(Author's Notes: Hey guys! Back again with another chapter! Sorry it took so long for this to come out but like I said my friend died in a bad car accident so I had to pay my condolences. A day of doing remembering but resolving with others about him and such. It was a horrible spiel sorta but I enjoyed it. He will be greatly amongst those who knew him. Anyway! I have my set dates for submitting it to you... ; And today is that! I want to go ahead and thank Blaboy for pre-reading and all who have given their updated reviews and those who are now reviewing. I write this for your continuing enjoyment. Sorry about the last chapter being weird, I WAS SICK! Couldn't help it. But anyways, on with the fic!)


I clenched my right fist and felt the grin of victory that clenched every muscle in my face quickly fade into a solid face of determination. I felt the eyes of a dozen or so on the back of my head but didn't bother looking back. I walked down the stairs and peered to the middle where Hayate and my opponent stood patiently. The tall young man stood a good foot over me, maybe more. He picked the hat from his head and flung it back to the second floor, I saw his bald-headed genin friend come from nowhere and snatch the hat from the railings edge with ease.

I brought my attention back to the topaz eyes of my opponent and narrowed my eyes slightly. His mimicked mine in the same moment, his gray was unkempt and spiked in several places. I queried several different possibilities in my mind as Hayate came to the middle.


He looked between the two of us. I nodded aggressively with one strong nod. Bofuu nodded slightly and just continued to keep his eyes locked with mine. I felt every muscle of mine tighten unconsciously as Hayate's hand began to drop down. I could feel my senses around me enlarge and everything seemingly slow it's all around speed. As Hayate's hand began to pull back, I snapped forward and noticed Boufuu's quick motions as he leapt backwards when I dove forward.

His speed was exceptional, I could already tell as he barely touched the ground he leapt again to the left another five or six feet. I pushed myself a bit harder and closed the gap between us. I absent-mindedly found myself fighting Ikazuchi style, my palms open and striking my opponent with swift and fluid hits. Putting all my weight into added well to the strike and I could feel the pressure of his body against my fist as I continued to strike him here and there.

He stabbed his hands forward as he fought, blocking every other hit as he could but trying every possible hit he could. He hadn't managed well so far, but when he had it hurt. His hands were completely opened flat and as he attacked, he stabbed his hand forward, the tops of his fingers stabbing into me. He had a great deal of strength for me to feel instantly bruised with each direct hit he had made on me. Occasionally I noticed when he couldn't directly thrust his hand forward; he would try a slashing motion. Unfortunately as the battle progressed, I continued to strike and strike but I was beginning to feel no real result from this ensuing battle.

What felt like an eternity of fighting merely was only a minute and a half, we quickly broke off the fierce hand-to-hand combat and everything picked up its normal speed. I heaved a few long breaths and calmed myself. I held my stance, my right palm out facing Boufuu. My other arm was cocked towards the air, my left hand facing palm up. I had lowered myself slightly, with my right leg stretched all the way out and my other leg bent slightly.

He began to form a string of seals: bird, boar, dog, dragon, horse, tiger, and landed on serpent. His sun colored eyes shimmered and glowed for a few seconds then quickly disappated. My mind nagged at something almost instantly and if not I would not have noticed that his pupils were no longer there. He stood straight and tall for a few moments, his hands as flat as boards. He held his left arm out like an ironing board while the other merely stayed pointed towards the ground, stiff at his side.

I blinked and then he was gone. I looked around furiously and quickly expanded my senses; again everything around me began to slow once again. I frowned and turned my head only to see the slashing of Boufuu's right hand at my head. I desperately tried to force my body to respond to his rapid reaction but it was too late. His hand sliced across my face, I felt the skin on my cheek rip, and blood began to seep freely down my face.

I growled and flipped side-ways, my hand planted against the ground I felt my body began to turn back upwards as my feet barely began to touch the ground. Suddenly several, counting seven sharp stabbing pain struck be in the back. The momentum of my body pushed me forward, my mind raced for a million possible solutions but fell short as he appeared in front of me.

The grin on his face engraved itself on my memory template as the pain registered me back to reality, his stabbing hand motions drove into my chest four times and my gut six times. My body unwillingly began to tumble backwards when I felt his behind me again, the pain coursed through my body then suddenly left as I felt a strong stab to the base of my neck.

I felt my body grown numb and my muscles drift away from my control. Speed immediately caught back up with me with blinding speed as everything slammed back into my consciousness. I felt the light wander into blackness but I resolutely stood my conscious ground. I drifted my eyes lazily up at my opponent who stood in the same pose as earlier. He looked down at me with that same grin that made my blood boil.

Hayate looked over at me but stayed silent. I tried to growl from the frustration that was coursing through me at the moment but nothing came. I tried to move my arms, my legs, and then my fingers. Nothing wanted to respond. I strained my eyes to look up at him as he didn't even bother to turn his attention to the judge.

"Uzumaki is finished. I have hit every pressure point in his body; his muscles are locked in a knot. He won't move for at least a day. Call the match."

I glanced at Hayate who took a long look at me, I could tell he was contemplating it and I knew I didn't have time. I looked up at my gray-haired opponent and mentally cursed at myself for allowing myself to lose to him. Wait! I hadn't lost to him yet! I wouldn't lose to this bastard! Tatsumaki was depending on this victory, I'm not sure if winning would prove much to her family's ways but I didn't care. I was going to prove that love conquered all, and when I mean conquer, I mean totally annihilate.

I looked up at him and suddenly envisioned Tatsumaki standing beside him with a loath filled frown on her face as she walked down a brightly lit aisle with Boufuu standing at her side. I growled and without really noticing myself making the noise. I could feel myself reaching my boiling point as I slowly clenched my hand. I could feel chakra draw up from within my gut fill every molecule of my body. I could feel Kyuubi's hunger for destruction fill my mind but I struggled to push it away as all of the feelings and power of Kyuubi began to over flow within me. I closed my eyes and focused my mind temporarily, I tried to desperately keep the rage locked within, but felt the push of the power slowly take over my thoughts.

I snapped my eyes open, I somehow felt heat range across my entire body as glanced at my hand, and I noticed that the skin had a slight reddish tint to it. As if I were sun burnt. I gripped the ground and felt the ground beneath my fingers crumble slightly. The chakra around me swirled wildly as I stood upright, or as upright as I could. I felt a faint but numbing pain in my back but ignored it as my rage pulled my attention back to my front.

The young man's eyes widened ever so slightly but quickly set back to their resolute way. He held his strong stare and shook his head.

"Amazing Uzumaki. No one has ever stood from my pressure point strikes before. Now I must put you down in honor of the Denkou clan and seal what's rightfully mine."

I gritted my teeth and felt a small pain scrap across my teeth as two of my top teeth elongated slightly. I readjusted my bite and growled lowly. I ripped my jacket from my back and tossed it to the side, the weight inside it caused it two caves the ground in around it and cascade a plum of dirt and dust. I stood, hunched with my arms out as if I was about to pounce on him like some sort of animal. I fought for control and slowly pushed my body into the Ikazuchi stance.

I felt a tremor coarse through my body every so often as the chakra rippled over me, the ethereal flames cascading around my body freely. I noticed his hesitation and jumped for the moment, I leapt forward not really noticing everything had really stopped around me. Even Boufuu stood in the same spot he had before, I lost control of my body to the rage, and my leg kicked high and nailed him square in the chin. He flew upwards but I quickly snapped to attack again. I noticed his body slowing again much slower than I had ever seen before. I had flipped several times and in fluid motion planted my heel in the back of his head.

Again, my senses jumped from speed to speed like it was as simple as a jump rope. I felt my head turn and I locked eyes at the fleeting form of Denkou shinobi. As the balls of my feet touched the ground, I was off again in a flash. I darted towards the young man and as he skipped across the ground like a skipping stone I ran beside him with matching speed. As his body bounced off the ground a second time, he was hovering above the ground only three feet. I glared at the nin in hatred and felt my hands clench into a tight ball and smash against the boy's chest with a resounding boom.

An explosion erupted from the far end of the room where we stood and I jumped back to evade the debris and cloud of dirt and dust. I watched the cloud for several moments, holding my body in control I was able to hold the anger back from ensuing the battle even further and if the genin was knocked unconscious and already badly hurt. I felt that I could easily kill him at this point and a mute argument came to mind briefly. Why stop myself?

The cloud had finally cleared and slates that made up the ground of the arena floor were raised in a circle in the spot where I had 'pushed' him forcefully through the slates. I felt my heart race and an insidious grin grow infectiously across my face. I noticed the young man stand back up with his hand across chest; he was heaving deeply and hadn't bothered to make any other movements. My mind juggled between several ideas before my anger stole the control I had once possessed and drove myself forward. I sensed several movements in the crowd move in and I felt the chakra around me pulse and my speed incredibly increase although I hadn't thought possible. As I reached Boufuu, he looked up at me and grinned as I drove my fist into his head.

My hand continued to drive its anger filled enormous strength into his head and I could feel the pressure pushing against it lessen with each passing millisecond. Suddenly Boufuu exploded into smoke. I paused and drove my feet into the ground and looked to my back where I had vaguely sensed a figure but had thought it of the others. I noticed the grouping of Jounin that stood nearly five yards away from me.

I turned my body around and felt a pain stab through the upper left part of my chest. My mind suddenly froze as the shock finally set in and countless volts of electricity quickly jolted through my body. My mind began to race through many things, my training, my comrades, Jiraiya, Konoha, and Tatsumaki. Everything around me blurred slightly as I fell backwards. My body again felt numb and I felt an encroaching darkness wrap itself around my initial vision. What the hell! I can't die! No! I have to do somethingâ€Kyuubi! Kyuubi! Allow me to live! Give me the power to live! I don't care what happens! Just let me live dammit!

I could feel my blood slow to a crawl and the darkness continues to encroach upon my vision. I saw Kakashi-sensei's face as he looked down at me, he looked from side to side, and I heard his fading voice yell something. I thought I could hear something else when I heard in a low but very resounding voice speak something to me as I completely lost consciousness.

"So be it, Naruto-kun."


I sprung straight up and looked around; I could feel the cold stickiness of sweat cling thin clothes to my body. I gazed down at my body and noticed I was wearing thin blue clothes that had a sort of flimsy nature to them. I swore that they felt almost paper-thin; my thoughts were suddenly bombarded by a billion images of the fight as if it were a still gallery of the entire event.

A scattered grouping of the flashes hadn't really made sense and I couldn't remember them for the life of me as they flashed before my eyes but as quickly as they had came they had immediately left. I heaved several deep breaths and looked down at my hands; I clenched my right hand then did the same with my left. I sighed in relief and quickly sensed a presence at the door. I was about to stand when a wave of dizziness washed over me. Kakashi entered the room and held a hand up and was his way of waving.

"Kakashi-senseiâ€How—what happened?"

He paused to look at me, his once semi-cheery disposition quickly soured as he stood at the window next to my bed. I felt a lump grow in my stomach as I felt something very bad was about to ensue in this conversation about what had happened after my blackout. I wasn't sure if I was really alive quite yet with the last thoughts that pounded painfully in my head. Perhaps it was a dream and something else happened, but I wasn't quite sure.

A knock came at the door and it slowly slid open to reveal Temari standing there with the same resolute smirk I had last seen her with. She took one look at me and it quickly faded. I was instantly bewildered by her sudden actions as she was silently followed in by Sori who had her head hung sadly. She stole a quick look at me and turned her attention back to the floor. Now this was definitely weird, I had never ever had this sort of reaction out of Sori. She was usually so outgoing and loved to show attention and affection towards me. Now she had reverted into a 'Hinata' like state. Hinata was a lovely girl but she was definitely too shy for me to handle on an every day basis without getting bored of it.

Temari leaned her giant folded fan in the corner of the room and leaned next to it while Sori stood a few feet away from her at the foot of my bed. I looked back at Kakashi then back at the two girls who had suddenly entered my room.

"What's going on?"

A shadowy silhouette filled the door's obscure flimsy screen and it quickly opened. Sakura popped her head in and her actions abruptly slammed into first gear as she noticed me at first. She looked towards Kakashi and silently entered the room. She practically stared at the back of the Jounin's head as she entered the room, not bothering to give me another glance. I felt my patience gradually growing thinner with each passing moment of silence until I chose to break it again.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

I knew my tone was rash and bit out of line but for some reason I couldn't help it. This was really growing tiresome and I was pissed off and confused. It wasn't a pleasant combination as well as the dull pain in my back throbbed sporadically whenever it was most inopportune.

"You died."

I stared at Kakashi wide-eyed, I'm sure I shared everyone's expression as the Jounin continued to stare out the window in the far distance with in free eye.

"How did I die if I'm right here?"

"I checked your pulse, it was fading on me. I called for the medical nins but by the time they made it to you. Your pulse was gone. There was a silence for quite a while as everyone waited for the verdict. One of the nins told Hayate that you didn't make it. I remember one of them covering you up and Hayate announcing Boufuu the winner when you suddenly sat upright. Gai, Kurenai, Asuma, and I were suddenly thrown back."

He paused for a moment and continued.

"I believe it was the fact that you had miraculously come back from the land of the living that prevented us from stopped you."

I now felt that lump rise in my throat as I tried to swallow hard to push it back down. I felt the hairs on my neck and arms stand on end as the possibilities of the next part ran rampantly through my mind in clicks of electricity that continued for the next few milliseconds until I finally spoke up.

"Stop me?"

I felt stupid for asking such a question since he would have obviously told me but I felt the anticipation growing painfully inside my head as I dug at the truth that was very slowly being revealed to me.

"You struck Boufuu down."

My mind eased to a halt as his words sunk in slowly and the realization came to mind. I had killed him. I mean, I didn't want to kill him. But yet I wanted to. I wanted to show everyone including him that I was strong and that no one was going to stand in destiny's way. Tatsumaki was a part of my destiny now and I hadn't allowed anyone to step in its way. I looked down at the covers of the hospital bed that I had been sleeping in. I mulled over what he had just told me and decided to suck it up and lifted my head.

"H-how did I do it?"

He looked over at me and shook his head.

"I'm not sure. I've only seen that move once before. Denkou performed the jutsu on you just prior to you using it on him."

I stared at him with wide-eyes. How was it all possible? It couldn't, it took some time to form the seals, gather the chakra, and then the transfer of all that power. It was so unrealistic I fought to just keep the idea a reality in my mind. I ran my fingers through my hair and decided that my covers were much more appealing at the current moment. I noticed he turned towards the door and began walking out from the corner of my eye. I felt a small urge to say something but decided to stay quiet.

Sakura looked back and forth between the two of us before she decided to follow Kakashi-sensei out of the room, I was waiting for the other two to finally leave as well, but that moment never came. I slowly brought my head up and gazed lazily at the two, my feelings were so far spread now I hadn't known what to neither do nor say to the two. I smiled as best as I possibly could in my current disposition and gradually forced my legs to the side of my bed. My legs hung loosely over the bed, my muscles burned with a dull ache located somewhere amongst them.

Sori was about to make a move when she stopped and looked back at Temari. I raised my head again but hadn't bothered to look at them. I picked myself up lightly and pushed myself off of the bed. A shot of pain ripped through my legs but I sucked it up and pushed it to the back of my mind. I slowly made my way to the bathroom that was located in the room. I flipped on the light and gazed at the mirror. I felt a cascade of emotions wash over me like a tsunami.

My hair now had a reddish tint to the blonde streaks that threatened to break out here and there. I touched my hand to my face and noticed that the lines that three lines that crossed across my cheeks had faded slightly. I stared at the boy's reflection in the mirror; his red eyes gleamed in the artificial light. Our hands met at the mirror's smooth surface, our movements in synch, our hands trailed down the length of the mirror. Suddenly, I reeled back as he had and struck his hand with all the force I could muster.

The mirror shattered and the crimson-eyed boy was gone. I knew it a lie, but I wanted a momentary feeling of peace before the realization would hit me and I would forever be changed. I heard a whisper of the words I had pleaded in the coming of my death the day of the tournament. 'Kyuubi! Allow me to live! Give me the power to live! I don't care what happens! Just let me live dammit!' His words had followed and the realization had unfortunately hit me at that very moment. 'So be it Naruto-kun'

It was all I could take before the tears came in full force and I succumbed to my every thought, question, and fear that involved Kyuubi. It's all over. I didn't want to believe anything else. It felt like the end, if Kyuubi were to ever release himself, I would either be dead from his release or by slaughtered in his rampage that would ensue after his release. I sank to my knees and slammed my fists against the floor, I could feel the darkness of unconsciousness swirl around me once again as the sound of two female voices came from behind.

I hadn't bothered to look back and let myself fall freely into the welcoming envelopment of darkness as I felt my body fall limply backwards. Two hazy figures came into my vision before the void took over and my consciousness with it.


I stared at the boy in the mirror for the longest time; I felt a somber mood fill my usual endearing mood of pride and power. Now all of that felt stripped away as I had felt literally taken advantage of by Kyuubi. Here the boy in front of me smirked, like a fox that had gotten into the chicken's coup and made it away with a full belly. The red tint of his hair made me cringe but his crimson colored eyes captivated me in a mysterious way that sent chill after chill up my spine. I tried to force my eyes away but they wouldn't obey.

"You know its inevitable right?"

"What's inevitable?"

"Destiny proclaims it. The unification."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Destiny. Kyuubi will become one with me."

"What?! Become one with you?! Become one with me?!"

"Never ending power, great power."

"Evil power! Power that isn't worth the cost!"

"Once we are one, we will be the same. Have the same virtues, desires, dreams, and ambitions. Nothing will be separate, he will become me."

"No, we'll become him! He's stronger!"

The boy with the reddish tinted hair stared at me for another few moments and shook his head. He began to fade into the black void that surrounded the both of us. I reached a hand out but it went through his ethereal body as it continued to disappear.

"Destiny. It's what I strive. I will have my destiny and become Hokage. I will have my destiny and be with Tatsumaki. I will have my destiny and my power!"

He finally had disappeared in full; I gazed around the darkness looking for anything that hadn't consisted of absolutely nothing. After a few spins, I gave up and gazed up at the same blank expression that blotted the sky of my mind. Maybe he was right, no. Maybe I was right. I was strong enough to control Kyuubi. Or at least I thought I was, those were my dreams, and I had sworn not to allow anyone to steal those from me. No matter what I had to do to get stronger, what I had to do all around, Kyuubi would not win over me. I wouldn't allow it!

I turned to see a wall of blinding light wash over the darkness like a titanic flood. I held my hands up in defense as the light consumed me as well. My eyes shot open and I quickly looked from side to side. The room was badly blurred; I squinted and blinked my eyes several times before I realized a warm sensation covering my right hand. I shook my head lightly and gazed at the hazy figure sitting next to me.

It must be Sori, she probably helped me to bed along with Temari and maybe even possibly been here since the incident. I had lost all track of time, I made a small note to make sure to ask next time I got a chance. As my vision came to, I noticed that the usual blue tint to the girl's hair wasn't present. The length was also wrong too, this hair was black and was braided on both sides of the girls head. I suddenly looked at the beautiful girl's face and my mind suddenly clicked wildly and a smile smeared over my glum features.


I somehow found the sudden strength to almost leap out of bed and wrap my arms around the girl, I heard her exhale suddenly, but her arms wrapped tentatively around me as well. My fears and doubts were suddenly blown away like leaves in the wind; I pulled away after nearly a minute of bracing with the girl and gazed at her beautiful face. She didn't wear her hitae-ate, her blank pristine sapphire colored eyes still captivated as the same as it had the first time I saw her.

"Naruto-kun, you had me so worried."

She spoke softly, tears forming slightly at each corner of her eyes and growing more abundant with each passing second. Her arm came from around me as she brought her hand around to touch my face gingerly as if she were touching a porcelain doll. I shook my head and as the tears fell I wiped them away quickly and gently before they were able to trail any farther down.

"Please, don't cry. I'm alright aren't I?"

She smiled weakly and nodded ever so softly. I smiled. I brought my hand up and rubbed her cheek affectionately. I noticed her smile faded slightly and her features somber, her hand fell short and rested atop mine once again.

"Is what I've been hearing true, Naruto-kun? Did you kill Boufuu-san?"

I swallowed hard, I didn't think she even cared but I guess you need to have some feelings for your comrades; it was only natural for that to happen. After nearly a minute I nodded slowly.

"Y-yesâ€I killed himbut I did it for you"

I spoke up at the end; she brought her hand to my face once again and held it there for a few moments, perfectly still. She closed her eyes and a small gentle smile broke her somber expression.

"I know you did it for meâ€but you hadn't needed toâ€this may cause consequences now"

I paused and felt my anger rise slightly, not at her, but at who she was talking about. I knew that her village had twisted ways of looking at things, but I wouldn't blame them for looking at me like some sort of bastard now. I felt a wave of strong emotions surge within me as I thought of my fleeting chance with Tatsumaki making its escape.

"I love you Tatsumakiâ€I don't ever want to be without you, I won't allow them to marry you to some random bastard. I vowed that I would protect you, I will protect youâ€I'll protect you for the rest of my life"

Her smile faltered slightly when I had talked of marrying a random shinobi from her village or perhaps anyone that her father saw fit. Yet her smile grew a hundred fold as I continued on. Tears formed back at her eyes and fell freely down her cheeks, I felt a sudden urge to want to wipe them away when I felt her pull me close to her. The warmth that enveloped me caused my mind to explode in repetition as we kissed. Her touch soft but the kiss firm and filled with all the feeling I felt she had for me become a realization and comfort.

My mind drifted happily along as the kiss drifted on for what felt like an eternity was abruptly ended when a sudden whoosh from the door caused my senses to snap back into place. I opened my eyes and broke the kiss; glaring at the person in the doorway I had thought it not possible for him to ever interrupt me again. Especially at the panicle of my life where I had finally found out the girl in front of me actually still holds the same feelings as I have the entire span of our time away.

"I love you, Naruto-kun"

She whispered softly as she slowly broke the embrace and sat peacefully next to me on my hospital bed. I smiled and petted her cheek softly before turning my attention back to the door again, where the intruder still stood silently gazing up at the ceiling with innocence. My hard glare turned into one filled with fire, hatred, and poison, anything that could kill the bastard fifty times before he could take a breath.

"Ero-senninâ€what the hell are you doing hereâ€?"

I spoke smoothly, trying not to upset myself in front of Tatsumaki too much on the first real encounter we've had in so long. He smiled devilishly and put his hands up in mock defense.

"I wasn't snooping. I was actually coming to check up on you, but I can see your just fine."

He ended the statement with a small chuckle at the end, in which caused me involuntarily flip out of the bed like a gymnast and land a perfect double-legged kick to the front of his face. He smashed through the door and crashed into the wall at the opposite side of the door about 8 feet away. He pulled himself from the wall and glanced back at the embedded door that was now a permanent part of the wall now. He rubbed the back of his head wincing slightly.

"That was uncalled for Naruto-kunâ€and I notice that you're well enough to stand."

I looked down at my legs then back up at him and couldn't fight the sudden smile that appeared across my face. He smiled in return and looked at the girl that was still sitting peacefully on the bed. Jiraiya walked past me and leaned over and placed a hand gently on the girl's hands that were crossed in her lap. He grinned widely.

"It's nice to see you again, Tatsumaki-chan."

She grabbed a hold of right wrist and in a smooth and fluid motion she tossed him towards the wall. He turned and flipped once, landing face-first and upside down into the wall next to the door. I felt my smile enlarge even more. Now that's my girl. I walked up to her and helped her off the bed and hugged her.

"Why did you do that?"

I had asked nonchalantly, she smiled softly and shrugged.

"No reason in particular. When you travel from town to town, some people believe that stealing from the blind is easy. I like to change that rumor."

She smiled at me and I kissed her again, only shortly this time as Jiraiya ended up freeing himself from the wall and picking himself back up. He dusted himself back off and turned around as I ended the kiss. He rubbed his now red-streaked face with care.

"Hey, don't take after his bad natures already! Sheesh."

I smiled at him and only shook my head. I turned my attention back to the beautiful girl that stood next to me.

"You have a team-mate don't you?"

She nodded.

"Yes, he went to go see my father arrive into your village. He wanted to inform him of what happened."

I noticed her features fall slightly but I quickly put my hand to her chin and pulled her head back up in line with mine.

"Don't get sad now, things will be alright."

I knew that wasn't true, I mean I had just killed her betrothed whatever. He will either be pissed, actually willing to see what I have to say, or may just try to kill me on sight. Either way, it was going to be a very interesting day.



(Author's Notes: Another chapter done! Sorry to cut it short but I had to get it out to you guys or I would have shot myself. Again, I apologize for taking so long but with all that happened this week I really needed to do what I had to do. I know he would have done it for me. REVIEW! Please review, I'd like to hear your comments no matter how many you've inputted so far. If you've been updating since the beginning all the more reason. I really enjoy reading your REVIEWS and I take into idea what you guys write to meâ€I do. The more ideas and thoughts you give me, the more this story becomes the story YOU all want to read. I do take them into consideration when I'm writing. I'll try to get the next chapter out before the weekend's end. If you guys see any little problems or you think something is dumb, tell me. I would take those comments into great review as well. REMEMBER REVIEW! Until next time. Later!)