Disclaimer: Nothing recognisable here belongs to me.

Not Long Now

By DistinctVagueness

Hermione stared silently out of the tower window, her gaze listlessly sweeping the grounds. She felt cold in the early morning light but made no effort to pull her dressing gown tighter around her. It was an alien feeling. Just a few hours ago, she'd felt as warm as she ever could.

"Hermione?" Ginny Weasley sank down beside her on the bed.

The Head Girl turned her eyes to the petite redhead. Her question was unspoken.

Ginny brushed a strand of chestnut from the older girl's eyes, whilst lowering her own. "Dumbledore dismissed him," she said softly. "It was…awful. He just looked at him and then left the room."

Hermione closed her eyes. Just like him, she realised. He'd always sworn to leave Hogwarts if he, for whatever reason, didn't adhere to the rules. And now, when he hadn't committed any true crime, he simply lifted his strong chin in answer and…left. Gave up. Quit. Didn't return.

"Has he…" she swallowed. "Has he left?"

Ginny looked at her sorrowfully. "I don't know. They would have seen us if we had stayed."

Hermione fervently held back the tears that suddenly stung her eyelids. She had promised herself she wouldn't cry. They'd known that it could come to this. She'd known that if he left, she would have to go on. Learn to forget him, he'd said. But they had come so close. She'd completed her N.E.W.Ts and almost reached the end of the school year. Almost. How typical for Fate to turn on them now.

She quickly rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and exhaled slowly. No. She wouldn't allow herself to fall now. It was best to keep it inside until she was home. She could lock the door and hide with a box of tissues for as long as she wanted, then.

This was her home, she realised, with a start. Night after night, returning to his quarters had felt more like returning to her own. She'd even hoped that someday, that would be true.


She turned to Ginny.

"I'm so sorry. If I'd just held back Harry and Ron…I could have tried harder to explain, I co-"

She was cut off by a weak smile from Hermione. "Ginny, I'm not angry with you. I know you did all you could have to keep them from finding me. It was my fault for going down there last night, that's all."

"Harry and Ron…they didn't know. They weren't happy to find out where'd you'd been but they never wanted to cause all this."

"I know." Hermione sighed. "Where are they?"

"Downstairs." Regarding her friend, Ginny chose her words carefully. "Do you want to talk to them?"

Wearily, Hermione shook her head. "Right now…I don't know. It'll be easier…later. They'll ask questions I don't want to answer yet. I'll see them at breakfast. I just need to think."

"Do you want me to go?"

"Would you mind?"

Ginny shook her head. "I'll be around if you need me," she promised, before giving her friend a warm hug. On her way to the door, she turned. Hermione had closed her eyes, and as she watched, a solitary tear slipped down her cheek.

"You love him, don't you?" It was a statement, not a question.

"I love him," Hermione whispered. For the first time, Ginny saw Hermione as she really was. There had been times when she had simply seen her friend as a knowledge driven workaholic. There didn't seem to be any passion in her life at all. When the studious brunette had eventually folded and told Ginny her most guarded secret, to describe the redhead's reaction as surprised would have been an understatement. But still, Hermione had kept the relationship under wraps, never showing a hint of her true feelings. Now though, Ginny doubted anyone with a brain cell who saw her now, could mistake the depth of her emotions.

The girl before her looked utterly heartbroken. Ginny felt suddenly guilty for ever having reservations about the relationship. With one last look back at Hermione, Ginny closed the door softly behind her.

She was settled in his lap, head against his chest. Severus stopped in his reading as he felt her small hand reaching up to touch his cheek. It crept to his lips, tracing them softly and he pressed a kiss to her palm.

"Not long now," she whispered. "Just another day." His black eyes locked onto her own intensely. As silly and lovesick as it sounded, Hermione honestly felt her heart stop every time he smiled. Even now it was a rare thing and the fact that it was never bestowed upon anyone else made her smile in return.
She craned her head upwards to kiss his lips. She shifted in his lap to gain easier access to his face, her hands tangled in his hair. His lips opened to give her access to her searching tongue. He tasted like the mild alcohol he'd consumed earlier, honey and something else. Hermione sighed happily against him as he began to trail butterfly kisses along her jaw line and her neck. It wasn't long before he stood up, her legs wrapped around his waist and lips locked. As he reached his bedroom door, Hermione held out a hand, stopping him.

"No," she said breathily. "Here."

She could have laughed at the surprised expression on his face, but chose to use her mouth for better purposes. He carried her across the room, swept the papers from his desk and placed her gently down upon it. There was a second when neither moved. Hermione felt all inhibitions drowning in the look he was giving her. It never failed to amaze her just how this man changed when they were out of the public's view. He seemed obsessed with her every detail and gave her all of his attention. Mind you, she thought, it's not like I'm any different.

Slowly, he traced one long finger down between her breasts and along her stomach, magically undoing buttons as he went. Shivering, she reached up undo his shirt. As she went to kiss him, she let the garment fall to the floor.

That's when it all went wrong.

Without warning, the door of the office flew open. Hermione gasped and used her blouse to cover herself as she met the eyes of the Headmaster. There was no twinkling, just a cold and foreboding blue.

For once, Severus was speechless, but Hermione could see the unwritten horror in his eyes. She went numb as she saw him close up all his emotions and turn.

Albus Dumbledore was also wordless. For the first time, Hermione truly feared the aged Headmaster. His expression was taut with anger. She jumped as he addressed her.

"Miss Granger. Dress yourself and return to your dormitory."

As she went, she took a last lingering glance at Severus and fled. She didn't care much that her blouse was hanging open. She didn't notice the identical looks of horror two of her best friends as she ran by, tears fallings down her cheeks and bra clearly on display.

Ginny Weasley glared at both her boyfriend and brother before going after her.

Silence reigned between four people at Hogsmeade station. Hermione looked pale and drawn. Ginny had an arm around her. On the opposite side, Harry and Ron were staring at their suitcases, darting unbelieving glances at Hermione.

Hermione could feel every covert look as if it were stinging her. She longed for her room and the window she could stare out of for hours, crying as freely as she wanted. Nothing eased the pain of the fact that Severus had left her. Alone with nothing. If only she could live that night again...it was her fault. If she'd not 'suggested' his office, if she'd tried to stand up for him, refused to leave at the Headmaster's command.

She'd have gone with him. Hermione knew it in her bones. It scared her how ready she was to jump into his arms and leave everything else behind her.


Startled, she looked up. "What?"

Harry was watching her. "Look, whatever that was last night-"

"I think it was pretty clear," muttered Ron. Ginny shot him an angry look.

"Whatever it was," continued Harry, "We can get past it. He obviously took advantage of you and we don't think you're to blame." He smiled gently at her and reached out to take her hand. "We're here for you. We're not angry, just a bit…confused."

Hermione fought to keep her anger down. She drew her hand away. "I can see that," she answered softly. She put down her suitcase and started to walk away. Ginny began after her, but she turned. "No, it's okay. I'll be back by the time the train gets here. I just need to…" She smiled slightly at the redhead before carrying on.

A little way from the group of excited students, Hermione took a seat on a nearby bench, staring over at the castle. She blinked away the sudden tears that stung her eyes. She was tired of crying. It didn't seem to have a purpose anymore. It only served to make the pain in her chest increase.

Hermione suddenly realise that someone had sat down beside her.

"Not saying your goodbyes, Miss Granger?"

Hermione stared at the Headmaster. "I have already said them," she said finally.

Dumbledore nodded gravely. "Well, if I were you, I'd occupy my mind with something other than unpleasant memories, Miss Granger. You dwell on this matter needlessly. It has been dealt with and you should not worry anymore. I do not believe you were to blame." He smiled kindly and patted her shoulder.

Teeth clenched, Hermione forced herself to smile back at him. The smile froze as she glimpsed something over his shoulder.

Nearby, there were a few trees scattered around. Leaning against one tree was a tall, black shape. Hope hit Hermione so hard that she almost felt her heart stop.

At Hermione's expression, Dumbledore turned to see what she was gazing at. His smile fell instantly.

"Miss Granger, there is a train waiting for you. I suggest that you board it with your friends and prepare for the future that was made for you. Do not allow yourself to be dragged down by something that never was."

But Hermione had stopped listening. Slowly, she stood up. Her eyes fixed firmly on one thing, she began to walk forward before breaking into a run. She prayed that he wasn't a mirage. She reached him in disbelief before reaching out to touch his face. As she felt the stubble of his unshaven cheek, she burst into tears.

"I thought you were gone."

"So did I," he replied quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and holding her to him. "But as it turns out, there's something here I cannot leave behind."

Hermione stared back at him. At her unsure expression, he laughed softly. In answer he lowered his head to meet her lips.

The entire student body of Hogwarts had frozen in their activities, dropping bags and suitcases and staring from the windows of the train. They watched, aghast, as the Head Girl threw herself at their dreaded Potions teacher. There was no doubt that she was kissing him willingly back, arms around his neck, her body moulded against his own.

"Take me with you," she whispered as he traced the outline of her face.

"You are sure? Hermione if-"

In reply she kissed him again. Now, instead of tears, a grin was adorning her face. She clasped his hand. "Yes, Professor.

"I'm sure."