This Is My Time

A/N: My favorite character in the whole HP universe is Ginny Weasley, which most of you guys can tell, right? Many people ask why. Well, she's so funny, she's real I mean, who hasn't blushed or stammered when we were enamored with a guy? and she is just.... incredible. She's shown such strength in the Harry Potter series, and I love ANY story with her in it. Except for Draco/Ginny or slash stories. I especially love the sibling relationships of the brothers and sister of the Weasley family. I will portray that in this story. But just remember, I am an only child, so my actions of them might be off. But my best friend comes from a family of 11 kids, so I know brothers and sisters pretty well.

Summary: Ginny Weasley sometimes feel like she's lost. Everyone expects her to be different things. But not this year. This year, it is Ginny Weasley's....... time to shine.

Disclaimer: I do not own the lyrics of this song, Raven does. Or maybe someone else, don't know. I do not own the HP characters, J.K. Rowling does.

Chapter 1: Losing Myself

Fifteen year old Ginny Weasley stared blankly out her window, closing her eyes and letting out a huge breath. People looking in the outside would've said that she looked worse than death. Her normally petite body was even more frail looking, even her mum could be heard clicking under her breath, " She looks worse than Harry....". Her face was pale and her eyes were always wild, like they had this big secret in them that was just bursting to get out.

Her brothers were outside playing Quidditch happily, not having a care in the world. Oh, how Ginny envied them. She would love to be able to get on a broomstick and forget Tom Riddle.... Forget how his voice had, yet again, inflicted her brain and how she kept on having reccuring nightmares about him.

She turned away and a painful tear slipped down her cheek. Nobody knew that Voldemort had gotten into Ginny's head at the Department Of Mysteries. Nobody knew the horrible things he had said to her....

And nobody would have to know, Ginny decided firmly. She wasn't going to let one silly incident ruin everybody else's summer. No, she would just have to eventually get over it, and nobody would know. Everybody would be happy, right?

But something deep inside of her told her that she would rather tell somebody than have this heavy burden in her heart. But stubbornly, she shook her head and walked down the staircase.

Nobody was in the kitchen. Ginny stole a peek at the Weasley kitchen clock. Ron, Bill, Charlie, Fred, and George's faces were pointing to ' Having Fun'. Percy's was ( She scowled angrily) pointing to ' Left Family'. And Mum and Dad's were pointing to ' Shopping In Diagon Alley'.

Out of curiousity, Ginny looked at her face. It was in between ' Crying' and ' Looking For Family'. Nobody knew this, but the signs changed every day. There was a magic surrounding the Weasley family that, whenever something happened, a sign would appear and tell the family.

Ginny sat at the table, drowsiness taking over. She hadn't slept a wink last night.... It would be nice to close her eyes for at least.... 10... minutes......

When Ginny woke up, she realized with a start that it was pitch black out. Raising her head sleepily, she saw that she had been carried to her bed. With a small smile, she lifted her covers up and climbed out underneath them. Putting her emerald green slippers on, she slowly walked downstairs. Nobody was in the kitchen this time either. She heard quiet murmerings in the living room and cautiously leaned her ear closer to the door.

"....... with her, Mum. She doesn't look good, she barely eats, and whenever she looks at me.... she looks like she's about to cry. Why is she keeping all this from us?"

Ginny recongized Ron's voice. She was surprised to hear it was shaky and quiet.

" Well, did anything happen in the school year?" Her mum asked briskly.

" In the Department of Mysteries ( Ginny drew in a shuddering, quiet breath), I don't think anything happened to her. She was knocked out for a bit and broke her ankle, but that's it, really," Ron said.

" Oi!" said Fred. " Didn't you get knocked out, too?"

" Yeah," said Ron indifferently. " Why?"

" Well, maybe she woke up as soon as you got knocked out. Maybe something happened then," explained George.

" Harry would've told me."

" Maybe Harry didn't see. He's not perfect, you know."

" I know that!"

" BOYS!" shouted Mrs. Weasley. Ginny jumped. She had forgotten her mum was there. There was silence.

" None of this is helping Ginny. Did any of you ask her how she was this summer?" Mrs. Weasley scrunitized.

More silence.

Ginny couldn't take this anymore. She drew back her shoulders and entered the living room, head held up high. Her brothers gulped and turned to each other, chatting, like they didn't notice she had just entered the room.

" So, Fred, didn't you say you had invented a broom that could turn into a gnome...." trailed Ron, but stopped at the angry look on Ginny's face. His ears turned red and he gulped loudly.

" Like I don't know that you were all just talking about me. Instead of doing it behind my back, why don't you just ask me?" Ginny scowled angrily, crossing her arms.

Ron stood up and glared at her. " Well, maybe we would have, but you seem to be distancing yourself from us!"

Ginny got right up in his face. " Well, my dear older brother, maybe I figured it was none of your business!"

He backed away, his face red and eyes narrowed in little slits. It was amazing how much of Hermione had rubbed off on him. " NONE OF MY BUSINESS?! You're right, it isn't! It's not my business! I mean, just because we've shared secrets since we three years old doesn't mean it's any of my business if my baby sister is scaring me!"

Mrs. Weasley and Fred, George, Charlie, and Bill were looking back and forth as if it were a Quidditch match.

Ginny's eyes welled up in tears. " Ron, I, I-"

But Ron wasn't finished. " Look, Ginny, we're your family, and we deserve to know about your stupid little secret-"

SMACK! Ron let out a little cry when Ginny's hand smacked him furiously across the face.

The room was silent. Ginny was breathing heavily, her eyes full of angry tears, staring at the ever reddening mark on Ron's face. Ron stared at her fearfully and slowly backed away.

Ginny wildly looked around her room to see scared and shocked faces. They seemed to blur as tears fell down her cheeks, she was getting dizzy. Whispering, " Sorry," she ran from the room, stumbling and not really noticing the pain that was spreading through her chest.

She catapulted into her room and flung herself on the bed, crying. Her fluffy blue covers empowered her, making it hard for her to breathe, but she didn't even care. She felt as if she hadn't really properly breathed the whole summer.

She knew she would have to pay for smacking Ron's face for no reason. But Ginny had been so furious, so angry, she couldn't think straight, she just wanted to cause Ron pain like had just done to her...

Stupid secret? Voldemort was anything, but a stupid secret. She knew deep inside though that Ron had no idea what was Ginny's secret. He didn't really deserve that slap. With a guilty pang, one more lone tear slipped down her cheek and she got up. She shivered. It was really very cold in the Burrow.

She slowly walked out out of her room and knocked on Ron's door. " Ronnie?" she whispered softly. She could hear hesitant scuffling, as if he was debating on whether to open the door or not.

" Ron," she said more loudly. " Ron, please open up."

His shoes clunked loudly against the door and the lock of a click was opened. He stood in the doorframe, gazing warily at her and keeping himself at a close distance from her. She stared at him.

Then suddenly, she threw herself at him and hugged him so tightly, she could hear him wheezing for breath.

" I am so sorry," she choked out, burying her head in his sweater. " So sorry..."

" Ginny," he rasped out. His eyes were widening and he was about to faint. " Gin, let me go-"

She gingerly extracted herself from him and looked at him, eyes full of tears." Ronnie, please, please, I-"

" Ssh," he said. He hugged her gently and led her into his room. " Can you tell me what's going on? What did I say to make you so mad that you had to slap me?" A lopsided grin came on his face but then quickly became somber when he saw Ginny's trembling lips.

" He... He talked to me," she murmured. Ron had to cock his head towards her, she was so quiet. She was looking down at the floor, muttering to herself. It seemed like she had forgot Ron was there, like she was trying to tell herself what had happened.

" Who?" Ron asked quietly. " Harry?"

" NO!" she shouted and he winced. " NOT HARRY! WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND HARRY!?"

" Ginny-" He tried to calm her down. " I just assumed-"


Ron gaped at her. " Wha-"

" He got in my head, Ron. He... he talked to me," she choked out and trembled. She collasped to the floor and buried her head in her arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Ron stooped down to her and held her tight. " What did he say?" he asked softly.

" He said that it wasn't over yet. That he would always be a part of me, that I would never be innocent or pure ever again. I have him inside of me. Dirt. And he can hear my thoughts. He knows what I'm thinking."

Ron was shaking with anger. How come this had to happen to his baby sister? She was so young, so innocent, she didn't deserve it.

" He was bluffing," he shook as he said it. " You know he was."

Ginny just sobbed. Her petite body shook as she cried, and slowly, she fell asleep in Ron's arms.

Ron stared at her and whispered, " He just bluffed, Gin. You know that."

A/N: Ok, I know, this has a pretty angsty beginning. But, please, don't stop reading now, it gets much more nicer. Reviews please and only NICE, you hear me? If I wanted to listen to whines and complaints, I would spend more time with my ex-friend, Kim.