A/N: I own the plot and the characters not recognisable from the books

The lyrics at the beginning are from 'More to Life' by Stacie Orrico

Well here it is the long anticipated (HA!) sequel to Passion Rules Us All And We Obey We Have No Choice, this is just a taster, if ppl dont like it i wont continue it. I may take a while to update this because I've only just started my other one and am only writing this because I got threatened lol there also won't be much D/G action, sorry bout that, but there will be some I swear. R&R plz ppl!

Full Summary: Years after kendra was defeated, Draco and Ginny's child is in her 7th year at Hogwarts and is unaware of the part she must play in the prophecy started all those years ago. but when she meets and gets to know her would-be killer, who is hell-bent on destroying everything that is good in the world, can she bring herself to kill the only man who ever understood her fully?

Chapter One – Dreams

I've got it all, but I feel so deprived
I go up, I come down, and I'm emptier inside
Tell me what is this thing that I feel like
I'm missing and why can't I let it go?

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing out every temporary high to satisfy me
'Cause the more that I
Trippin' up thinkin' there must be more to life
Well, there's life, but I'm sure
There's gotta be more

Appleby Malfoy shuddered and glanced up at the dormitory door to see who had accompanied the cold chill into her room. But instead of her shockingly silver-grey eyes meeting those of her best friend; Shari Carne's own pretty hazel ones they met only two pools of seething black hatred in a completely obscured face. She sat up slowly and watched soundlessly as the slender figure stepped into the room and closed the door softly behind them, silently approaching Appleby as she watched in morbid fascination as the long pale hands advanced on her throat. Finally a scream tore through her throat, escaping his squeezing fingers, as her fingernails scrabbled against the smooth surface of his gloves.

"Appleby! Appleby, wake up! It was only a dream. Appleby!"

Appleby jerked awake and stared up into the concerned brown eyes of Shari. It took a few seconds for her throat to catch up with her eyes and when it finally did she stopped her piercing shrieks and sat up shakily.

"What time is it?" She mumbled hoarsely.

"About four thirty on a Saturday morning." Shari grumbled back, already snuggling back into her own bed and drifting back to sleep.

Appleby reached up and placed a hand on her wildly beating heart; it felt like a drum roll was playing out against her ribs and she cast a quick nervous glance around the room. Nothing was out of the ordinary; no half-crazed axe-murderer in sight and she sighed heavily before rolling over in her heavy green quilts. Her last thought before sleep claimed her was the hatred in those eyes, it was beyond hatred; it was pure poisonous loathing mixed with something that looked oddly like affection. Appleby shook the thoughts out of her head and laid her head against the silver silk pillow waiting for oblivion to return her to a subconscious state.

Ginerva Malfoy jerked awake in the luxurious black and silver four-poster bed she shared with her husband and clutched at her heart frantically. Slowly the room focused and she recognised the huge mahogany wardrobe in the corner, the dark outline of the window directly in front of her and the empty fireplace to her right. After tracing her eyes over the few other pieces of priceless furniture in the room she sighed and lay back down next to her husband who was watching her in silence.

Sighing again she wriggled into his arms and snuggled her head into the crook of his neck as he settled her into his arms, stroking her back through the thin lace of her white strappy night-gown.

"What was it?"

His voice was soft in her ear and she pushed back her dark red curls out of his way, her hair mixing with his platinum locks on the dark green silk pillow.

"Nothing, just a nightmare that wasn't mine."

Anyone else would have been confused but Draco nodded and increased the pressure of his stroking on her back until goose-bumps had sprung up all over her body.

"Well now that you've woken me up, you'll have to tire me out again."

Ginny grinned at the wickedness in his voice and snaked her hand down his chest towards the edge of his black pyjama pants, tickling the soft flesh there just below the waistband but not too far down as his lips moved to his favourite spot on her neck; just below her pulse point. His hand crept up the hem of her short night-dress to gently knead the soft flesh he found there, their laboured breathing was still getting heavier when a heartbreaking cry sounded from the next room and Draco laughed at the mutinous expression on Ginny's face as she drew away from him and half-lifted her head off the pillow to listen as the cry sounded again.

"If you find it so bloody funny you go and sort her out, she's your daughter as well."

Draco raised a silver-blond eyebrow at his smirking wife and leant over to kiss her on the lips once more;

"Don't move, I'll back to finish what was started."

Ginny edged kisses up his temple seductively as he slowly pulled away and stumbled out of the bed towards the door. Ginny grinned when she heard him trip over a dozen toys and pieces of furniture he should have known were there as he made his way down the hall towards their youngest daughter's room.

"Hush, Thaila hush."

Draco's soft voice reverberated through the whole deserted floor as he gently soothed his daughter back to sleep with a sense of patience and care no one would ever have thought him capable of possessing.

Hearing him making his way back down the hall Ginny raised herself up on one elbow so the strap on her left shoulder slipped down her arm as he gently closed the door behind him. She could just make out his outline as he rubbed his hands together gleefully;

"Now... where were we..."

"Good morning ladies, hope you're decent. Even better if you're not."

A cheeky voice rang through the rather small room of the seventh year Slytherin girls' dormitory and one of its two sleepy inhabitants groaned and fought her way out of her sheets to wake herself properly, glancing around and taking in the two already empty beds of her fellow Slytherins and the still sleeping form of Appleby.

"Matt?" Shari mumbled, staggering out of bed and falling face first into the empty bed besides her as her twin brother lifted her up and set her on the way to the bathroom.

"What did you two do last night? You look barely human."

A second voice joined the room as a figure tumbled onto Shari's bed and watched as Shari rubbed her sleep-darkened eyes and stretched up onto her tiptoes before staggering into the bathroom.

"Shurrup!" Shari grinned around her toothbrush as she appeared in the bathroom door immediately after, her short mahogany hair ruffled and her eyes puffy.

"I'll have you know that Appleby had a nightmare at four thirty this morning and was screaming for five minutes before I could wake her up." She continued.

The three of them looked over to where Appleby was beginning to stir, she rolled over so tat she was facing Shari's bed and let out a gasp of horror before taking a closer look and rolling her eyes. It was only Finn Peters from her double Transfiguration and Shari's current boyfriend with one eyebrow raised and an amused smirk on his face.

Appleby had refused to admit even to herself that she had once had a crush on Finn, and she had been doubly glad when Shari had smugly announced they were dating to the school, surprisingly he had lasted longer than Shari's other boyfriends; almost four months now. Again and again Appleby had struggled to see how those two manage such a relationship when they were so opposite; Shari was confident and outgoing, never thinking before she spoke but always smoothing any ruffled feathers over afterwards with her masses of oozing charm. She had short russet locks in a wild choppy-layered haircut and huge brown eyes usually enhanced by a lot of dark greens and black eye make-up framed by a strikingly beautiful face with high cheekbones and creamy smooth skin.

She was curvy rather than chunky and always managed to look gorgeous with the least effort no matter what she was wearing, take now for instance; she was in a short strappy pink top and even smaller white shorts with her hair stuck up in all directions and make-up from last night's party smeared on her cheekbones and she still looked like it had all been done as part of a photo shoot or something.

Finn, however, instead of having movie-star good looks like Matthew or some of the other guys they all hung with, had more toned-down good-looks with big puppy dog brown eyes, a few freckles splattered across his sculpted cheeks and nose that enhanced his looks rather than marred them and shoulder-length sandy hair that was naturally wavy and fell into his eyes a lot. He blushed easily for a Slytherin and had an adorable smile that gave most girls thoughts they'd never dare mention in front of her parents.

Like his looks he was quiet most of the time due to an uncanny shyness rarely founding Slytherin, but he could be amazingly sharp with a cutting come-back if he was pushed or just in the mood for a battle of wits. He was also long and lean with a grace evident even now as he was sprawled across Shari's unmade bed in jeans and a green shirt. The mystery of those two was too complicated for Appleby on a Saturday morning and she mumbled her apologies before lurching off the bed towards the dressing table.

"Morning people."

A third voice joined the room and plopped onto the end of Appleby's now vacated bed, Cecy Benedict stretched out her legs and leaned back on her elbows;

"I'm exhausted; I've just spent all morning in the gym. Anyone fancy going into Hogsmeade later for outfits?"

Shari was stood besides Appleby, harshly tugging a brush through her hair; her face now free of last night's make-up and scrunched up in a confused yet adorable expression;


Cecy shook her head making her short raven-coloured hair arc around her as she watched Shari.

"For Felicity McClarence's party next week. Remember she was ill and missed all the others in the first two weeks so she's having one now. Honestly Shari; if your head wasn't screwed on you'd loose it."

As muttered agreements rose throughout the room Appleby slipped into the bathroom and set about fixing the car-wreck of her face. She scrubbed off the remains of last night's make-up and brushed her teeth vigorously, then she pulled a brush through her long silky blonde hair. Her hair never failed to amaze people when she informed them it was natural as it was such an odd colour; whiter than arctic blonde almost white-silver. Pushing two black slides into one side of her hair to keep it away from her face she set about renewing her make-up.

When she emerged she received a chorus of wolf-whistles from Matt and Finn and she spun around for them making her hair banner out around her head. The dream and the terror from last night were beginning to fade and she had begun to feel her usual bubbly, sarcastic self again. She let the conversation flow over her head as she pulled on a pair of loose dark blue jeans under a black skirt and a short-sleeved black top with a white one just visible attached to it underneath. She pulled on a chunky black belt with silver square studs glittering in it and rested it diagonally around her hips on top of the skirt, attaching her double chain from her skirt to it and pulling her hair up into a neat bun with two black barrettes thrust through it to hold it in place.

Shari finally emerged from the bathroom again in a short powder-blue dress with long flowing sleeves and slouched down besides Appleby who was pulling on her scuffed steel-toed boots, to tug on her chunky blue sandals.

"Everyone ready for Hogsmeade?"

Cecy's voice was muffled behind her hand as she sneakily applied some of Shari's designer pale coral lip-stick to her mouth.

"Are you going like that?" Matthew demanded as she got to her feet along with the rest of their friends.

"What's wrong with this?" Cecy replied sharply as she gestured down at her outfit.

Appleby knew exactly what was wrong with it; Cecy was dressed in a skin-tight red body-stocking tucked into a pair of equally tight black trousers that were moulded to her body. Appleby watched the possession in Matthew's eyes and knew he couldn't stand the thought of any other guy seeing her like that and getting ideas.

"Oh come on, Matt! We've been together since third year; I'm not going to cheat on you!" Cecy snapped irritably.

Matthew continued to glare at Cecy's enticing body for a while before finally letting his hand-some face split into a movie-star grin as Cecy sauntered over to him, pushing his long blond hair out of his dark chocolate eyes and leading him out of the room playfully.

"You guys go on ahead, there's something I need to do."

Shari waved Finn and Appleby out of the room, slamming the door behind them on the silent hallway. Appleby suddenly found herself alone in the corridor with Finn, glancing up at him she caught him doing the same to her and they both quickly averted their eyes and headed down the stairs towards the Common Room.

Appleby tried to relax once they were on the moving staircase that carried them up to the back entrance of the Entrance Hall but Finn's close proximity was dulling her senses. Breathing in harshly her nostrils filled with his soft earthy aftershave making her nose tingle, glancing up she saw caught sight of him trying to avoid her eyes and she lowered them to stare at the rise and fall of his chest instead. The loose short-sleeved shirt he was wearing over the rather tight white t-shirt was straining slightly against his biceps and it occurred to Appleby that she had never noticed how athletic his body was before now.

The second the stairway reached the Entrance Hall Appleby darted off and leant back against the wall, watching the moving stairways for any sign of Shari in the midst of the crowds of Slytherins continuously leaving the stairways and stopping to talk to Appleby and eye Finn curiously. In the end Appleby sighed and made her way over to the long desk where a single coloured disc lay besides each of the giant hourglasses that tracked each houses' House Points.

Appleby slumped on to the bench before the desk and placed her hand over the glowing green disc, an arrow of green light shot up through her fingers as she spoke and Finn dropped down next to her;

"Seventh year Slytherin girl's dormitories; Shari Carne."

The beam of light between her fingers widened into another disc balancing in the air and Shari's face appeared in its depths as Appleby called her name again, she looked up and collapsed onto the seat before the identical disc of Appleby's face in the dormitory.

"Shari? Are you ever going to get down here? Cecy and Matt got here ages ago!" Appleby grumbled into the disc.

Her attraction to Finn was making her feel guilty which she knew was the only reason she was making such a big deal out of Shari's legendary tardiness.

"I have a whole essay to do for transfiguration that has to be in tomorrow, you guys go ahead and I'll try and get into town as soon as I can."

Appleby's heart sank as she looked at Finn chattering about Quidditch to a couple of fellow Slytherins.

"Oh Shari, can't it wait?!" Appleby pleaded desperately, turning back to the disc where Shari was watching her curiously.

"Sorry, Appleby. No can do, I swear every time that old bat gives us a piece of homework I get an inch closer to suicide."

Appleby laughed and said goodbye before withdrawing her hand from the disc and turning to Finn who was once more alone and watching her.

"We're on our own it seems."

Finn grinned and offered her his arm before pulling her into the Great Hall for breakfast, where they received a lot of funny looks along with the usual disgust from the Griffindors. Holding her head high, Appleby stalked right past the other tables towards the Slytherin table at the opposite end and dropped into a seat besides Cecy and Matthew, immediately being dragged into a heavy debate about Slytherin's Quidditch chances now Gabriella Potter was Captain of the Griffindor team.