Disclaimer: I no own… you no sue… Hey, why sue me when Aoki Takao can sue Yuji Naka or Maki Murakami for the similarities in their characters? ;;;

NV: And we are back!

Kuro: Much to her amusement and my dismay. --6

Max: The story is starting to become interesting though. Right?

Kuro: Sort of. Also, my dear friend Krazy Kitty will be making an appearance here.

NV: Yay!

Max: Continue reading if you want to know what she looks like!

Act 2: The script has arrived!

Takao woke up the next morning seeing red. For a while he thought he was just seeing things but then the red thing moved and proceeded to shake him. [1]

"Ne… I don't want to wake up…."

"No option, Kinomiya. Get up before I decide to pour water over you," 'it' said.

The dragon groaned and rolled over, entangling himself in his bed sheets. Then he muttered something Yuri couldn't hear but he was pretty fed up with the blunette anyway. He stood up from where he had been kneeling on the floor, grabbed the sheet, and pulled.


Takao promptly fell from his bed as Yuri spread the sheets back on the bed [2].

"Itai… Why did you do that?"

Yuri didn't look in the direction of the younger boy, partially aware that Takao was trying to get his attention.

"Because if I didn't you would never have gotten up."

"I would've. Eventually…"

Takao looked at the clock on his bedside table.

"It's 8:00 in the morning, in case you're curious," Yuri said and sat down on Takao's bed.

The Japanese boy looked at the Russian redhead for a while, and then realized that he was still in his pajamas, a green long-sleeved shirt and some loose white pants. Yuri was already fully dressed in a loose sleeveless shirt and white pants with an orange stripe running down each leg. [3].


"I'll leave so you can get changed."

A smile.

The red head turned to leave before the blunette spoke up again.

"Do you know when that Kitty person and that Kitsune freak [4] will come?"

"No. Get changed, Boris is helping your Grandfather with breakfast."

"Hai, Yuri-kun! [5]"

Yuri blushed a bit, but Takao didn't notice due to the fact that Yuri had his back turned to him, and left the room.

He and his team had stayed in the dojo. Rei and Daichi were staying at Max's house and Kyoujou's house respectively since they both refused the offer to stay at the family dojo because of Neoborg staying there. The lavender haired boy had suggested that they bring a spare change of clothing because it was a lot warmer in Japan than in Russia, which both the redhead and blonde agreed to.

"So did you manage to wake the little dude, my man?"

"Yes, sir."

"Don't call me that. Makes me feel old! I just chided my homie here on that. You Neoborg members are too military! Ha ha ha!"

"I pity Takao for having this nutcase as a grandfather," the falcon whispered quietly to his captain.

Boris was wearing a tank top and cargo pants. All the members of Neoborg had dog tags for identification and it had become a habit to wear it under, or in this case over, their shirts. [6]

"Then what do you want us to call you?"

"Well, Yuri, you lot can call me 'Grandpa' as far as I'm concerned! My grandson was right, you dudes really aren't that bad. Ha ha!" the senior laughed.

"Jii-san, are you scaring Yuri and Boris with your strange-and-barely-understandable lingo?" the blunette was standing in the doorway wearing a light blue shirt and his usual gray pants. An elastic was in his hand because he hadn't tied up his hair, which hung down slightly past his waist.

"Little dude, you have to tell them to chill, otherwise they just clam up on ya!"

"Eh heh. Gomen ne, Yuri-kun. So is breakfast ready yet?"

"Almost. Sergei! Lend a hand here and help set the table, will you?" Boris replied before yelling at the blonde as he passed the door.


"Don't worry, I'll do it!" the blunette tied his hair back into a low ponytail and smiled at the burly blonde before getting the cutlery and exiting into the dinning room.

Sergei blinked once before Yuri made him get the plates because he was getting cups and Jii-san and Boris was serving the food.


Everyone was in the backyard once more and were either talking or leaning against walls being anti-social, such as Kai, Yuri and Boris.

"So when will they get here?" Daichi asked the chief.

"Don't know. Maybe in half an hour?" he answered.

"Couldn't they get here sooner?"

"I don't know…"


"What the? Who is that?"


"Crud. It's freak no.1 and freak no.2," Takao muttered.

"KAWAII!!!" the dragon fell with a yelp as a multicoloured blur tackled him to the ground. [7]

"Kitsune…" the other girl, a blonde neko-jin with blue eyes said in an exasperatrd tone. She turned and faced the stoned faced members of the acting crew and apologized quickly.

"Uh… someone please get her off of me," the blunette pointed to the girl attached around his waist.

Kai and Yuri immediately proceeded to pull Kitsune off, none to gently.

"Itai, be gentle! Anyway," the bespectacled girl dusted herself off, "this is my friend Kitty."

Kitty smiled psychotically towards Takao and promptly got glared at by Hiromi, Kai and Yuri.

"So hand out the scripts."

"Here you go! The scripts are in the bag… Go get them yourselves!" then she broke into peals of psychotic laughter.

Hiromi was glaring daggers at the two intruding girls before she went and got her script from the aforementioned bag.

"So, do you want us to practice with each other or by ourselves?" the lavender haired boy asked while flipping through the script.

"Your choice. Now, come on, Kitty, we have to go back and check on the others to see if the costume making is going fine," Kitsune said while dragging the blonde neko off back to their bikes.

While Kitty was being dragged off she managed to yell one last thing:

"Kitsune is right Takao! You do look like a girl, I didn't believe her before but now I do! HA HA HA!"

Boris turned to the blunette before smirking at the blush on Takao's face.

"What do you call that shade of red, Kinomiya?"


"Hey, want to practice together Takao?"


The blue dragon looked up at the wolf and looked around.

"Anou… Ok. I just don't want to do the… that scene."

At this point Hiromi and Kai were each glaring daggers at the Russian boy.

'If he tries anything with Takao then I swear…' Hiromi thought.

Ideas on how to kill the red headed Russian slipped in and out of Kai's mind. One particular thought was a bit too bloody so Kai discarded the idea.

"Are you sure that you don't want to practice that scene?"

As Takao blushed turned yet another deeper shade of red, Kai pulled that thought out of the discard pile.

'Then again, maybe this idea isn't too bloody.'

"I don't really.."

"Leave him alone, Yuri, It's not like he chose his part," Max stood up for the blushing blader.

"Fine, if doesn't want to practice it…"

"But I'll practice with you."

Everyone, Kai and Yuri included, turned and stared in shock and disbelief at Takao.

"Why not? I may get to know you better!" Takao smiled.



"What's wrong, Hiromi? Kai, you look a little shocked."

Takao didn't understand why Hiromi and Kai were glaring at him. Maybe it was like that because, had he turned around, he would've seen Yuri smirking smugly at them. [8]

"Ok… Come on, Yuri."

Takao paused, still holding Yuri's wrist, and turned to face Kyoujou.

"Chief, how much time does Kitsune give us to remember our lines?"

"Two months, from what she told me," Kyoujou replied as he looked at his own script.

"Great! I have a hard time remembering things so I have enough time to get it into my head. C'mon, Yuri-kun!"

Takao half dragged, half pulled Yuri away.

"Mou… Hiromi? Kai?"

The two rounded on Rei, who had unwisely spoken.

"Anou… Want to practice some of the scenes with us? Kai can watch if he wants." Rei chuckled nervously.

Max shifted from one foot to another as Hiromi and Kai continued glaring at Rei, who had recovered from earlier shock and was calmly watching the other two for their reaction.



"I thought they were going to tear Rei to pieces for a second there," Max whispered to Daichi, who nodded in response.

"This will be a long day…" Kyoujou muttered as they all looked through their ten page scripts.

[1] Seeing red = you're angry. Takao didn't start screaming in terror when he saw Yuri (or his hair to be more exact) was because he was used to Daichi waking him up, and seeing Daichi's red hair as he woke up. So… Yea…

[2] He probably is fixing the bed from habit… Or maybe he's just being nice to Takao… ;)

[3] What? I got bored and started making random outfit design for Yuri.

[4] It was the only to make Takao stay for the duration of the fic.

[5] I just had to. It was too cute to pass up! XP

[6] The Balcov Abbey is kind of like a military camp (from what I can gather), hence the dog tags. That and they look cool, and yet another outfit designed/made up out of thin air from boredom.

[7] Kuro: I would so do that. Takao is my favourite guy in Beyblade. dreamy expression

NV: I prefer Max. He's more adorable. .

[8] Ha ha. This is a bit out of character for each person but it was a way too cute idea to put away and not type down.

NV: Yah!

Kuro: Longest chapter so far.

KK (Krazy Kitty): Did you know that Kai is a Russian name?

Max: I thought that it was a Japanese name!

Kuro: It is.

KK: I read the name Kai in a book. The Snow Queen by Eileen Kernaghan. It's weeeeird. I kept seeing 'Kai' and going, "Noooo! He's Takao's! Back off, you … girl!" And then in the end he didn't pay any attention to her so it all worked out. :D

NV: Gee, he acts just like the Kai we all know and love… Except Kuro…

Kuro: Duh. I refuse to be like every other girl out there! -.-

Max: Oh…

Kuro: Go Yuri. /waves flag in the air with the word 'YURITAKA' on it/


Kuro: Gee… You guys are awfully touchy. I feel bad for Hiromi though…

NV: Thank you, Crimson! Love you! :)

Kuro: Thank you for the nice review, FireieGurl. /bows/

NV: Nanashi2... O.o; how did...

Kuro: Quiet.

NV: but how did she?

Kuro: Nanashi2, ahem, no. Kai is not Yuri's understudy. However, you and Crimson managed to read into to lines well. Both your comments, Crimson's being her opinion, are very close to what will happen.

Max: We'll leave it to you to decide what will happen!

NV: Sorry, we will not be taking suggestions unless we think that it will add to the story. :D Don't let that stop you from giving us your opinion! X3 wheeee!!!!

Kuro: --;;;

Max: Review!!

