Real World: Orange County
Disclaimer: We don't own the OC (that'd be Josh Schwartz and Fox) or the Real World (that'd be Jonathan Murray, Mary-Ellis Bunim, god rest her soul, and MTV). Just so you know.
Author's Note: This is before the story starts, an intro to our cast of characters. Though, they are very much the same, they are a bit different.
chinogirls (L&R)
Summer, 21
Miami, Florida
Zodiac Sign: Leo/Virgo
Summer is a party girl unlike any other. She's been really happy after her somewhat recent 21st birthday, "I've been hitting the clubs every night! It's so fun. I don't have to worry about getting rejected, I don't even care when I get carded!" With this attitude the house should be ready for some big nights out on the town. Her parents divorced when she was 10 and since then, both of her parents have remarried. "I've lived in Miami my whole life, I can't wait to get out of Florida and see the California sun! All of my friends who've been there say that it's gorgeous." Summer is a self-proclaimed 'daddy's girl' and has dumped a boyfriend after her father expressed disdain. She enters the house single, but often talks of rekindling a relationship with an ex. She is currently studying fashion design and drama at University of Miami.
Marissa, 21
New York City, NY
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius
Marissa is the big-city beauty. With her sandy-blonde hair and big blue eyes, she has classic Hollywood looks. She's never used her looks to her advantage but she also says that they've never hurt her. "I'm gonna turn 22 in the house, but I'm still not used to 21!" Marissa screamed giddily. Marissa was raised in the ideal upper-class home with her parents and little sister. But when Marissa was 16, her parents divorced. "I love my will-be step-mom, sometimes I joke that I like her more than my real mom!" Marissa admits. Marissa enters the house engaged to her high school sweetheart, Luke. "I love him. I don't know what I'd do if I weren't with him." She also jokes that she and her father will have a joint wedding. "This is gonna be the longest time I've been without seeing him every day! I know I'll miss him." Marissa is currently studying fashion design, English literature, and drama at Columbia University.
Oliver, 22
Charlotte, North Carolina; London, England
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Oliver makes his home base in Charlotte, North Carolina, but was last living in London with his globetrotting parents for the summer. He grew up very sheltered. "My parents always wanted the best for me. They thought that meant seeing the world, and never staying in one place for more than six months at a time. Sometimes, I think it made me more screwed up though, because I never had real friends." On another note, Oliver says, "I'm going to miss my girlfriend, Natalie, so much. I've been away from her all summer and I'm only going to spend a few months with her before I go to California. I'm going to call and e-mail her every day, no exceptions!" Oliver is a recent college grad and has decided to take a year off before law school.
Anna, 19
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Zodiac Sigh: Scorpio
Anna is the epitome of a rock chick. She's full of wit and jokes waiting to be made. She's an avid sailor; she sailed to Tahiti with her parents from Baja California when she was 16. Many of her friends call her style 'eclectic'. And she's quick to proclaim that she's an 'emo geek'. With a love for Death Cab for Cutie and comic books, Anna can overcome anything. She lived in Casablanca, Morocco for a summer in high school and lived in Barcelona, Spain the next summer. She loves to travel and is willing to go anywhere in the world. She's currently studying philosophy and political sciences at Penn State.
Ryan, 22
Austin, TX
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Shy and brooding are a few words to describe this sandy-blonde. Ryan was brought up by his mother in the Austin projects after his father went to jail when Ryan was a baby. At 16, he helped his brother break into a car, and was sent to juvenile hall. Essentially on his own ever since, Ryan is very independent. He has always worked and always been able to support himself. He was granted almost a full-scholarship and he currently has two jobs to help through college. "I think the best job I've ever had is one of my current jobs, I'm an intern at a prestigious architecture firm. It's so cool; I've always wanted to be an architect. And the worst job, by a landside, and one I've always been able to get, is being a waiter. It's just terrible. Waiters are really underpaid, unless, of course, you can get good tips. But that's always been easy for me." Ryan said with a small smile. "I guess, the girls like me." Though many girls flirt with him on the job, Ryan is so shy he's and in an on again, off again relationship with a girl he's known since he was a toddler. Ryan is studying architecture at University of Texas, Austin.
Seth, 21
Berkeley, CA
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Funny, witty and sarcastic are adjectives often used to describe this curly-haired 21-year-old. He has an undying love for indie rock and his PS2. Though raised in an exclusive upper class community in Berkeley, Seth didn't live a sheltered life. "I can still remember the first time I saw a homeless person on Telegraph Ave. I was 3, I think and I was walking down the street with both of my parents, one on each side. I can remember the guy asking my parents for money and them politely refusing. I remember wondering who he was." Seth recalls. After living in Berkeley for his whole life, he just couldn't leave for college and decided upon Cal Berkeley, where he is a film student. "I've always been a big geek. And my parents got mad at me when I didn't do well in school. And I've never been lucky with girls. But then again, geeks are hot! So I don't know why." Seth jokes (we told you he was funny.) His plastic horse is promised to come along to Newport, "Captain Oats would never look at me again if I made him sit this one out! Oh, but before I leave, I have to stock up on comics. They're the best. Well, after Captain Oats, he's my other half."
Holly, 20
Denver, CO
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Holly is cute; there is no way around it. She uses the looks occasionally, "Well, how can you not?" she asks playfully. Holly has both a girlfriend and a boyfriend, and each knows about the other. "Neither of them think I should hook-up with one of my roommates, but otherwise, they don't care. Just as long as I'm honest." Holly was raised in a lower-middle class home in a small town, but hated the small community and moved to the big city promises of Denver for college. "I'm still like half an hour away from my parents and my little sisters. It's really cool, whenever I need comforting from my mom and dad, I don't need to use the phone, I can just go over." Holly is not only a pretty face, though. She's also an accomplished gymnast, and dancer. "I'm also a really big animal lover! I wish I could take my cocka-poo, Charlie and my malti-poo, Ashley with me! Although, I can't wait to get away from the snowy winter, I'm afraid something bad's gonna happen! I might just have to go back and get them!"
Author's Note: Okay, so that was just the intro chapter, and everyone introducing themselves. Each chapter will represent one episode, and if you have any ideas or suggestions, let us know and we'll take them into consideration. And yeah, we realize that MTV is making a show called Laguna Beach that's kind of like the RW:OC, but they aren't using our characters, so we'll only give them a mention. Thanks for reading, and we hope you're as excited as we are for this!