Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. Nothing. Zip, Nada, ZERO, big, fat, speckled goose egg.

Nightvixen: Hello!

Kuro: G'day.

Max: Hey, Hey!

NV: Today, we present…

Max: Sleeping Beauty, Beyblade style.

Kuro: I hate you for convincing me to come here. We will be using names used in the Japanese version of Beyblade.

Tyson = Takao

Kenny = Kyoujou

Hillary = Hiromi

Tala = Yuri

Bryan = Boris

Spencer = Sergei

Bladebreakers = Team BBA

Demolition Boys = Neoborg

NV: Oh, this is my first humour so have pity… ;; I'm trying my best here.


Open Scene; Here we go!

The whole gang was in front of the Kinomiya Dojo.

Hiromi was sitting off to the side watching Kai and Takao blade against each in a mock battle. Rei and Max were off to the side polishing their own blades and Daichi was bouncing at the edge of the dish, wanting to beybattle the winner.

"Hey, Maxie, have you seen Kyoujou anywhere?" Hiromi asked the blonde.

"Mou… Iie, I haven't seen him," he stood up, "Ne, Takao, have you seen Kyoujou anywhere?"

"Busy, call later or leave a message!" [1]

"I'll take that as a 'no'"

Rei looked up from his Drigger blade and answered Hiromi's earlier question.

"I think he might still be at home, or something like that."

"C'mon!! Someone win already! I wanna blade someone!!"

"Quiet Daichi!"

"Takao…" the young red head complained as the midnight-haired teen continued his battle.


"Nani?" the team captain looked up before he and Takao recalled their blades.

"Kyoujou, where were you?" Hiromi asked impatiently.

The brunette bent over and placed his hands on his knees as he panted.

"Ne, did you run a lap or something? You look spent," Max said as he handed [the boy] a glass of water he retrieved from the kitchen.

"Domo, Max," the brunette drank deeply before speaking again. "I got news from one of my other friends that they were doing a play…"

"Oh, what kind of play?"

"I was about to say, Hiromi-chan. Anyway, my friend says that she [2] needs a different crew, saying that everyone she knows refuses to act…"

"So, she asks you to find some people to do the acting?" the blunette asked.

"Hai. Also, she says that all you need to do, if you agree to co-operate, is remember your lines, cues, and actions. She'll take care of all the costumes, after she gets your sizes, and props."

"Wow, she can do all of that?" Daichi tilted his head to one side in slight confusion.


"She probably got some people to work, but only as crew and not actors and actresses," Rei mused, "right?"

"Yup!" [3]

"So why not? Let's help!" the female brunette said cheerfully.


"C'mon, Kai, stop being a sourpuss and participate!" Takao chimed in.

"Hn." The two-toned hair teen turned and left.

"Oh, also, the play is going to be a shortened version of Sleeping Beauty,"


"Yea, and Obaa-san can be the Wicked Witch!"

"Take that back, Daichi!!"

"Make me!"

The other four boys watched the carnage from a safe distance before Max pointed out a key point.

"There aren't going to be enough people if it is only us, you know."

"True… I can try to get some people we know to join in…"

Takao was looking off in another direction as the discussion was far less interesting than watching Hiromi try to beat Daichi into the ground with a kendo stick. So far, the two of them were keeping clear of Ojiisan Kinomiya's plants. Takao had taken a seat on the porch partway through the conversation and was currently sitting crossed-legged and enjoying the breeze.

"Ok then, I'll tell her that and try to contact someone else so they can join in!"

"Ja ne, Kyoujou. See you later!" the genki blonde waved good-bye to the retreating back of the Chief.

Two days later…

"Ike! Drigger!"

"Draciel, defense!"

Another day, another training session. Then again, this had long since become a routine, with Takao's older brother dropping by once in a while. The sun was out and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. Your typical beautiful day…


All the friends look up from their positions to look at the person who yelled.

"Kyoujou, what's wrong? Did your computer crash or something?" Takao asked as he looked at the bespectacled boy.

"The play…"

"So? Who else will be in the production?" Hiromi questioned.

"I could only get Neoborg…"


Kyoujou winced before continuing.

"Well… Mou… You see… They were the only ones I could contact and who could get here within the period of time that my friend allows."

"Couldn't you get Baifuzi or Team Europe or PPB All Starz or someone?" Rei asked.

"Yea! Neoborg isn't exactly trustworthy… Anou… Gomen ne, Kai," Max pointed out timidly.

"I don't see what's wrong…"

Everyone turned to Takao, who had resumed reading his Shaman King manga [4] and stared.

The midnight haired blader didn't bother looking up.

"If Kyoujou had managed to get someone else, say the Saint Shields, you guys would probably have some kind of problem or another…"

Rei was about to interrupt but Takao continued anyway.

"Besides, I don't see what's wrong with Neoborg… Or anyone else for that matter. They said that they were going to change."

"And you believe them!?" the others, minus Kai, yelled.

Takao pulled his fingers out of his ears and nodded.

"Kyoujou… Why can't you contact anyone else?" Daichi complained.

"Because Baifuzu don't have computers so if I sent them a letter they wouldn't get here on time, PPB All Starz are busy, I can't seem to find Team Europe and all our other friends are moving around so I have no idea where they are!!!" The short brunette counted off each team as he went.

Most of the group stared at Kyoujou like he was insane.

Takao got up from his former position of lying stomach side down, picked up his manga and turned to leave…

Only thing was that Hiromi was standing right in front of him.

"Ne? Nani?"

"Takao, why are you taking this so calmly?"

"Why not?"

Hiromi looked like she was about to tear the blue dragon to pieces if left to her own devices… So, Kyoujou wisely intervened.

"Listen, they are going to be here tomorrow… They were on their way to Japan anyway, so this wasn't much of a problem. Please stop arguing…"

Hiromi turned her head to one side and looked a bit miffed that the redheaded Russian and his team were coming. Kai didn't look like he liked it better than Hiromi did. In fact, Kai looked a bit more unhappy than usual… Then again, Takao was the only one to notice both of their reactions [5]; Rei and Max were trying to decide whether or not Neoborg would try to take their bit beasts once again.

"Hey, I didn't say you guys could take a break. Get back to training," Kai ordered. Max and Rei quickly obliged and resumed their practice.

Takao stood there for a few moments, listening to the sounds of his friends battling, before heading indoors again.

[1] This is actually something I say when I'm busy and someone calls me.

[2] That friend is me… Sorry, I had to. It's not a major role but I need it to move the story along.

[3] Kenny is really out of character here…

[4] What? I like Shaman King…

[5] He heh. Read 'Unconditional' by Weeping Angel and you'll see why I put that here. ;

NV: NAH! This is supposed to be a humour fic, Kuro!!!

Kuro: Your point?

Max: It's not very funny…

NV: I hate you sometimes!

Kuro: --; The humour will be here soon… Give it a couple of chapters.

NV: Really?

Kuro: Yes. BTW, Baifuzi is the White Tigers and it means White Tiger in Mandarin. So there.

Max: Also, later on. There will be Shounen-ai mentioning. You know, boy/boy relationships. So don't bother flaming us.

Kuro: We gave you fair warning. Beat it if you don't like, but remember, you're in the Beyblade section, one of the leading sections in shounen-ai fanfics.

NV: Yea, well…

Max: REVIEW!!!!

