a bad smell. Then his mind would fill with unexpected thoughts that always plagued him of late, sudden bursts where he would feel the need to break down and cry, or escape into another world, somewhere where his responsibilities could not follow.

But nothing ever came, no ship ever arrives to take him away, his pain remains, his insecurity grows and Harry is left feeling even worse then before.

Sitting on his usual swing, in the empty park, listening to the screech of the rusty chain, Harry was surprised to hear the sound of people approaching, the low voices, echoing in the desolate grounds.

"I can't believe Hammond sent us the England..." A strong, man's voice whined.

"Well, we have been through a lot sir." A woman stated, "And he did say we needed to relax for a while."

"But England?!" The man said in retaliation. "Why not Maui?"

"General Hammond did say O'Neill we had a mission to accomplish here." The voice belonged to another man, his deep tones where oddly soothing to Harry's jangled nerves.

"Oh yeah." The first man said in sarcasm. "Tracking down some lost Asgard ship that's been lost on Earth for centuries."

As the group came into view, Harry realized there were four people, the forth man walking alongside the others silently, a learned frown on his intelligent looking face.

The woman was the first to spot Harry. As the first man, or 'O'Neill' as the other man had called him, continued to ramble, she elbowed him in the ribs, whispering something in his ear. O'Neill looked up, stared at Harry for a moment before looking at the floor and continuing walking in silence.

Strange Harry thought, staring at the graying man in interest. Continuing past them, Harry couldn't help but notice the air around them. It was foreign, in their leather coats and army issue boots, they looked very out of place in Privet Drive.

He watched them until they were out of sight, the moon had gone behind the clouds and the blue sky was turning black. Deciding it was time he went back to the Dursley's, he left the park, the memories of the last year pushed aside as he wondered who the new people in town were. For once, since the whole ordeal, he could forget.

Turning into the alleyway between Privet Drive and Mangolia Crescent, he was surprised to hear the sounds of the wind, picking up in velocity. As it died back down, just as suddenly, Harry heard a familiar sound that made his heart miss several beats.

Six loud, echoing cracks.

"Careful." Came a familiar hiss, "Our lord wants him alive."

A sound of a curse was uttered into the air, Harry turned to duck, when it caught him on his side, without a sound he was thrown through the air, and landed painfully on the hard cement of the empty Privet Drive.

Running feet could be heard in the alley, turning, his ribs aching he prepared himself for a fight.

But the fight was never meant to be his.

The sounds of guns firing could be heard, the strangers, the four of them holding handguns, came pelting from the shadows on Privet Drive.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Harry screamed loudly, falling to his knees, as the three men and one woman sprinted toward the death eaters.

Gripping his hair with his hands, head bowed and eyes clamped shut, tears slowly rolled down his cheeks, unable to be strong, unable to but on a brave face, Harry blocked out the world, trying to ignore the screams coming from the passage.

But they came anyway.

Until he couldn't listen to them anymore.

Standing up, anger pounding through his veins, Harry began to lose control.

"RicktaSempra!" He screamed, knowing his anger would make the spell more powerful then he could ever have imagined....

Suddenly everyone was left on the ground, Harry's world was spinning, night became day, and people became blurred, before he fell to his side, darkness, taking hold.

Waking to a gentle prodding to his ribs was terrifying. Expecting to open his eyes and look into the cold, grey eyes of a death eater, he wrenched them open, gasping as he saw the eyes of a woman, blue, sea blue, her blonde hair falling around her face.

"Are you alright?" She asked, leaning back at his obvious fear.

Harry recognized her as the woman from the group..

"Carter?" Came the voice of 'O'Neill'. Harry looked over to see him and the two other men staring at something on the ground. A pool of red liquid.


"Oh god." She whispered, as she turned to look at the gooey pool.

"Carter..." Said Harry, testing it on his tongue. The woman looked back at him, smiling.

Suddenly Harry realised something.

He had used magic. Again.

Scanning the sky, Harry expected to hear the sounds of a broom zooming down on him, or the sound of an owl hoot as it brought his expulsion papers.

But none came.

"Let's get the kid home." O'Neill said, business like.

"My name is Harry. Harry Potter."

The academic looking man stepped forward.

"I'm Daniel, Harry, Daniel Jackson. This is Murry, (Daniel waved toward the man wearing a large bucket hat), this is Major Samantha Carter, (Carter waved at Harry) and this is Colonel Jack O'Neill." The graying man grinned, a large, goofy smile, that made Harry grin back, a grin which easily reached him eyes.

Daniel grinned.

"Are you parents around here somewhere?" He asked, the remnants of his grin sliding off his face.

Harry winced inwardly, as the strangers all looked at him.

"My parents are dead." He said, without emotion.

Daniel and the Colonel glanced at each other.

"Well, where do you live?" Asked Daniel, an apologetic look filtering into his expressive blue eyes.

"In the house over there with my aunt, uncle and cousin."

"Can we walk you there?"

Harry's eyes narrowed. Primary school, and Alaster Moody had always warned him never to talk to strangers, but then, these people had tried to save his life.


They all walked along, O'Neill speaking on a cell phone, just out of hearing range for a minute, before catching up the group.

"So, where are you from?" Harry asked Daniel, who was walking beside him.

"How do you know we're not from around here?"

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You're the only other people around here who look like me." He said plainly, thinking of the snobs living around him.

"America." Jackson grinned. "Colorado actually. We're here on holiday."

Harry nodded, silently wishing he lived anywhere but here.

"Can we ask you something?" Daniel asked, as they stopped outside the Dursley's.


"Who where those people that attacked you?"

Harry winced. He had expected this question.

"I can't tell you." He said neatly. "It would jeopardize your safety."

He felt the others wince.

"Trust us." Daniel said calmly. "We're in the military, we can take care of ourselves."

"It would break the rules!" Harry said loudly, regretting his voice volume instantly.

"What rules?" O'Neill said, stepping forward.

"I can't say."

"What is going on?" Came a loud voice from the door of the Dursley's house.

Harry just wanted to curl up and vanish into thin air...

"Hello sir." Said Daniel, stepping over the low garden wall. Vernon stepped back.

"Keep away from me!" He said, hands gripping the door. "I know you're here for the boy! Take him! I don't want him! Just stay away from my family!"

Harry could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he sensed O'Neill, Carter and Murry scanning his appearance. His torn, too large jeans, his worn, faded out too big tee shirt and his floppy, busted sneakers.

"Sir?" Asked Daniel, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Yelled Vernon, as Petunia and Dudley came and stood behind him, looking at the new visitors. "I refuse to have wizards an witches in my house! That's it I say! No more! Keep the boy! Take him back to that freak school! With his spell books and wands...!"

Daniel now raised both eyebrows, as Harry felt his insides withering. They were muggles! He silently screamed at Vernon.

The door slammed loudly, Daniel and the rest of them stared at the door for a moment before turning back to Harry.

"They were your relatives? The ones you live with?"


"Oh." They sat in awkward silence for a moment. "Well. What now?"

Harry cringed, looking at the sky for the sound of impending brooms.

"My uncle and aunt will not let me back until next summer."

"Why?" Asked Carter, incredously.

"September first I go to,....boarding school."

"During Christmas?" Jack asked, astounded.


Daniel looked at Carter, Carter looked at O'Neill, O'Neill looked at the silent Murry, who stared at Harry.

"What now?" Asked Daniel. "Do you have anywhere to stay?"

Harry shook his head, looking longingly into his bedroom window.

"I have plenty of places. With no way to contact any of them."

"Ah. Well, our apartment has a telephone..."

Harry remembered Hermione's last letter, vaguely.

Hey Harry,

Well, I really do hope your having a good summer, I am with Ron at Lupin's, Dumbledore says it won't be long before 'it' starts, and we have to prepare, and since Lupin knew I was in charge of S.P.E.W, well, he got me talking to the house elves.

Ron says it's a waste of time, but it has to be done. I asked Dumbledore, he said you can come over a bit later, I think he is afraid You know who is going to come after you next. Please, be safe and don't wonder too much.

We'll get you out of there as soon as we can.


P.s: Ron says hi, and to tell you as of yet, there is no news.

Harry shook his head.

"I don't know where they are, or any telephone numbers."

"Ah. Well, what can we do?"

"I could try talking to this uncle again.." Daniel suggested, staring at Harry strangely.

"I don't want to go back."

"Oh." Said Daniel. Harry could just see Daniel's mind screaming 'I know why.'

"Well, you can come with us." O'Neill suggested. "Murry here makes a good omelet."

Harry stared.

"I can't impose. Anyway, I need to get my stuff."

A little voice at the back of Harry's mind said teasingly;

'Knight Bus, Knight Bus....'

Harry ignored it.

"We should be able to get your stuff." O'Neill said slowly, sizing the length from the next door's roof to the window Harry had been staring at.

An hour or so later, when the everything was thrown into darkness, after several disagreements, O'Neill, Carter and Daniel had convinced him to go with them.

They were all now, crawling quietly through his bedroom window, which O'Neill had been kind enough to unlock.

The landed on his bedroom floor, Harry could hear the sound of his uncle's snores.

"I need my trunk." He whispered to O'Neill. "It's in the cupboard under the stairs."

O'Neill, or 'Jack' as he had been asked to be called, nodded and took Murry as they sneaked out the door. When Harry pulled out his broom, trying to hide it from sight, he could feel Carter and Daniel stare in disbelief.

Crawling underneath his bed, he pulled out his pillowcase of stuff from under the loose floorboard, accidentally hitting his head on the bed's metal frame as he crawled out.

Wincing and rubbing his forehead, he sat up, when he heard Carter gasp.

Before he knew what was happening, the Major had pulled back his fringe, exposing his lightning bolt scar.

"What happened?" She breathed, as Daniel stepped closer to look.

Harry's stomach turned.

"It happened when my parents were murdered." He said, biting his lower lip.

"When did it happen?" Daniel asked quietly.

"When I was a baby. I don't even remember them."

"Mine died too." Daniel whispered, clapping a hand onto Harry's shoulder. "Your not alone."

Harry nodded, digesting this new information.

A minute later, as Harry gathered his final things, O'Neill and Murry reappeared, a suspicious frown placed on O'Neill's face.

Uh oh.

Where they on to him?


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