My name is Ayumu Kasuga.
I live in a dream.
It is my glorious haven
and my gloomy prison.
it doesn't matter,
the dream follows me
wherever I may go.

Is it real?
Does it matter?
The dream is always there
so why question it,
even as it warps and changes,
becoming wonderful
or horrifying?

You might wonder how I got here,
my own little world,
this dreamscape I built
of air and light...
but my friends don't.

We're all so happy
so cheerful, clean and bright...
they'd never imagine
that I was driven here.
They'd never consider
that I'm hiding.

And why tell them?
My voyage from old Osaka
to mighty Tokyo
was to be a new beginning,
an awakening,
an end to the endless dream
and the start of my true

But it is not so easy,
for here or there
I am still who I am
a small,
nothing from Osaka.

And so for my parents
it was a new beginning.
An end to the shouting,
slammed doors
and awful silences...

And for they, too,
it was not so easy,
though they try every day.

My parents,
through their problems,
and it gives them hope
to win in the end.

And through the dream
I yearn.
For who I could be,
if I awaken.
And it gives me hope.

Someday I will awaken,
and blossom,
and shine,
and show the real world
just what it's been missing!

Or is that another dream?