Lily/James: Part 1


"I'm sorry Kristin. I just don't love you that way," James looked at her pleadingly, hoping she wouldn't blow this out of proportion, being the drama queen she is.

"You do! I love you James! Please. Think about it. You do love me! You just don't know," Kristin looked up at him with big blue eyes swimming in tears.

Right now, James felt like kicking himself. Why did he always have to get involved with girls who thought they loved him?

"I'm sorry. I think maybe we should cool off for a while." He tried in vain to detach her tight grip on his arm.

She gasped at him, "Are you breaking up with me?"

"Umm… yeah."

Tears were now streaming down her face and she let go of his arm like it was poison. "Fine." She said abruptly and ran off to the direction of the Slytherin common room.


James sank into the big armchair to watch Remus and Sirius play chess. Well, at least Sirius was trying. Remus was kicking his arse in a major way.

"What's up with your girlfriend?" Lily asked from behind.

"Ex- girlfriend." He stated. At this, Remus and Sirius both looked up in interest.

"Yeah. I guess that would explain why she was running down the corridor shouting about what a bastard you were."

"Another one?" Sirius asked, "none of them really live up to your expectations, do they?"

"Whadda you mean?" James asked him.

"Well, you've gone out with basically half of the girls in our grade and you always end up hurting all of them."

James shrugged, "I can't help it. I'm completely commitment- phobe. And most of those I only go out with cause they have a nice arse."

Lily looked at him disgusted, "You are such a pervert."

"Yep," James replied looking proud, "that I am."

"Not like he'd go for brains anyway," Sirius told her.

"Yeah. That's why you don't see him out with many Ravenclaws," Remus added.

"Do you know where Sofia is?" James asked Lily, changing the subject.

"Nope. Why?"

"Just wanted help in divination homework. She's the best."

"I can help you with it Prongs, buddy ol' pal." Sirius offered.

"Uhh… no thanks."

"Oh come on. I'm not that bad. Now let's see…" He closed his eyes and rested his chin in his hand in a mock attempt to look 'inwards', "I predict that a giant will come down from a beanstalk and try to eat you."

"Didn't that happen to a Jack?" Remus asked him.

Sirius shrugged. "Beats me."

Remus yawned and got up. "Ok, night peoples. Going to bed now."

"Yeah me too," Sirius added getting up. They both left leaving Lily and James alone in the common room.


They sat there quietly for a while. At least Lily didn't feel uncomfortable about it being a strained silence. They had been best friends ever since they had met and got over their girl germs, boy germs, cooties thing.

"So are you really commitment-phobe?" Lily asked him.

"Yeah. Guess so."

"But what if your perfect girl came along?"

"Then I guess I wouldn't be, would I? So how 'bout you? Been a while since you've gone out with anyone."

"Yeah well. No one has actually asked."

"Who would be your perfect guy anyways?"

"I don't know…" she said slowly, "He has to be really nice," she started, looking dreamily into the fireplace, "really sweet. And smart and has to have an incredible smile."

"Sounds good. Almost like me." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah right," she replied swatting him playfully on the arm, "you are way too full of yourself."

"Ok then, maybe it sounds more like Remus."

"Nah, he's great and all and he's gonna make some girl deliriously happy some day but he's just a really good friend."

"So, anyway, what would be your dream girl?" she asked steering the conversation to him.

James laughed lightly getting up, "I'm going to bed now but I promise when I find her, you'll be the first to know."


Lily entered her sixth year dorm quietly, not wanting to wake her friends if they were asleep, but apparently they weren't, since she could hear their giggles.

Sofia poked her head out from behind her closed curtains and motioned for Lily to join them on her bed.

"What are you guys doing?" Lily asked her friends as soon as she sat, cross- legged on Sofia's bed.

"We're discussing important issues," Hilda offered with a giggle.

"Oh really," Lily replied with a grin, "So what's the earth shattering topic for tonight?"

"First kisses," Charlene told her, "We're confessing who, when and where."

Lily felt the colour drain from her face and made to get off her friend's bed. "You know what? I'm not really feeling up to this tonight. I think I'll go to sleep now." But before she could get off, Hilda and Charlene pulled her back on.

"Come on Lily. What's the matter? It'll be fun. I'll go first," Charlene offered.

Hilda looked eager to continue. She leaned forward propping her elbows onto her knees, "So. Spill."

"Ok. It was all very romantic. You know Brad Hart from Ravenclaw?" The three other girls nodded, "well in fourth year he asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him and of course I said yes cause he was so hot. He kissed me beside the shrieking shack. He said he wouldn't let any ghosts from there hurt me."

All girls except Lily oohed at this. She wasn't as into sharing gossip as the other three were.

"Ok, my turn," Hilda said claiming the spotlight, " It was actually pretty disgusting. Second year, after transfiguration, Slytherin, Nick Munce."

"Eeew," Sofia put in wrinkling her nose. "Isn't he that really ugly one?"

"Yeah. I don't know what I saw in him. But those were back in the days when I was young and foolish. Ok, you turn, Lily."

Lily squirmed in her spot, feeling uncomfortable and cowardly at the same time. "Umm… I'd rather not talk about it."

"Was it really that bad?" Charlene gaped at her.

"No. Its just I don't want to talk about it. Besides I'm really tired."

Sofia understood her more than the other two did. They had been best friends since first year. She quickly interrupted. "Ok, how 'bout if I tell you mine and then we'll go to sleep." Lily shot a grateful smile at her.

Charlene and Hilda looked at each other and shrugged.

"Ok, sure. We'll get Lily to tell us some other day," Charlene said.

"Yeah," Hilda added, "We'll crack her like an egg."

Sofia nodded and Lily allowed herself to relax in relief.

"Ok," Sofia started, "fourth year, broom shed, Sirius Black."

Everyone looked at her jaws wide open. "What?" Sofia asked looking at them blankly.

"You went out with Sirius Black and never told us?"

Sofia sighed, "It was nothing. Just a little fling. Besides, he wanted to keep it secret so James wouldn't tease the hell out of him."

Apparently they hadn't heard enough. "How long was this happening? How was it like?" They were in awe of Sofia. Anyone would be. Sirius was extremely cute and hard to get with, even though he seemed like a womanizer.

Lily yawned, "I'm going to sleep now." She didn't really want to hear about how well Sirius kissed. It would be quite scary. He was one of her best friends.

Lily lay in bed for a while thinking about her sad 'never been kissed' status. It seemed really pathetic. Well, I'm gonna do something about that tomorrow, she thought making a promise to herself.


Lily and Sofia left the Great Hall after breakfast to go to their potions class. Everyone always showed up earlier because Professor Tole was always on the lookout and very eager to take house points away from Gryffindor. Seating themselves on the table next to James and Sirius, they watched as Snape sauntered in with Kristin on his arm.

Snape actually smirked at James as he walked past. "Face it Potter. You're just not good enough for a Slytherin." He looked pointedly at Kristin and she turned her nose up at James.

"Going after my ex's are you?" James asked him cheerfully. He noted that both Snape and Kristin at least had the courtesy to blush.

Professor Tole entered the room and immediately asked Snape to go to his office and fetch the supplies they would need in today's lesson. As soon as he was gone, Lily saw James pull out his wand and mutter something.

Tole started to explain the potion they were brewing today and the marauders actually looked up interested for once when the name and purpose were mentioned.

The animasecta potion was a revised and more modern version of the animagus potion. It wasn't as difficult to brew and doesn't take long to get ready. Actually, according to the day's timetable of lessons, it only took about an hour. The changing also happened instantly, whereas with the animagus potion, it took quite a while to practice changing into an animal. The animasecta potion was only temporary (you can only change once) and the animagus potion was everlasting.

His talk, which, for once, had the whole class listening, was interrupted by a loud "oompf!" coming from the Slytherin side of the room, followed by an eruption of laughter.

All eyes turned to see Snape on the floor rubbing his butt while his chair sat about two feet behind him. James was looking very pleased with himself while Sirius, by that time, was rolling on the floor laughing. James had charmed Snape's seat to move backward when he tried to sit down. Snape had turned a very deep shade of red and even Kristin had a tinge on her face with as much dignity she could muster.

Tole immediately took 30 points away from Gryffindor and sentenced James to three days of detention. Obviously James had charmed Snape's chair when he had left for supplies. All the Gryffindors were still laughing and Sirius was congratulating James.

"If you don't shut up now, I'll put you all on detention," Tole shouted to the class, mainly Gryffindors. The noise quieted down marginally, with only a few giggles from Hilda and Charlene.

Tole turned towards them, "Is there something funny?"

"Oh, no," Hilda replied shaking her head and trying to keep a straight face, "Of course not."

"Good. Let's keep it that way. Thankfully, Severus put the ingredients onto the table before he had his… uhhh… unfortunate minor disagreement with his chair." At this the whole class cracked up again. Tole held his hand up silencing the class.

"And now," he continued, "we will be working on the potion in partners and all of you will be testing your own potions."

Lily saw Remus shoot James a desperate look. Lily knew that the marauders had turned themselves into animagus because Remus was a werewolf, and he was probably worried about what he might turn into. Lily couldn't help wondering what animal she might be.

"What do you reckon we'll be?" Sofia asked her adding some sugar and cinnamon spice.

"Don't know. As long as its something cool."

"Yeah. Definitely."

"Wonder why he's letting us do this. This is really advanced magic."

"Probably hopes it'll go wrong and one of us'll die."

"That's morbid."

As soon as all the potions were ready, Tole immediately rounded in on James and Sirius.

"He wants them to die first." Sofia muttered to Lily.

"You two shall go first since we all know you are so good." Tole told James and Sirius. The Slytherins sniggered at this comment.

James filled his cup and brought it to his lips. Lily saw him faking a sip out of it and turn into a deer like he did it all the time, which he did. Almost. Sirius followed. Tole actually looked disappointed at no sign of danger.

"Snape. Baxter. You two next."

He walked over to their table. Severus filled his cup and licked his lips, looking nervous. He took a sip and immediately popped into a hamster. Everyone burst out laughing. Lily had never thought that Snape could actually looked cute. But there he was, squeaking indignantly at everyone laughing at him. Kristin went next looking pale, she took a sip, and, for some unknown, unbelievable reason, she turned into a donkey. Even the corners of Tole's mouth twitched.

"Evans, Fallon." He barked out.

Sofia went first, drinking the potion from her cup. For a moment, nothing happened and Lily feared that something had gone wrong, but then Sofia slowly changed and in a few minutes, a beautiful dark fox stood in front of her. She breathed out relieved and looked at the potion in her cup. Taking a deep breath, she swallowed down the potion. Vaguely, she remembered thinking it was quite sweet and yummy, but that thought was soon over as she felt what she thought the marauders must have felt when they drank theirs. She felt like she was being pulled out of her body, or at least being massively mutilated. She landed on the floor and looked at her paw. It was black mixed with orange. She was a cheetah. Cool! She found herself wishing she had joined the marauders when they had turned into animagi.

The class groaned as the bell rang. Only Remus looked unbelievably relieved. Lily felt herself changing back and called out to James. She had something important to discuss with him.

"James! Wait up. I need to talk to you."

James looked at her and nodded, then turned to his friends, "Catch up with you guys later, k?"

"That was really cool. You know, you being a cheetah and all." James told her.

She smiled, "Thanks. It felt really weird though."

"Yeah I know, happened all the time to me. Anyway, Sofia had a cool animal as well. A fox. Sexy."

"Do I detect you may have a thang for her?" Lily asked him slyly. He looked flustered.

"Of course not."

"I saw that you were faking your sip out of that cup." She said steering the conversation away from anything uncomfortable.

"Yeah. Didn't want any complications. Besides, I think Padfoot put in too many grass roots. That must have been the most entertaining potions class we've ever had. Anyway, what was it you wanted to say?" He asked her as soon as everyone was out of the room.

"Well…" She wasn't quite sure how to start. She decided last night that she was going to be kissed today and she promised herself she'd go through with it, "last night, Sofia, Charlene and Hilda were discussing their first kisses…"

James looked confused, "and…?"

This was a lot more embarrassing than she thought, "and I've never been kissed" she finished in a hurry.

He stared at her unbelievingly while she tried to avoid his eyes. "You're kidding, right? Any guy would love to kiss you! I could name a few right now."

She smiled gratefully at him, knowing it wasn't true. He was just trying to make her feel better. "I just have a really huge favor to ask you."

"Yeah sure. Anything."

"Could you kiss me?"

"Huh." That was all he could muster. He actually looked gobsmacked. He pushed his glasses up. "Umm… why?"

"I want to know how it feels like."

"But shouldn't you be doing it with someone you like?"

"But I do like you."

"No, I mean like like. Not just as a friend." He said slowly, like he was teaching a preschooler.

"I can't wait and no other guy would want to kiss me." This seemed ridiculous now. She never knew she had to beg to get her first kiss.

"But I already told you that heaps of other guys would want to kiss you."

"And I know that you were lying. Besides," She cut in quickly when she saw he was opening his mouth to deny lying, "at least with you I'll know that there won't be any strings attached. It would mean nothing."

"But that wouldn't be the point of a kiss."

Lily was getting impatient now and she could only resort to acting like a two-year-old. So, she put her hands on her hips and stamped the ground with one foot. "Just kiss me." She said forcibly.

James looked at her resigned, "are you sure?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?" She looked up at him with big pleading green eyes which he could never say 'no' to.

He sighed, looking heavenward for help, and then he looked back at her. "Fine."

He took her face in his two hands slowly and brought his lips to hers gently. It was nothing at all like she expected. For a kiss that was supposed to mean nothing, she was definitely having too much of a good time. She melted against him and he wound his arms around her waist. This had to be one of the best feelings she had ever experienced.

Suddenly, she remembered it was James she was having so much fun kissing, and they quickly pulled apart. It seemed like James realized at the same time that he was kissing one of his best friends out of favor. His eyes seemed darker than usual but Lily thought she was just dreaming as her mind wasn't working properly anyway. Her face was flushed and she found it harder to breathe.

There was a moment's pause and then Lily and James both blurted out a "see ya" and "gotta go" respectively, hurrying off in opposite directions.



A/N. well, that was nice. That was the first one out of three, I think. I'll keep you guys posted on it. Maybe.

Oh yeah, disclaimer: Well, you guys know the drill. They belong to JK Rowling.