TITLE: Those Crazy Japanese

AUTHOR: Kami Beverly


GENRE: Romance


WARNING: Shonen ai fluff. animal cruelty, both to puppies and frogs

DISCLAMER: I don't own anything.

"Kiss me, I'm Irish."

He had no idea where the phrase had come from when he'd first heard it. In fact, he still didn't. But the phrase had popped into his head and it had slipped out of his mouth before he'd even realized what he'd thought.

"That's quite untrue, but if you look up for a second I'll kiss you anyway."

So he did, and his companion did, and all was good- until the bell rang and he was forced into the lab for a period of dissecting small animals.

His friend followed his form with mischievous and gleaming emerald eyes before he snickered and turned to his own scalpel.