Forgetting The One You Love

Remember that this takes place about a week after the episode Aftershock part 2. In case you didn't see it Terra turned to stone at the end. She also supposedly killed Slade. Oh yeah and this story may seem like a Raven and Beastboy story for a little but it won't last too long. I couldn't finish the summary so here is the rest of it.

This story takes place after Aftershock part two. Beastboy is miserable about Terra turning to stone. He starts dating Raven to forget Terra. Then Terra comes back but she lost a peice of her memory. That peice is her memory of the titans and her love for Beastboy. Now Beastboy must try to make Terra remember the titans and her love for him. Even though the love of his life has returned he still has Raven who he has fallen in love with as well. There is one question on his mind. "Do I truly love Raven or Terra?". Also Slade is back and is after Terra for his revenge. Please R&R

Chapter 1: I Can't Believe That Terra Is Really Gone

It was one week after Terra turned to stone. The Titans were still very sad especially Beastboy. He was distracted in battle and spent most of his time in his room. He was so sad that he didn't care about eating meat. Every other day he would visit Terra's statue and talk to her. He would regret that he never told her how he felt. Today was one of his visit days. He turned into a bird and flew out the window. He went to Terra's statue and put some flowers there.

"I miss you so much. I know you're still conscious inside of that rock." He said to himself.

He remembered all of his adventures with Terra and their date. It still hurt to think of how she betrayed him to work for Slade.

"Cy is still looking for a way to bring you back and when he does, well... maybe we can go out again."

"I'd like that." A voice said. Beastboy looked up and saw Terra. He soon found that it was just his imagination. He stayed there for a few more minutes and then left. Before he left he could have sworn that he heard Terra cry out to him. He looked back one more time and then left.

When he was out of the room Terra's eyes glowed bright yellow but the light soon faded away.

Beastboy went to Ben's and got the pie that Terra had shown him. Then he went to the amusement park and went on the Ferris wheel. He would turn and look at the corner every now and then to see if Slade was there watching him. Of course he never was there. Beastboy left the amusement park and went back to Titans Tower. When he got there he found a note on the door. It said:

To Beastboy,

Beastboy there is a robbery down town. You didn't have your communicator so we left without you. Come quick.


Beastboy ran inside and got his communicator before he turned into a bird and flew into town. It didn't take long for him to find the titans. Mumbo Jumbo was stealing jewelry again. Beastboy remembered when Terra helped them stop him. He was knocked out of his thoughts when a pie hit his face. He wiped it off and turned into a rhino and charged Mumbo. Mumbo waved his wand and a treadmill appeared below Beastboy and he was running in place.

Starfire fired a starbolt and Mumbo but he simply turned his head to dodge it.

"Abra Kadabra." He said. Suddenly a boxing glove came from out of his wand and it hit Starfire right in the face.

Raven picked up a car with her powers and through it at Mumbo who jumped out of the way. Before he could do anything Robin came from above and kicked Mumbo's wand out of his hands. Mumbo made a run for the wand but Cyborg got to it first. Cy pointed it at Mumbo but it flew out of his hands and went back to Mumbo. He made flowers appear and he threw them at Starfire. They blew up and she was sent crashing to the ground.

Beastboy turned into a tiger and charged Mumbo. HE was surprised by the action do Beastboy was able to break the wand. The jewels flew out of his hat and he turned back into a normal old man. The titans took him to jail and that was that.

The titans went home and relaxed. Beastboy couldn't stop thinking of Terra. The pain of her not being with him was unbearable. He went to the couch and sat down. He fell asleep quickly. When he woke up he wasn't at Titans tower anymore. He was on the Ferris wheel. He wondered why he was there so he sat down. A hand fell on his shoulder. When he looked he saw it was Terra.

"Are you having fun Beastboy?" she asked.

"Uh... yeah." He said.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"No nothings wrong. Everything is fine."

"Hello Terra." A voice said from behind them. They turned around and saw Slade. Slade walked towards them but Terra made a hole in the car so he fell through but he grabbed her leg and pulled her down too. Beastboy grabbed her arm and struggled to pull her up.

"Beastboy help me." She cried.

"Don't worry Terra; I won't let anything happen to you." Beastboy said.

"Apprentice, attack him." Slade said.

"No, he's my friend." She said.

"If you will not obey than you will die." He said. He pulled her down and they both fell.

"TERRA" Beastboy cried. He turned into a bird and flew down. He managed to catch Terra but Slade fell to the ground and was unconscious.

"Terra, thanks goodness I didn't lose you again." Beastboy said. He hugged her.

"Again?" she asked.

"Never mind." He said.

"Thanks for saving..." She said.

Terra was interrupted by Beastboy. He had kissed her. He realized what he was doing so he stopped kissing her. Before he could apologize Terra kissed him back. An earthquake stopped them. They looked up and saw a giant form of Slade above them. Slade opened his hand and lava erupted everywhere.

"Beastboy you have to go. I am the only one who can stop this." Terra said.

"No Terra, I won't let you go again." Beastboy said.

"GO" she cried as she forced him back with her power. Before he knew it, it was all over. He looked to where Terra was standing and saw a statue.

"NO" he cried.

Suddenly he woke up. Raven was shaking him trying to wake him up.

"What was that for?" he asked sleepily.

"You were interrupting my meditation with your dream talking." She said as she resumed her meditation.

For some reason Beastboy notice something. Raven had been acting really nice to him since Terra's turned to stone. She had comforted him when he was sad. She had talked to him when he was lonely. Did she like him? No she couldn't, could she? Many thoughts raced through his head. He didn't realize he was staring at Raven the whole time.

"What?" she asked.

"Oh, sorry." He said. Raven resumed her meditation and Beastboy went back to his room and sat on his bed.

He thought about Terra and Raven. He started to like Raven a little bit but he still deeply had a love for Terra. What if Terra never does come back? Should Beastboy have to wait that long for the girl of his dreams or should he give Raven a chance. Beastboy thought of all of these things. He thought if he should ask Raven out or would that be considered cheating on Terra. Well Terra could be dead. Beastboy quickly dismissed the thought of Terra being gone. Besides maybe Beastboy was just being naïve and Raven didn't like him. He decided he could try going on a date with her. Well he wouldn't call it a date. He would call it a thing where two friends go to have pizza or see a movie and then come back home. He eventually thought himself to sleep.

What did you think? Review please.