I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this sequel out. You guys are so amazing and all your reviews really helped me write this!! I just got really busy with my other stories that I didn't have time to start another story. But things are slowing down with my other fics, so I was able to write for this one!! Hopefully you guys like this one just as much as the last! I'll try to update as soon as I can!

This is the sequel to my other fic, Ten Things I Hate About You. Which is currently up and you are able to read it there if you wish. I don't believe you have to read it to get the jist of this, but whatever blows ur dress up is cool with me (Lol, funny quote, eh?). Anyway, its set 3 years later, when Lily and the gang are twenty years old and top Aurors.

Hope you guys like, please review and tell me what you think!!

Disclaimer: I don't not, I repeat, I DO NOT own anything that the wonderful JKR has created, I only own the plot and a few characters. (now I can say I own the title because its not longer a movie title ;-D LoL)

Btw, if you guys don't think the 'title of this chapter' matches very well, then I'm sorry. Lol I couldn't think of anything! :-P

Ten Things I Love About You

Number One: I Love How You're So Dedicated

I wanna be the guy that gets the girl and saves the world

And everyone will wanna be like me

Be like me. Yeah, yeah

I wanna be the guy that's got it made,

Gets overpaid,

Yeah, everyone will wanna be like me

Be like me

-Prozac, Dexter Freebish

"Duck!" James yelled. Sirius and James fell to the floor and a spell missed their heads by an inch.

"Thanks, Prongs." Sirius said wiping his forehead.

"No problem, Padfoot." James replied smiling.

They both jumped back up and continued to duel with the masked men.

"So, I was thinking," Sirius said as they both jumped behind a huge rock to dodge a spell, "Do you want steak tonight?"

"Depends." James said as they both jumped back into the action, "Do you plan on cooking it?"

"Nah, you know I can't cook." Sirius rolled his eyes, "But I do know of this one restaurant that can cook and they can make great steak!"

"Sounds good." James said firing more spells.

"James!" James spun around as he heard his voice being called by a familiar person.

"Lily?" he asked looking around for her, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I am a certified Auror, you know." She glared, coming up from behind them, "I do have a right to be here."

"Right," he shook his head as he gave her a hug, "Sorry. I'm just worried about you."

"I went to school for seven years, went to Aurror training for two, and have been an aurror for one." She replied pulling away, "What are you so worried about? I know what I'm doing."

Sirius rolled his eyes as the trio ducked another spell shot by a masked man.

"How long have you guys been going at it?" Lily asked firing a stunning spell at the man.

"Eh," Sirius shrugged, "On again off again."

"How bad?" Lily asked, sounding worried.

"No one was hurt tonight," James said, pulling Lily away from a stray spell, "luckily."

Within a second all the Death Eaters apparated out, obviously tired of fighting for so long. The three Aurors stood patiently, their wands out, waiting for any sign of more death eaters coming. After ten minutes, no one popped up, except their fellow friend and Auror, Remus Lupin.

"Moony!" Sirius yelled angrily, "Where the hell were you?"

"With Dumbledore," he replied looking around, "I was helping the wounded."

"How is everyone?" Lily asked, observing the battle grounds.

"Some worse than others," Remus sighed, "It's getting bad. St. Mongo's has never been this packed."

"We should get going," Sirius said, looking around cautiously, "We'll have to apparate to the Ministry and fill Moody in."

"Right," James said holding out his wand, "See you guys there."

The four friends disapperated with a pop and soon were all standing in front of a red phone booth.

"Come on," James said, taking Lily's hand and leading the way into the booth.

"Prongs, we're not all going to fit in here." Sirius sighed, as if cramming into the booth was a constant argument.

"What are you talking about?" James asked, squeezing Lily and him in the back so there was room for Sirius and Remus, "We do it all the time."

"Yeah," Remus rolled his eyes, "When we were seventeen and still small. We're twenty now, I think we can go into the booth by ourselves."

"Just let them come in after us," Lily said closing the booth door, "I don't know why you insist on all of us climbing into here at once."

"It's safer." James shrugged, picking up the phone and dialing numbers.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" She asked her fiancé.

"Well," James sighed, slamming the phone down, "We probably should go look at that house before someone buys it."

"Which one?" Lily asked, as the phone booth began to lower beneath London.

"The one in Godrics Hollow." James replied, annoyed, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Hmm," Lily replied leaning against James, "Once more?"

James smiled and kissed his girlfriend of three years, "I love you."

"I love you too," she smiled as the booth came to a stop and they climbed out. Once both of them were out of the booth safely and heading down the halls to get their wands checked, the booth went back above London to pick Sirius and Remus up.

"So what time do you want to go look at it?" Lily asked when they received their wands back.

"Anytime you want m'dear." James smiled, taking Lily's hand, he looked at the big diamond ring on her finger and smiled, "Don't you think we should set a wedding date before we pick out a house?"

"I think it's a nice idea to pick out the house," Lily shrugged, "With my parents being attacked last year and not really having any place to live, I think it will be best if we having our house all planned out."

Lily hung her head sadly thinking of the tragic event that happened the year before. Lily was out at work, fighting of Death Eaters with James, Sirius, and Remus, when she received news that her house had been attacked. By the time Aurors got to the scene of the crime, the Death Eaters were gone and her parents were murdered. Only her sister survived, who was out of the house at the time.

"Lil," James said, hugging his girlfriend, "I told you before, it wasn't your fault."

"I know," Lily sniffed, "But I just can't help thinking about it everyday."

"I'm sorry," James replied as he saw Sirius and Remus approach them. They were about to say something when James shook his head, letting them know that now isn't a bad time.

"You guys ready to go see Moody?" James asked as Lily wiped her eyes and was looking better.

"I guess," Sirius replied, "But I'm not ready to fill out all that paperwork."

"That's the one thing I don't like about being an Auror," James said putting his arm around Lily as they walked down the halls to the elevator, "All that damn paperwork we have to fill out after a fight."

"It's pointless if you ask me! I'm brilliant!" Sirius exclaimed, "I keep it all up here in my brain."

"I think they started the paperwork because of your small brain, Padfoot." Remus joked.

They all stepped into the elevator (Where there was plenty of room for all of them) and waited for it to take them to level seven. The four friends stepped out of the elevator and made their way down the hallway towards their offices.

"There you four are!" They heard a familiar growl from their boss as they entered the room with four desks, "What took ya so long!?"

"Sorry," Sirius glared, "We were off having tea with the death eaters and it ran a bit late."

"No time for funny business, Black," Moody, their boss, glared back, his eye swiveling around in its socket, "Did you get any names?"

"No," James sighed, "I think they were just getting bored and wanted some Aurors to pick on."

"You'll still have to fill out the paperwork on it." He responded, pointing to piles of paper on their desk.

"We better get started on it then," Remus said, sitting down at his desk.

The top four Aurors sat down at their own desks, pulled out a quill, and started on the massive pile of paperwork. Some, like Sirius, had been putting off paperwork for weeks, and had much more than the rest. Which meant, when everyone else was done, he was still working.

"You almost done, Padfoot?" Remus asked, leaning back in his roll chair.

Sirius glared and pointed to the large stack of papers next to him, "Does it look like I'm done?"

"Well, if you're going to be here all night, then I'm going to head back to home." James yawned.

"I think I'll be leaving too. Emma's probably waiting up for me." Lily said. Lily was currently living with her best friend from school, Emma.

"Well, good night." James said, kissing Lily, "I'll pop over tomorrow."

"Bye," she replied hugging him before apparating out.

"Should we wait for your, Padfoot?" James asked leaning over and looking at his paper.

"No, I'll be there soon."

"Padfoot?" James asked, "Why are you doing paperwork on those attacks? We've never had those attacks!"

"What?" Sirius asked, "You told me a week ago that I had to write about this."

"No I didn't." James laughed, "You've just spent the whole night wasting time!"

"Dammit!" Sirius cursed loudly, "For that, you owe me a whole lotta butterbeer!"

"Last one home has to cook." James laughed before apparating out.

Sirius looked over at Remus who sighed, "You better go Padfoot. I don't want to be stuck eating your food tonight."

Sirius smiled, "Good choice, buddy."

Sirius apparated out, leaving Remus to apparate last.

Sorry for such a long wait! But hopefully I'll be able to keep this going! Just a FYI tho, school has started again and I'm in High School so its pretty busy. I'll try to update as much as I can. I'm hoping, one to two times a week!