Disclaimer: Belive me if I owned CSI, I would not be writing Sara and Grissom confessing their love because it would have already happned.

A/N: Here it is guys, the end. I hope you enjoy fluff because this chapter has it. I want to thank all of you guys for sticking to it and soon I will update Hiding Their Hearts. Thank you. Enjoy

Sara stared at the rain as it streamed down the windows; it's a miracle, rain in the desert, she thought. She kept her thoughts on this miracle rain and tried not to let her mind wander towards her boss. She was a little worried; Nick said that Grissom had wanted to see her, now that was a shocker; usually he just stuck to avoiding her.

And what are you doing now? She asked herself. She sighed, she felt the control she had on her life slipping away, ever since Catherine found out about her secret love for Grissom, it seemed that more and more people learned about it.

There is no use in hiding out here, go and see him. She chided herself; he probably just wants to ask me something like what I think about the mating habits of cockroaches. No worries.

Grissom was sitting behind his desk, his mind preoccupied with something. She leaned against his doorway, a habit she had formed over the years.

"Hey, Nick said that you wanted to see me."

"Yes, sit down." Uh oh, I guess he doesn't want to know what I think about the mating habits of roaches.

She took a seat. Her stomach started doing flip-flops.

"I...uh found this." He said showing her the list she had made earlier.

Her eyes widened, her mouth suddenly became dry, Oh no. Please tell me he did not see the back, if he just saw the front I can handle this.

"Would you like to tell me why you want nearly everyone on staff killed?"

"Uh... well you see, I was just angry and needed to vent it out somehow." Let him believe that and just hand me the stupid piece of paper before he decides to examine it.

"I just was worried about what made you think that killing someone would make things right."

Okay, now she was a little mad. "I'm not stupid, have you ever just said something like that because you were angry? I wasn't going to kill them."

"That's good to know," he said and handed her the list. "I was just checking up on you, I know you must be going stir crazy because of this slow week."

She remained silent, right now all she wanted to do was run out of their and burn the paper.

"Nick and I have a DB, but I don't think we'll find much in this rain, soon another case will come in," He smiled at her and her heart lifted, a little. "I better go."

With that he grabbed his field kit and left the room.

Sara breathed a sigh of relief; she had been that close to revealing her secret to Grissom. She chuckled a little, and she had been worried that Catherine or Nick would tell.

She turned the paper over and her heart started to race.

In Grissom's hand writing, underneath where she had written that she would need his heart, he had written four words.

You already have it.

It took her a moment for the words to register, he loved her too. She bolted out of the room.

"Aww man, I left my umbrella in my locker." Nick told Grissom as they were climbing into the SUV.

"Better go get it, I don't know how long we will be there, but I know it will be long enough to get soaked, especially in this rain." Grissom said

"Won't be long," Nick hopped out of the car and ran towards the dry building.

He was shaking himself of when Sara crashed into him.

"Has Grissom left yet," She asked a bit hurriedly.

"No, but we will in a few minutes," he doubted she heard the rest because she was already out the door and was racing through the rain.

Sara could feel the icy water seeping through her blouse, but she hardly noticed. She banged on the window of the SUV, begging for him to come out.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he stepped out into the pouring rain.

"Is this true?" was her reply as she held up the rain soaked paper.

He didn't answer, what was he supposed to say?

"Do you mean it, is it true?" she asked again.

"Yes." Was all he could say.

Sara couldn't believe it, all of this time she had spent worried that he didn't care and in reality he did. She smiled.

"It's not that easy Sara, things are too complicated."

"How can things be complicated if we both love each other," she yelled in order to be heard above the sound of the roaring rain.

"Look Sara, I'm your boss and I'm much too old for you. People will talk."
"I don't care what people think, I don't care about how old you are or that you are my boss. Nothing says that we can not be together. All I want to do is love you; that is all I have ever wanted to do." Hot tears were mixing with the rain as they streamed down her face, would he reject her, after all that she had just said?

"Are you still afraid?" She asked her heart filing with hope.

"Yes," he replied and her face crumpled. "But I'm even more afraid that if I don't kiss you now I never will."

He moved closer to her and his hand gently caressed her face. She smiled at him, and their lips met in a kiss that had been delayed for to long. And they accepted that they were not going to let each other go any time soon.

Nick was strolling down the hall, umbrella in hand. He pushed open the door.

"Ok Griss we can..." He never finished his sentence, as soon as he realized what was happening, eh slowly backed out of the lot and made his way inside.

He could not believe that they had finally done it; they had finally confessed the truth to each other, now he knew that life was going to come a lot easier for them.

He found Catherine, Greg, and Warrick in the Break Room. Greg was getting coffee while Warrick and Catherine were whispering and smiling at each other. They were sitting very close to each other. In fact it was probably not too much of a stretch to say that Catherine was in his lap.

"Hey Nick, I thought you and Grissom were heading to a crime scene." Catherine stated as soon as she saw him.

"Oh yeah, we are that is as soon as he is done kissing Sara."

Three heads shot up and stared at him, Nick just grinned and the four of them were out of their so fast that to an observer they might have just been a blur.

They crowded around the doorway.

"I can't believe this, he finally told her." Catherine gasped.

They all began oohing and wowing their shock.

That was when an idea occurred to Greg, "Hey," he said, "This gives me an idea for a new poll." Then he began to make his way towards the lab.

The remaining three looked at each other, a look of horror on their faces. Immediately they gave chase to the poll addicted lab rat.


A/N Goodbye lab rat

Coming Soon:


A seriel killer/rapist is terrorising Las Vegas, while Grissom trys to uncover who this killer is, he uncover more then one of Sara's darkest secrets that reveal the past she has tried so hard to hide.

my new fic that I will star writing soon now that this one is over hope you read it.