VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you begin reading this story you MUST read "Secrets of a Traitor" first. This is a sequel to that story and if you don't read it first you will not understand a thing of what am I talking about in here. This sequel is completely based on the events of the previous story and you will only confuse and spoil yourself if you keep reading without reading "SECRETS OF A TRAITOR" first!!!

SUMMARY: An old friend returns to Titans Tower and Starfire and Robin's friendship is put to the test. But when Robin confronts Starfire about her close friendship with the newcomer, Starfire leaves the Tower and the team in company of her new friend. Would Robin and Starfire be together again? Would Robin see the truth before it is too late?

Oh yeah! DON'T OWN The Titans!!



Chapter 1


A year had passed since Red X had been defeated and Slade was killed. There had not been many tough crimes in the city in the last year. There had been some attempted robberies, cats stuck on a tree, nothing serious. The Titans had finally gotten a chance to relax. They had so much free time that they had started to go out during the weekends; either to parties, clubs or two-day trips to the beach but by now, these activities had become old. However, this weekend was going to be different from all the others. This weekend had been planned for a couple of months now and nothing could ruin what the Titans would do in order to celebrate a very important birthday: Starfire's birthday. First of all, they would take her out in the morning and eat breakfast at a very fancy restaurant. Next, they would take her to the park and teach her how to skate, using the brand new rollerblades that Cyborg had built specially for her as a birthday gift. After this they would go to the mall and they would teach her how to play different video games in the arcade, and also teach her how to play pool and bowling. This had been BB's idea, and his gift was a bowling ball with a symbol on it: a yellow star with a flame inside it. BB thought this was a neat way of writing Starfire's name and it probably was because Robin felt jealous about BB's gift for her. Raven had decided to leave her gothic and emotionless state and help Starfire buy new clothes to wear that night to the club they would be taking her after going to a carnival. The last two places were Robin's ideas. He wanted for her to enjoy the mechanical rides since the first and last time they had gone to the carnival, the probes had gotten in the way. Robin's gift for Starfire was to win every single stuffed animal she wanted from the games. He had been training to not let her down like last time (a/n: If you don't know what am I talking about read "Starfire's Diary", by yours truly). In fact, Robin had grown and was now taller than Starfire and had become more well-built. He knew how she loved stuffed animals and he wanted to make her happy by winning as most as he could. Someone may think that all these activities were too much for just a birthday, yet it was not anyone's birthday; it was Starfire's birthday and they really owed it to her. She had saved them from Red X and now they had found a way to pay her back. Obviously, showing no interest in her coming birthday was part of the plan. They did not want Starfire to suspect anything. They had felt bad everytime she had asked them about the current date and they had told her they had no clue. They knew that they had to deny any knowledge that pertained to Starfire's birthday for her own good and surprise, and finally the day had arrived.

The alarm clock at Robin's night stand went off. It was six in the morning, time to get up and join the other Titans in their idea to wake Starfire up all together. Robin was the last one to get to Starfire's door. He had been looking for his mask in the dark, afraid to wake Starfire if he turned the lights on. He arrived at Starfire's room and all the other Titans stared at him with an upset face.

-"So, you finally decided to show up"-Raven said

-"Yeah, dude! I was getting bald!"-BB said pulling his hair out

-"Sorry...I couldn't find..."-Robin paused

Robin was about to tell them that he was looking for his mask but paused. He did not want them to know that he had been starting to sleep without his mask ever since they had been able to sleep all night and not be woken up by the alarm at the middle of the night. If they found out about his mask, curiosity might led them to sneak in his room and try to see his face. He was not ready for this, yet.

-"Whatever, man! Just open the door!"-Cyborg said

-"Ok"-Robin said

Robin used the override code to open Starfire's room. He was the only one who knew the code and for a moment he thought that this might have been the only reason they waited for him. He snapped that thought away and led the way inside Starfire's room. They all stopped inside; the room was very dark. Cyborg, Raven and Robin stood in front of Starfire's bed. BB transformed into a cat and jumped on her bed. The plan was that BB would find Starfire's face and wake her up and when he did, all the others would yell "Surprise" while Raven used her powers to turn the lights on.

-"Have you find her already?"-Raven asked

BB glazed at Raven, knowing that she could not see him and started to look for Starfire's face.

-'Here it is'-BB thought

BB started to purr and at that moment Raven turned the lights on and everyone (except BB who is a cat) yelled "Surprise". Their faces went from happy, to questioning, to annoying to blank. A little sweat drop appeared on their faces. BB had not opened his eyes yet and had no idea what was going on.

-"Uh...Why are you playing with a pillow??"-Raven asked

BB opened his eyes, saw the pillow and resumed human form while jumping out of the bed.

-"Whoa! What gives? That's not Starfire!"-BB yelled

-"Nope, it ain't...Hahaha!"-Cyborg said

-"Not funny, dude!"-BB said

-"Where is she? She's not here!"-Robin said

The Titans looked at each other and then started to think. Raven looked up, Cyborg tapped his mouth with his index finger, Robin crossed his arms and BB scratched his head. Question marks appeared on top of their heads when, at the same exact moment, they all froze as they had the same thought.

-"NOOO!!"-They all yelled at the same time

-"Do you think she did it?"-BB asked

-"Her stuff is still here"-Raven said

-"Split up and look for her...NOW!"-Robin ordered

Immediately the Titans split up to search for Starfire. BB went to the kitchen and looked for her inside the cabinets, the refrigerator, the oven and even in the trashcan.

-"Where is she? She can't be that upset!"-BB said

BB decided to go look someplace else and on his way out he grabbed some tofu leftovers and got out of the kitchen. Cyborg went to the training room. He noticed that none of the training equipment had been moved. He went to the lockers and checked each one of them. When he got to BB's locker and opened it up his face turned green and he covered his nose with his hands.

-"Don't he ever wash his clothes?"-Cyborg mumbled

He closed the locker and thought how it would not surprise him that Starfire had left the room if she had smelled BB's dirty underwear, and he made his way to the garage. Raven went to the living room and tried to concentrate to feel Starfire's presence. Raven stood in the middle of the room and put her fingers on her temples while closing her eyes.

-"If she left, Robin is going to kill us"-Raven said

Raven mentally searched for Starfire all around the Tower. She sensed Cyborg in the garage, BB in the evidence room and Robin in the kitchen. Robin did not know that BB had already checked there. Robin stopped for a second, went straight to the refrigerator and opened it. He smiled at something and closed the door. After doing this, Raven found Starfire.

-'He found her'-Raven thought

She decided to go get Cyborg and BB to give Robin the chance to get Starfire back to her room. Robin got out of the kitchen and made his way to the stairs that led to his favorite place: the roof. He climbed the stairs not being able to erase the smile he had on his face as he remembered each and every time Starfire had ran upstairs when she was feeling sad and took all the bottles of mustard with her to ease her sorrow. He slowly opened the door and saw her sitting on the edge of the roof. He then turned his eyes to her left and saw the reason why he had known she was hiding there: three empty bottles of mustard. He smiled and walked towards her. She was wearing pink bunny night clothes and no shoes.

-'She didn't run away. She's just sad. Time to cheer her up'-Robin thought

Robin sat next to her and look at the sunrise. Starfire saw him from the corner of her eye but did not utter a word. He picked one of the bottles of mustard and showed it to her while a grin formed on his face. Starfire looked at the bottle and then at him while faking a smile and then focused her sight on the sunrise.

-"Star, why weren't you in your room? And why are you so sad?"-Robin asked

-"I wished to see the sunrise. What makes you think that I am sad?"-Starfire asked

-"Don't know, maybe the empty bottles of mustard. We were all looking for you. We have...a mission to do"-Robin answered

-"Oh! I apologize for my unexcused absence. I shall go back to my room and get ready to attend the mission"-Starfire said

Starfire stood up and Robin did too. He allowed Starfire to go first and he stayed behind to call the other Titans and tell them what had happened. When he did, he ran downstairs and Starfire had gone to the restroom to brush her teeth and eliminate the mustard taste she had. Robin and the other Titans went inside Starfire's room and waited for her. Starfire washed her face and checked if everything was fine with her.

-"They do not remember my birthday. Not even...him"-Starfire whispered

She took a last glimpse at herself on the mirror, got out of the restroom and started to walk to her room. She opened her door and searched for the light switch. She turned it on, sighed and walked towards the closet. When her hand was very close to the handle the door opened itself and Cyborg and BB came out of the closet (Starfire's closet...ok?) and Raven and Robin came out from under her bed (no! they were not doing anything...RobStar forever!) and yelled "Surprise". Starfire looked at them and she was confused at first but then she realized what was happening; they had not forgotten about her birthday. She smiled and tears formed in her eyes; she did not bother to hold them back. The tears were from joy that her friends had remembered her birthday, she felt so happy. BB cleared his throat and in a Starfire tone he said:

-"I wish to initiate a group hug, yes?"-

Starfire laughed at BB's acting and they all hugged Starfire, even Raven seemed to enjoy it. When the hug was over the Titans surrounded Starfire and began to tell her what they would do first. The Titans had previously agreed to not spoil the surprises and do not let her know about everything they had planned to do until it had to be done.

-"I'm hungry, Yo! When are ya'll getting ready to go eat?"-Cyborg asked touching his stomach.

-"Yeah! All this running around made me hungry!"-BB said

-"You are always hungry!"-Raven said

Right after Raven said this, Raven's stomach loudly growled and she blushed while the other Titans stared at her with a we-are-not-the-only-ones-that-are-hungry face and she grinned.

-"I guess we should get ready to go out. See you in an hour at the living room"-Robin said

The Titans went to their corresponding rooms and began to get ready to go eat breakfast. Cyborg went inside his room and smiled. He did not need to use clothes but wanted to do something different today. He wanted to look sporty and had bought some clothes for him to use. He walked to his desk and from under it he got a brown box out. He opened the box and his eyes shinned when he saw the contents of the box. He got a pair of blue and white tennis shoes, a navy blue polo shirt, a white jacket and a pair of white pants that had a blue line on the side. The jacket had a white "T" on the front left side. He had chosen white and blue clothes to resemble his usual armor. Cyborg got dressed quickly and after tying his shoes he walked back to his desk and got another box out. This box was bigger than the last one and was wrapped with pink paper and had a purple ribbon on top. Cyborg decided to take Starfire's gift to the T-Car and hide it in the trunk so he would not forget it and Starfire would not see it yet. After he went to the garage and placed the gift in the trunk he decided to make sure the T-Car was good to go.

-"Still have time"-Cyborg whispered

Raven was deciding what to wear. She would have preferred to use her usual clothes but they had all agreed to dress differently than they did everyday.

-"Pointless"-Raven mumbled

Finally, she decided to wear green cargo pants, black boots and a black sleeveless blouse.

-"Done"-Raven said

She was about to leave when she walked back and grabbed two books. One was for her to read when she got bored during the "trip" and the other was for Starfire. The one for Starfire was titled "Teenagers Way of Life and Behavioral Patterns". Raven saw this at a bookstore a couple of weeks ago and the title remembered her of Starfire and the difficult time she had dealing with earthlings' customs (especially teenagers). Raven hoped that this book would help Starfire understand behaviors and she would not freak out everytime she did not understand some situation or expression. With this thought in mind she walked to her door and went to the living room to wait for the others.

BB had to buy new clothes because he could not find his own stuff in his room.

-"Yeah, I knew my room wouldn't be clean forever!"-BB said while recalling the few hours his room had been clean after the Tower was rebuilt.

BB took his clothes out of a bag; the same shopping bag in which Raven had given him the clothes she had picked for him. He was going to wear a pair of blue jeans, a black shirt that had red letters on the front that read "Wicked Scary" (like the ones in the movie, remember?), and a pair of black and blue tennis shoes. A pair of white socks was also included in the bag.

-"Wicked Scary...sweet! Raven you're the best!"-BB said

BB got dressed quickly and then looked at his alarm clock.

-"I still have 30 minutes to find Star's gift"-BB said

BB began moving trash, old pizzas and clothes to find Starfire's gift. In another room, Robin was already dressed up and ready to go. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a light blue polo shirt with a little "R" on the left side, and brown shoes and belt. The belt also had an "R" on it (talking about being obsessed with one's name) and of course, he was wearing his usual mask. Robin walked to a drawer in his desk and opened it to reveal a little black box inside. He had not told the other Titans he had bought Starfire a gift because they, especially Cyborg and BB, would make fun of him. He had bought her a silver necklace that had a dolphin as a pendant and a bracelet that also had a dolphin hanging from it. He remembered how Starfire had liked the necklace and the bracelet when she saw them downtown at the jewelry store. When he saw her face as she watched the jewelry he decided he would give them to her as a birthday present. He took the box out and put it inside his pocket. He was going to give his present to Starfire before they left so she could use it during the day. He deeply sighed trying to calm himself from the fear he felt.

-"What's the big deal? It's only a gift"-Robin whispered

-'But it's for her'-Robin thought

He walked out of his room and tiptoed on his way to Starfire's room. He knocked on the door and immediately heard her voice answer.

-"You may come inside"-Starfire said

The door opened and Robin stood at the entrance. He took a look at Starfire's room and when he saw her he got more nervous than before.

-"Robin, am I taking too long?"-Starfire asked

-"No, Star. We still have time"-Robin answered

-"Very well"-Starfire said

Robin walked inside the room and closed the door. Starfire was combing her hair while sitting on a chair and stared at a vanity mirror. Robin walked towards her and lifted his hand to touch the black box. He pressed it for a long time and decided to talk before he got lost in her eyes.

-"Star, I want to show you something. I want to be the first one to give you a birthday present, just don't tell the others or they will...hate me"-Robin said

Robin knew that they would not hate him. He just used this as an excuse to make sure Starfire did not tell them about his gift and he would not have to deal with them and their jokes about the gift. He also knew that if he told Starfire the real reason why he did not want the others to know about it she would not understand and would start asking questions he did not want to answer yet.

-"Ok, Robin. I would not tell"-Starfire said

Robin's hand were sweating when he got the box out of his pocket and gave it to Starfire who opened it immediately. Robin saw Starfire's face fill with joy, the same face she had made when she first saw the jewelry downtown weeks ago.

-"Robin, you remembered! Thank you, thank you so much, friend"-Starfire said

Starfire hugged Robin really tight and Robin managed to hug her back by her waist. Robin could not breath but he did not mind. Regardless of the pain and the suffocation feeling, he enjoyed Starfire's hugs. Starfire broke the hug and while doing it she leaned close to Robin's face and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Robin blushed and his eyes widened.

-"This is the best gift anyone has ever given to me, Robin"-Starfire said

-"Same here"-Robin said while touching the spot where Starfire had kissed him

Both Robin and Starfire smiled. Robin helped Starfire put the necklace and the bracelet on. After doing this Robin looked at her. He had not noticed what she was wearing because he was worried about the whole gift thing. Starfire was wearing a pink blouse that had a picture of a sunset at the beach on the front, along with a light blue jean skirt and pink flip-flops, her hair was as usual. She was carrying a pink purse that had a big "S" (yes, another name freak, joke). He loved the way she looked, he could stare at her forever but he had to react and act normal.

-"Star, you know how cold you get inside the buildings. Why don't you take a pair of socks in your purse just in case your feet get cold?"-Robin suggested

-"You are correct. I shall go find some socks"-Starfire said

The reason he had mentioned to Starfire was partly true. She did get cold inside buildings with a/c but she would need the socks to use while she used the skates Cyborg had made for her. Starfire found the socks and went back to where Robin was.

-"Shall we leave, Robin?"-Starfire asked

-"Sure, Star"-Robin answered

Robin put his hand on his waist and made a sign to Starfire to let her know that she would escort her to the living room. Starfire giggled and accepted Robin's offer by holding his arm with hers. They both got out of her room and walked down the hall on their way to the main room. They walked next to BB's door and it suddenly opened.

-"Robin, are we leaving already? I need to talk to you for a second"-BB said looking desperate.

-"Robin, I will wait for you in the living room. Beast Boy, is there anything I may be of assistance to you?"-Starfire asked.

-"No thanks, Star. Bye now"-BB said while grabbing Robin and closing the door behind him.

Starfire tilted her head and made a frown. She stood there staring at the door for a few more seconds and then started walking to the living room.

-"What's going on?"-Robin asked

-"Dude, I lost Starfire's gift! I can't find it anywhere!"-BB answered

-"Beast Boy, you gave it to Cyborg to put it inside the trunk of the T-Car so this wouldn't happen!"-Robin said

-"Uhm...oh! You are right! My bad!"-BB said and walked to the door.

Robin's big vein on his forehead had popped out and he crossed his arms. He surely did not like BB ruin his moment with Starfire. BB smiled, scratched his own cheek and opened the door. Both of them got out of BB's room and walked to their destination. Everyone was there already and they were ready to go. They went to the elevator and when they were downstairs, they walked to the garage and got inside the T-Car. Cyborg was on the driver's seat, Raven was on the passenger's seat and was already reading her book. BB, Robin and Starfire sat on the back. Starfire looked at her bracelet and smiled; she loved Robin's gift. Robin noticed she was admiring the gift and decided to admire her himself and stretched his arm behind her, not touching her though, he just put his arm on the top of the seat. BB was behind Raven's seat and sneaked his face between the door and the seat belt to scare her but she saw him and pulled the seat belt to choke him. BB's tongue came out and Raven let loose.

-"Don't even think about it"-Raven said

BB returned to his seat and crossed his arms in disappointment and felt upset that he could not scare her. Raven grinned and buried her face in her book. Cyborg who watched the whole scene laughed at little and then turned the T-Car on.

-"This'll be a long day, guys. Better get started"-Cyborg said

Cyborg started to drive to the restaurant. On the way there, Cyborg had turned the radio on and was singing to his music. Raven was apparently reading her book but she was actually whispering the lyrics of the song that was playing. BB was looking outside and Robin and Starfire were talking by whispering at each other's ears since the music was very loud. After a few minutes they had arrived to the city and parked in front of the restaurant. Cyborg unlocked the doors and everyone got out of the car and made their way inside the restaurant. Cyborg locked the steering wheel, the doors and even the wheels.

-"They ain't taking my baby again"-Cyborg said

The Titans had already picked a table when Cyborg got inside the restaurant. A waitress made her way to the table and asked them what they wanted to order.

-"I'll have tofu eggs, with tofu bacon, with tofu ham, with tofu milk, and tofu pancakes"-BB said

-"I want eggs and bacon supreme, with hashbrown, toast, sausage and American cheese on top"-Cyborg said

-"I'll have herbal tea"-Raven said

Everyone looked at her blankly and Raven blushed. She had to eat something after the way her stomach growled.

-"...with toast?"-Raven said

-"I'll have ham and eggs, hashbrown, sausage and toast"-Robin said

-"I also desire what Robin ordered"-Starfire said

-"What would the rest of you want to drink?"-The waitress asked

-"MILK!"-The Titans answered

After a while the Titans began eating and were all telling Starfire their early adventure at her room when she was not there and how BB had confused her with a pillow.

-"Would you get over it? It was way too dark!"-BB said

-"Still, man, it was funny!"-Cyborg said

-"Friends, I am most thankful of your breakfast gift. The food in this place is quite delicious"-Starfire said

-"Don't thank us yet, Star. We're just getting started"-Robin said

-"You mean there are more presents to enjoy?"-Starfire asked

-"Yup, wait her. I'll be right back"-Cyborg said

Cyborg got out of the restaurant and walked to the T-Car. He was glad that the car was still where he had left it and ran behind it to open the trunk. He got Starfire's gift out and after doing this, he closed the trunk, and made sure everything was still locked and returned to the restaurant.

-"So, today is this young lady's birthday?"-The manager of the restaurant asked

-"Yes, Mr. Manager. Today is my 17th birthday"-Starfire answered

-"We are glad to have you here celebrating such beautiful woman's birthday"-The manager said

Starfire blushed at the manager's comment and Robin glared at him, wanting to jump and poke the manager's eyes out.

-"Why is he so upset?. It's just a compliment"-BB whispered to Raven

-"You know Robin. He has issues against guys hitting on Starfire"-Raven whispered back

"Well, if someone was hitting on you I'll probably..."-BB said

-"What did I miss?"-Cyborg asked

-'Perfect timing'-Raven thought sarcastically

-"As I was saying, it is an honor to have the Teen Titans at my restaurant, especially in such special occasion..."-The manager said

-"Can we get the check NOW?"-Robin asked

-"Of course, right away!"-The manager answered and left

Cyborg showed Starfire the gift and she immediately grabbed it. The look in Starfire's face made Robin forget the whole manager incident. He knew the manager was right; Starfire was beautiful.

-"Star, I'm happy to be the first one to give ya a present"-Cyborg said

-"But you are not the first one to..."Starfire said and paused

-'I must not reveal Robin's gift'-Starfire thought

-"I mean, are you saying this will only be the first gift I will be receiving?"-Starfire asked

-"You'll see, Star. Let's take it one gift at a time"-BB said

Starfire finished opening her gift and saw what it was. She had no clue what the skates were used for but she smiled anyway.

-"Boots with wheels! Thank you, Cyborg"-Starfire said

-"They are called skates, Star. Our next present is to show you how to use them"-Robin said

-"I see. Are these skates some kind of toy, yes?"-Starfire asked

-"It'll be better if we showed you"-BB answered

Everything seemed to be going fine until the manager came back. He was holding a piece of cake with a candle on it.

-"Happy Birthday, Miss Starfire"-The manager said

-"Wonderful! Does this mean that I can request a wish and blow the candle?"-Starfire asked remembering what Cyborg had done in his birthday

-"Yes, Miss. Here you go"-The manager said

The manager left the cake in front of Starfire. She looked at it, closed her eyes and made a wish. After this she opened her eyes and blew the candle but for Raven's luck, Starfire blew the candle a little bit more than needed and the cake ended up on Raven's head along with the candle.

-"That look suits you, Raven"-BB joked

Cyborg took a small piece of the cake with his finger from Raven's head and tasted it.

-"Mmhhh, Mmhhh. Tasty!"-Cyborg said

-"Oh, Raven! I apologize, would you forgive me?"-Starfire asked

BB started laughing and Raven got even more upset. She used her powers to move the cake that Cyborg was still eating and threw in onto BB's face.

"Laugh about that"-Raven said

BB licked the crust from around his mouth and smiled.

-"You're right, Cy! This is good!"-BB said

-"How about we leave already?"-Robin asked

-"Yes, it's getting late"-Raven said

-"Oh, by the way, the food is on the house"-The manager said

-"Nice"-BB said

-"Thanks man"-Cyborg said

-"Thank you very much Mr. Manager"-Starfire said

-"Whatever"-Robin mumbled

They all stood up and BB helped Raven clean her head. When they were almost out of the restaurant the manager caught up with them and went straight to Starfire. He grabbed her hand and kissed it. Robin would have kicked him but the other Titans stopped him from doing so.

-"Have a pleasant day, Miss"-The manager said

-"Thank you, Mr. Manager"-Starfire said

After the scene they all go out and inside the T-Car and their trip to the park began. Cyborg was again driving and Raven was back to reading her book. BB was trying to bother Raven and Starfire was feeling bad about Robin's angry (more of a jealous) face. They finally arrived at the park and Cyborg began his routine of locking the entire car after they all had gotten down of it. Raven left her book inside the car and opened the trunk. Her job was to get the big brown box out and take it with her. BB got out of the car and followed Raven to offer her some help.

-"Rae, you need a strong man to carry that big box?"-BB asked

-"Yes, but Cyborg and Robin are busy. I can do it myself"-Raven answered

Starfire looked at Robin who still looked very upset. Starfire tried to say something but nothing came out. She sighed and started to get away of the car when Robin grabbed her hand.

-"Star, are you...mad?"-Robin asked

-"No, Robin. I thought you were the one upset with me. Although, I do not acknowledge the reason why"-Starfire answered

They both stood up next to the car and faced each other.

-"Star, back at the restaurant...the guy...he was...and I was...and you were...I'm sorry"-Robin said

-"Robin, he was...but I was not...and you should not. You are still my only..."-Starfire said

-"Thanks, Star"-Robin said

-"You guys ready to play along or do we have to give you five more minutes?"-BB asked

-"We're ready"-Robin said

Robin held Starfire's hand and pulled her to where the rest of the Titans were standing. They all got their skates out of the brown box and put them on.

-"Ok, Star. This is the same as walking but you don't lift your kinda slide"-BB said

-"Like this"-Cyborg said while skating a little

-"I see"-Starfire said

Starfire flew and made sure she stood up without tripping and balanced herself. Raven also used her powers to stand up and did not want to move. As much as she hated to admit it, she had never ever skated before. Starfire and Raven watched as BB and Cyborg skated as if they had done it their whole life and looked at each other.

-"Come on, Rae! Move!"-BB said

Raven looked at BB and then looked at her skates. She sighed and slowly moved her foot up front and then the other. One and then other, one and then the other until she was sliding.

-'This is not that difficult'-Raven thought

While Raven was trying to gain pace BB came from the side and grabbed both of her hands and pulled her.

-"No! Stop! You are going to make me fall!"-Raven said

-"I wont! Just don't pull back!"-BB said

Raven blushed and BB started to skate even faster and soon they caught up with Cyborg and both of them held Raven's hands, one on each side, and were pulling her faster and faster. Starfire watched them and looked at her skates.

-"Ready Star?"-Robin asked

-"I am not entirely sure. Are you sure these skates are safe?"-Starfire asked

-"Cyborg built them specially for you, Star. I'm sure he made sure they work properly and besides, I'll be by your side. Trust me?"-Robin asked extending his hand to Starfire

-"I do"-Starfire answered and held Robin's hand

Robin slowly pulled Starfire towards him and when they were very close to each other he blushed. He had never had Starfire be so close to him and he enjoyed it. He moved back and stood up behind her, he grabbed her by the waist and mumbled something on Starfire's ear. Starfire giggled and nodded.

-"I know, Robin"-Starfire said

Robin began pushing Starfire and she did not make any effort to gain speed herself. Robin told her she had to slide her feet one at a time so the skating could work and she did. Soon, Starfire was skating with no problem at all and reached for Robin's hands that were still on her waist.

-'She probably wants my hands off her'-Robin thought

Starfire removed Robin's hands from her waist but she did not let him go. In fact, she was now gaining such speed that Robin had a hard time catching up with her.

-"Hold on, Robin"-Starfire said

-'You bet I will!'-Robin thought

Starfire pulled Robin around the park, in between the playground and then started making sudden direction changes. Robin started to get dizzy but he did not want to ruin Starfire's fun. She was giggling, smiling and laughing at his face everytime he felt they were going to crash onto something and she changed directions at the last moment.

-"This is similar to flying"-Starfire said

-"I'm glad you like it"-Robin said

Raven was already skating on her own while BB and Cyborg were trying to come up with "cool" tricks to be done with the skates. Of course BB had won, obviously a green bear on skates was funnier than a half-robot, half-human on skates. Starfire could be seen from far away and a tired Robin could be seen skating behind her. They were still holding hands and had not let go for a second since they started to skate. BB and Cyborg went to where Raven was and they all stared at the couple.

-"So, did you see Starfire's wrist?"-BB asked

-"Yup, told ya he had bought it for her"-Cyborg answered

-"What are you talking about?"-Raven asked

-"Remember the day after Starfire and Robin went downtown, Robin went back on his own and came back very late?"-BB asked

-""-Raven asked

-"Well, Boy Wonder came back to the Tower with a little black box in his hands!"-Cyborg answered

-"He said he had bought new masks but Cyborg and I followed him downtown and saw him buy that necklace and bracelet Starfire is wearing now"-BB said

-"So the bracelet and the necklace are Robin's gift?"-Raven asked

-"Yeah! He thinks we don't know and he probably told Starfire not to tell us either"-Cyborg said

-"And you idiots better not say a thing!"-Raven said

-"Hey! We wont say anything...for now"-BB said

Raven rolled her eyes when BB and Cyborg rubbed their hands and had a big evil smile on their faces. They stared at Starfire and Robin who were approaching them very quickly. They saw Starfire waving at them and they waved back. Starfire waved again and they waved back one more time. The closer Starfire got the more she waved and the more annoyed BB and Cyborg got.

-"Why is she waving that much? I know this is her first time skating but...dude!"-BB said

-"Oh! I don't think she is saying 'hello'"-Raven said

-"They look strange. Now Robin is waving too"-Cyborg said

The three Titans stared curiously at Starfire and Robin. They tilted their heads from one side to the other and Starfire and Robin started to yell something at them.

-"I think they are trying to tell us something"-BB said

-"What? Can't hear ya!"-Cyborg yelled at Robin and Starfire

Starfire and Robin yelled again.

-"Oh-oh"-Raven said

-"What's wrong Raven?"-BB asked

-"I think I heard what they said"-Raven answered

-"What's up?"-Cyborg asked

-"They said..."-Raven said

Raven was about to say something but her expression forced BB and Cyborg to turn back and saw Starfire and Robin a couple of feet from them, still skating extremely fast. BB and Cyborg turned completely and faced them while giving Raven their back. They lifted their hands and moved their hands frantically while yelling to Starfire asking her to stop.

-"She can't stop!"-Raven said

BB and Cyborg looked at Raven and a sweat drop formed on their faces. Raven closed her eyes preparing herself for what she knew was coming. Starfire and Robin knocked the other three Titans, they rolled over a few times until a bench was kind enough to stand on their way. Raven was on the very bottom, BB was on top of her, then Starfire and Cyborg, and Robin on the very top.

-"Get off me!"-Raven mumbled from below them

-"As soon as tin man moves!"-BB said

-"As soon as Robin lets Starfire's hand go!"-Cyborg said

Robin and Starfire turned to see what Cyborg was talking about and saw their hands still together. They did not know how they had ended up in the positions they all were but regardless of what had happened, neither Robin nor Starfire had let the other's hand go. They both blushed and let their hands go. Robin stood up and helped Cyborg do the same. Robin then helped Starfire get up, who at the same time helped BB and then BB helped Raven.

-"Can we go now?"-Raven asked

The Titans laughed at what had just happened to them and skated back to the T-Car. They took their skates off and put their normal shoes on.

-"This was wonderful. Perhaps next time you may teach me how to stop before starting?"-Starfire asked

-"Sure thing, Star"-Cyborg answered

-"Now let's go eat!"-BB said

-"Are you hungry already?"-Raven said

-"I agree, these skating lessons made me hungry, too"-Starfire said

-"Next stop...the mall!"-BB said

They all go inside the T-Car and drove to the "mall of shopping" as Starfire called it. When they arrived at the mall they went straight to the food court and bought food. While they were eating many fans cried the Titans name out and others approached them with pictures and asked for their autographs. Some fans even knew that this day was Starfire's birthday.

-"You look hot in those clothes, Starfire"-One of the boy fans said

-"Hot? This place is rather cold"-Starfire said

Robin glared at the guy and when the fan saw Robin's fist he ran away. Starfire did not know what had happened and looked at Robin who was dreadfully jealous...again.

-"Robin, why did he say I looked hot? Is there something wrong with me?"-Starfire asked

-"No, Star. There is nothing wrong with you. That's just an expression to say that you look ...pretty"-Robin answered

-"Oh! That is very nice of you!"-Starfire yelled at the guy but he just waved back and ran away again.

He did not want to find out what Robin could do to him if he got any closer to her.

-"It is very thoughtful of him to notice my new clothes"-Starfire said

-'I noticed too!'-Robin thought

-"It's hard not to notice, Star. You do look very fact...I..."-Robin said

-"Guys! Let's go to the arcade!"-BB said

-"Uh...BB, aren't ya forgetting something?"-Cyborg asked

-"Oh! Yeah! Star, come here!"-BB yelled

Starfire walked towards BB who handed her a box that was wrapped in a...unique manner. Starfire grabbed the box and opened it. She saw the bowling ball and took it out.

-"Marvelous! A new ball to volley!"-Starfire said

-"No, Star it's not a volley ball..."-Robin said

Robin's warning was too late. Starfire had "volleyed" the ball and it had hit the floor and cracked it. She ran towards the ball and picked it up. She then turned back and while hugging the ball her eyes widened and became filled with tears.

-"I broke the ball!"-Starfire said and sobbed

-"What? You cracked the didn't break the ball"-Raven said

Starfire sobbed even harder and tears ran on her cheeks like waterfalls but of course, in a funny anime-like way.

-"I did break the ball! See?"-Starfire said

They all stretched themselves and saw what Starfire was talking about and their faces went blank.

-"You see the three little holes? I broke my precious gift!"-Starfire said and began crying again

BB and Cyborg could not help but to laugh at Starfire's ignorance and Raven slapped herself on the face. Robin smiled and stared at Starfire with a compassionate face.

-'I should give her the book right now'-Raven thought

-'Poor Star. She's looks so cute like this...I love her so much...'-Robin thought

Robin realized what he had thought and looked around, hoping no one had seen his face or his reaction. He walked to a sobbing Starfire and hugged her.

-"Star, you didn't break your ball. As a matter a fact, is not's a bowling ball. The holes are just part of the didn't do them"-Robin said

Starfire stopped crying but still sobbed a little. She turned to see her ball and then looked at Robin who was smiling at her.

-"You mean I did not do anything wrong?"-Starfire asked

-"Well..."-Robin said

Robin was going to mention something about the floor she had just cracked but decided not to do so. Starfire felt bad enough about "breaking" BB's gift and she needed no more worries.

-"Not at all Star. Don't cry and let's go teach you how to use this ball. Ok?"-Robin said and wiped some of Starfire's tears.

-"Yes! I am most interested in learning how to use this ball"-Starfire said

-"Come on"-Robin said

The Titans went inside the arcade and besides the normal video games, the arcade had some pool tables and a small bowling alley. Once they arrived at the counter they all rented shoes and bowling balls and began to show Starfire how to play. Robin went first and managed to knock down all ten pins. Raven did not want to play at all after what had happened at the park. Cyborg stayed with Raven and watched the game. BB and Robin were showing Starfire how to throw the ball.

-"Use the three holes to grab it, Star"-BB said

Starfire rolled the ball until she found the holes and saw something she did not notice before: a little symbol. It was the star with a flame inside.

-"What is the meaning of this?"-Starfire asked

-"Oh! It's your name!"-BB answered

-""-Starfire asked

Starfire looked at the symbol for a few seconds and then understood what BB had said.

-"!...thank you very much Beast Boy"-Starfire said

-"Welcome, Star"-BB said and poked Robin on the ribs

BB knew this was killing Robin but maybe this would force him to tell Starfire how he felt about her. After Starfire had said to Red X that she loved Robin no one had dared to talk about it. They had decided to give Robin some time to say it back but he never did. They were getting tired of waiting and now they were going to put some pressure on him to say it out loud as she did it before.

-"You're very strong, Star. Try not to throw the ball with all your strength. Ok?"-Robin said

-"Yes, Robin"-Starfire said

Starfire threw the ball with almost no speed and it went sideways. Starfire jumped up and down and smiled.

-"I did it! I sent the ball to the back!"-Starfire said

-"Starfire, you are supposed to knock down the pins"-Robin said

Starfire's faced saddened and Robin's heart broke. How could he had been so mean to her?

-"It's ok Star. You have more chances to do it"-Robin said

Starfire smiled and waited impatiently for her turn. When it finally arrived she threw the ball and it knocked all the pins down...along with the entire machine on the back of them.

-"Uhm...think we should leave?"-BB asked

-"Yes"-Robin said

Robin grabbed Starfire and BB grabbed Raven who at the same time grabbed Cyborg. They all ran away from the crushed bowling machine and went straight to the pool tables after leaving the balls and shoes at the counter. Starfire seemed to enjoy pool and understood it better than bowling or skating. After a while, Starfire had beaten every Titan, even Raven who was forced to play against Starfire. It was getting late and the Titans decided to call it quits for pool and walked out of the arcade.

-"Raven, your turn"-Cyborg said

-"All right"-Raven said

-"So, see you back at the tower in what?...three hours?"-BB asked

-"What? What are we doing next?"-Starfire asked

-"Raven is going to help you buy some clothes for our next surprise. The rest of us are going back to the Tower and we'll wait for you"-Robin said

-"Raven and I will shop together!"-Starfire said

Starfire hugged Raven who made a face. The other Titans giggled, said goodbye and left the two female members of the team to "enjoy" girls' day out. When they left, Starfire let Raven go and Raven felt relieved the hug was over.

-"Friend Raven, I am truly aware of your dislike of shopping and I know that you are doing this task as a gift. I am profoundly grateful for this"-Starfire said

Raven stared at Starfire and smiled. Maybe everyone, including herself, had misjudged Starfire. She might be extremely naïve sometimes but she was not dumb at all. She was caring enough to save them all from Red X, and now it was Raven's turn to be caring enough to make sure Starfire had a great time. With this in mind Raven and Starfire began their shopping journey while the male Titans waited for them back at the Tower.

-"So, Robin...what did Starfire said when you told her that you love her?"-BB asked

-"What? I never did that!"-Robin answered

-"Yeah, ya did! Unless you just kissed her. .."-Cyborg said making kissing sounds

-"Stop it! I did NOT tell her that I love her and I did NOT kiss her!"-Robin yelled

BB and Cyborg stopped teasing Robin when they heard him. BB reached for his pocket and gave a ten-dollar bill to Cyborg.

-"He didn't tell her"-BB said

Cyborg took the bill and then gave it back to BB.

-"He didn't kiss her"-Cyborg said

They both walked out of the main room mumbling things like "coward" and "idiot" and went into their rooms.

-"What the hell makes them think I would kiss her?"-Robin mumbled

Robin leaned back on the couch and started to think about Starfire. She did look very nice today.

-'Why didn't I tell her that she looked beautiful?'-Robin thought

Robin turned and faced the big screen TV that reflected his image.

-"I am such a coward"-Robin told himself

Robin closed his eyes and recalled their last fight with Red X. Starfire had told Red X that she loved him and he did not do anything about it. He knew she loved him, he just needed to say it back.

-"But she knows already, right?"-Robin asked himself

-'Yes but don't you want her to feel the same happiness you felt when you heard her say it? Don't you?'-Robin thought

Robin closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Starfire had done everything for the team and for him. After all they had gone thru it was time to let it all out; it was time to tell Starfire how he felt.

-"I love her"-Robin mumbled

Robin smiled at the thought and decided to tell her tonight. He could not and should not hold it any longer. Why should he? He wanted to be with her forever. Robin ran to his room and anxiously waited for Starfire and Raven to come back. This was going to be the best night of his life and there was nothing that could ruin for him or her...or both.

-"I am thankful of your kindness, Raven. I will enjoy the book and the clothes you helped me pick. I hope Robin likes them"-Starfire said

-"Why should Robin like them? If he doesn't like them that's his deal, Star"-Raven said

-"I...I suppose you are right"-Starfire said and looked down

-"But I bet he will...he likes everything about you"-Raven said trying to cheer her up

-"Thank you, Raven"-Starfire said

They got out of the mall and began to fly towards the Tower. When they got there it was already ten o'clock. There was no time to change clothes so they got on the T-Car and went straight to the carnival. Raven, Cyborg and BB left Starfire and Robin alone. BB and Cyborg hoped that teasing Robin might have helped him decide to tell Starfire everything.

-"It's about time he lets it all out"-Raven said

-"If he doesn't do it tonight I'll just go and tell everything to Starfire in front of Robin"-BB said

-"I think he'll do it tonight"-Cyborg said

Starfire and Robin wandered alone around the carnival and as Robin had planned, he made sure Starfire rode in all the games she wanted and he won every stuffed animal and prizes she wanted from almost all the stands. Robin had tried to tell her what he felt but everytime he tried either something happened or Starfire pointed at another prize she wanted. Robin's feeling of fear had turned into happiness and anxiety of letting her know how he felt. He liked being around her, he liked her personality, he liked her eyes, her hair...all of her. He did not know what had kept him from confessing his love to her and now more than ever did he want to scream it out loud to her.

-"Robin, look! Are those fish?"-Starfire asked

-"Yes, Star. You want one?"-Robin asked

-"Please?!?"-Starfire answered

-"Let's go"-Robin said

Robin played the game, and it was quite easy for him to win. He had to shoot the moving targets to earn enough points to win the fish and he did. After this game Robin remembered that they had one more place to go: the club. He told Starfire that they to leave the carnival and take to her last surprise. She nodded and when they turned back they realized that they would not be able to fit all the prizes in the car without leaving at least two of the Titans behind. They walked around and found BB and Cyborg playing in the bumper cars and Raven waiting for them outside reading her book. They told Raven about the prizes and they decided that Raven, BB and Cyborg would take the prizes back to the Tower and Starfire and Robin would go to the club and wait for them there. BB and Cyborg came back from the bumper cars and after being told what the plan was they all began to put all the prizes inside the T-Car. Once they were done, BB, Cyborg and Raven drove back to the tower and Starfire flew Robin to the club.

-'Finally, we are alone'-Robin thought

Robin and Starfire got inside the club as soon as they got there because the people at the door remember they were the Titans and they let them in without waiting in line. When inside, Robin grabbed Starfire by her hand and walked her to the center of the dance floor. Starfire remembered the first time she had been in such situation. The blinding lights with changing colors, the loud music and people dancing everywhere made the place look smaller than it was. However, this time it was different; her sister was not there and she was alone with Robin.

-'Alone with Robin'-Starfire thought

Starfire took a look around searching for her friends but there were too many people around them and they made it hard to see. Robin noticed she seemed lost and tightened his grip. Starfire reacted at this and smiled at him, he leaned towards her and whispered on her ear.

-"Starfire, are you ok?"-Robin asked

-"Yes, Robin. I was just looking for our friends"-Starfire answered

-"They would not be here for another 30 minutes or so...but hey! I'm can't be that bad, right?"-Robin asked

-"I guess not"-Starfire joked

-"You know why we are here?"-Robin asked

-"We are perhaps...diggin' the scene?"-Starfire answered

Robin could not help to laugh and Starfire tilted her head at Robin's reaction.

-"Not exactly Star. I'm going to teach you how to dance"-Robin said

-"But, Robin. You do not like to perform the act of dancing. I do not wish to be the cause of you doing something you very much detest"-Starfire said

-"Don't worry, Star. It's ok"-Robin said

Starfire smiled and Robin pulled her closer to him.

-"What am I supposed to do?"-Starfire asked

-"Just follow the beat of the music. It's not that hard"-Robin answered

Robin started dancing and Starfire looked at the other girls next to them. She began by copying their moves and eventually she followed the beat, as Robin had said. Robin was right, dancing was not that difficult at all. Robin got closer to Starfire who thinking that this was part of the "dancing formal procedure" got closer to him too. Soon and without of any of them noticing, they were now inches from each other and they also not noticed that the other Titans had arrived a long time ago but had decided to not bother them.

-"They seem comfortable enough"-BB said

-"We better let them be"-Cyborg said

Raven had sat on one of the tables and was trying to read her book with the changing lights while BB and Cyborg danced with other girls a couple of feet from where Raven was. Starfire was staring straightly into Robin's mask.

-'I wonder if he is looking at me like I am looking at him'-Starfire thought

Starfire lifted her left arm and put it around Robin's neck. Robin reacted by putting his right arm on top of Starfire's left arm. Robin used his left hand and put it behind Starfire's waist and Starfire put her right hand on his left shoulder. At this point they did not care who was looking at them; this just felt right. Robin knew this was the time to tell her the truth and he was not going to waste it. Robin leaned to Starfire's face and again whispered at Starfire's ear.

-"Are you having fun, Star?"-Robin asked

-"This act of dancing is quite indulging"-Starfire answered

-"I'm glad you like it, and that I haven't stepped on you or something"-Robin joked

Starfire suddenly felt very weak. She was not tired from the whole day trip but something made her feel very heavy. Out of the blue, the lights and music started to bother her...a lot. She closed her eyes leaned her head on Robin's chest, under his neck. Robin thought she just wanted to get closer and hugged her back. Starfire's head started to hurt and the pain made her feel dizzy. She held on to Robin hoping he would not allow her to fall. Every second that passed Starfire felt sicker and sicker and did not know why she was feeling this way. She had to tell Robin what was happening, she had to get help.

-"Star, there is something I've been meaning to tell you"-Robin said

Starfire was having trouble listening to Robin and she asked what he had said. He thought she could not hear him because of the loud music so he got even closer to Starfire's ear and spoke louder. Robin was completely unaware that Starfire was feeling a lot of pain and that she needed help.

-"Star, I don't know how to say it. You are a great person. You are a very special person and I am thankful for knowing you. I enjoy our time together and our long talks. I love...taking care of you and I like the way you take care of me. The day Red X appeared, and during the last fight, I thought...I thought I was going to loose you. I was frightened...hell! I was terrified. Star, you have no idea how scared I was of loosing you, of not seeing you ever again. That fight made me see what was really going on inside me. And I am more than ready to let you know how I feel. You are more than my best friend, Star. I...I...I LOVE YOU!...I love you so much. Please, Star, if you feel the same way don't reject me...I'll do anything for you Star...ANYTHING...Star?...Star?...Starfire?"-Robin said

Starfire did not say anything back. Robin felt that he had misunderstood the whole "I love him" thing with Red X.

-'Did she mean a friend-type of love? Did I just screw it up?'-Robin thought

Robin did not know what to do or say. He was afraid of Starfire's reaction and feared she would just walk away and leave Earth. Or maybe she would just stop talking to him that often. Maybe she loved someone else? But whom? Robin's mind kept thinking and thinking and a whole bunch of questions popped out in his mind. Starfire had not answered. He was going crazy. He decided it was enough waiting and pulled Starfire from him just to see her almost fall down. She had fainted.

Robin quickly forgot the whole confession thing and carried Starfire outside the club. He placed her on the floor and used his communicator to call the other Titans. People gathered around them and asked if she was ok. He nodded and told the people she had the flu and that she had felt dizzy inside the club and she just needed some air. The Titans came out from the club and asked Robin what had happened. He told them they were talking (not the topic, of course) and that she just fainted in his arms.

-"Dude...did you forget to use deodorant, again?"-BB joked

-"Not the time"-Raven said

-"Let's get little lady back to the Tower, she's probably tired from the whole day trip"-Cyborg said

-"Let's go"-Robin said

Once they arrived at the Tower, Robin took Starfire to her room and placed her on her bed. He made sure she was covered and that her shoes were taken off. He stared at her and kissed her forehead.

-"Please be ok"-Robin whispered

Robin fell on his knees and lost himself on her face. He wondered if she had heard what he had said, if she would wake up knowing that he loved her more than he could say. He could not help it anymore and slowly leaned to her face. He felt her calmly breathing and touched her nose with his. He was so close to her he felt his heart raising. He did not know why he was so nervous, since she was not awake. She was not even conscious. Robin looked down and saw her lips, those lips that had kissed him earlier when he gave her the present. He wished he could kiss her back to repay the great day he had spent with her...and he did. Robin slowly got his lips closer to her and kissed her. He hardly pressed his lips against hers and stayed like this for a couple of seconds. She did not kiss back, in fact, she did not move at all. Robin moved back and put the blanket on top of her and stared at Starfire for a few more seconds before leaving her room. He walked towards the main room where the other Titans were waiting for him to come back from her room. He hated leaving Starfire alone since he did not know if she was fine. However, she was not alone. A shadow opened the window and came inside Starfire's room. The shadow walked towards Starfire and caressed her hair and then her cheek.

-"You are more beautiful than when I left"-The person said and left Starfire's room using the door.

Back at the living room, the Titans were not sure if they should be worried about Starfire or not. They were arguing about whether or not to call a doctor to go and check on her when BB's blank face stopped them all from talking and turned to see what had shocked poor BB.

-"YOU? It can't be!"-BB said

-"How did you...?"-Raven asked

-"I saw when..."-Cyborg said

-"You! What are you doing here? What did you do to Star?"-Robin asked

-"I didn't do anything. Slade's back"-Red X said


NOTE: I am so sorry this chapter is soooooooo long...I apologize...did you like it? Please R&R!