Chapter 1: This is my life

Author's beginning notes: Hey Hey! Check it out everyone, this is my surprise ficcy! Now, only one person knew about it, and I thank them now for their support in me and my ficcles. So, this is my first ever Nightmare on Elm St. Fic, so I hope everyone will like it. I only own the character of Tanya, So PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!!! Now here's the first chapter of The Teacher is taught.

I woke up to the ringing of my alarm clock. I wiped the sleep from my eyes, and looked at my room. 4 blank walls behind wooden furniture, and a canopy bed. My closet holding almost all of my belongings. The rest I usually wore, like my saddlebag purse, Discman, CD's, and everything else. I wondered if my mother was home. Of course, probably not. Surprise Surprise, when I went downstairs, I saw the unmoving sleeping body of my mother on the couch, a bottle of Jack Daniels in her hand. Empty.

I sighed, and grabbed my bag, and purse, and then locked the house. I went to the bus stop, getting on the bus. I sat down by myself, like usual, and just ignored the comments being made by the more popular kids. I was in senior year in High School, and was done with almost all of my subjects, passing with B's. My mother had only cared about me as much as staying alive to get guys money to support her and feel sorry for us, saying how my father beat her up, then left with all the bills on her. Which was half true, My Mom hated my dad, and he left. Thankfully I got letters from him, and money, which I kept to myself, buying what I needed.

My name is Tanya J. Thomson, and all I want is a normal life.

I didn't know that my prayers were being heard by one of the unlikeliest of sources. He sat on a normal chair, and drummed his fingers on the table next to it. Clicking of metal against wood rang through the air.

I walked into history class, where my History teacher, Mr. Gordon was writing 'Villains of the world' on the black board, and I sat at the total back of the class. The rest of the class was coming in, and they all sat down. Mr. Gordon waited for the bell to ring in his outdated suit and outdated hair and outdated glasses, like he usually did. I sighed, as some of the biggest jerks walked in just as the bell rang. Then they smiled like idiots, asking if they were late. Mr. Gordon told them like usual to sit down, and to not let this happen again.

"So students, I want to begin this class with a discussion. Just raise you're hands when you think of Villains of the world, and I will put them on the black board. Now, anyone have anything?" He asked. Some of the smart kids said things like Genghis Khan, while some of the idiots said villains from movies. Then someone said something that caught my attention. "What about the villain of villains, Mr. Gordon?"

Mr. Gordon looked over at Tommy, one of the Druggies. "And who would that be, Mr. Jackson?" Tommy leaned forward, as if he was telling something that would scare everyone just by saying a syllable. "The Villain that is no longer, the Villain that lives here, right in our dreams." He pointed to his temple. "I'll only say his name once, so everyone better hear. Freddy Krueger."

A chill went through the air. "It's said that he killed little girls a couple years back. Some of the parents of Springwood got so angry that he wouldn't get charged with the children he killed, that they took care of him themselves, burning him to death." "He came back a couple years later, and started a new way of killing. He went into his victim's dreams. No one knew how to kill him, he just kept coming back."

Some of the girls started shifting uncomfortably in their seats. I just leaned forward more, trying to hear Tommy's harsh whisper. "Then, only a couple years ago, some high school kids who went to this school figured out how to kill him. They got another killer. Jason Voorhees, from Camp Blood." Some of the jocks made stupid ghost sounds, and their girlfriends punched them in the shoulders. "Freddy was finally killed, and now, there's nothing to fear. Or is there?" He looked at everyone. "It seems that a week ago, a camper was killed in her sleep, with slash marks all over her body. From five, finger like marks. And that camper's site is only 200 km from here. I'd stay awake, if I were any of you." The bell rang, and some kids jumped. I only snapped out of my trance, and went to the bus stop, because the day was already over.

I waited for about two hours, and realized that the bus was going to be late. It was starting to get late, around 6:00. Not like my mom would be worried or anything, but still. I started walking up the bus stops, when I heard some people behind me. I was a little worried, and I kept walking. Going a little faster. I heard the footsteps get louder, so I walked even faster. I was about to turn around, when a hard force hit my head, and I fell down, unconscious.

I woke up in a hospital bed, and I couldn't believe it at first, but I realized my mother was sitting beside me. She was asleep, and I swallowed hard. "Mom?" Her head rose, and two blank eyes were looking back at me. I screamed.

"Tanya! Tanya, baby, wake up!" I awoke to see my father sitting beside me, shaking me awake, me still screaming. "Dad? What are you doing here?" He smiled at me, and I saw tears. "I heard you got hurt... I came as fast as I could..." He was crying now, and he hugged me tightly. "God, I'm so sorry, Tanya. I wish I could've been here. I'm so sorry about you're mother..." I tilted my head, confused. "What happened to Gladys? Dad? What happened to Mom?"

I saw the news later that night. I was the victim of a gang beating, and my mom was the victim of a bar fight gone bad. Paramedics came quickly for both, but my mom... didn't make it. I was left with my father. And the next stop on the roller coaster I called life, was moving to the small community, of Springwood.

I looked out the window of my father's rental car, and saw my new home. It was nice. A normal American person's dream. It had a nice porch, with a porch bench, and a nice driveway, on a nice street, or so I thought. 1634 Elm Street.

I got out of the car when we stopped, and I brushed back my hair with my hand. A woman came out, and she beamed at me. "Tanya, meet my fiancé, Michelle." She had reddish hair, and she was thin, and she had green eyes, like mine. I smiled at her, and she smiled at me. " You're Tanya? You look gorgeous! I think I'll take you to the shop tomorrow, and we'll give you a great new look, and we'll go shopping! What do you say?" I nodded. "One of my friend's kids is dying to meet you!" She said, welcoming me into my new house.

Michelle helped me with my things, and she showed me my room. "You're dad said you had a thing for attics, so I got the housekeeper to clean it out for you." She opened a door, revealing some stairs, and we both walked up them. It was a large round room, and I liked the way she did it. "Do you think me and you can paint it, too?" I asked her. She nodded excitedly, and she put her finger on her chin. "I think I'll take you to Ikea tomorrow, I'll get you some new furniture." I smiled at her. I definitely knew that the two of us would get along fine.

My father agreed with me that I take a little time off school, so I could get used to my new surroundings. Michelle's friend's daughter and me met a couple days after I moved in, if you could call it that. Her name was Crystal, but she liked being called Chris for short. We got along fine, as well as you could for two people who's parents introduced them. She had black hair, and green eyes, strangely similar to my own. Chris and me loved one thing, and that had to be that we both liked watching movies, and watching television. And on Monday's and Thursday's she'd come over and we'd watch wrestling, her ogling over John Cena or something.

Chris helped me and Michelle paint my room, and three was definitely not a crowd that day. We painted it black, and we set up some X-MAS lights around, and a new funky dresser and stuff like that. When it was finished, both Chris and me plopped on my new circular bed, and giggled on how cool this was. My dad put in a skylight, and I was jumping up and down when he put in a computer and a Digital Television. My dad enrolled me in the same school as Chris, so we went to school on the same day.

I learned a valuable lesson from my enemies over in my old school. 'To be cool, you gotta look cool.' Chris and me went to about 15 different clothes stores, and bought over 20 outfits, and some new duds, along with a crap load of accessories. When we were going around, Chris froze for a moment and saw someone. When I looked to see, it reminded me of some of the jerks back home, tall, strong, and stupid. I was talking about the Football players, not the bimbos they called girlfriends.

These two preppy girls walked up to us and one of them looked at me oddly. "Who are you?" I raised my eyebrows. "Who wants to know?" Chris smirked. The one stuck up one smirked as well. "I'm Serena. This is Jessica, and that's Matt and Keith." She said, pointing to the two dumb Asses behind them. I blinked, and grinned. "The name's Tanya. Now good bye." "Wait a sec!" Serena called, and she stood in front of me. "Why don't you come with us for lunch at my place, we have a pool, and everything that hand me down doesn't have." She said, glaring at Chris. I glared back at Serena. "If she's a hand me down, you're a fixer upper." Serena's mouth gaped, and she tried to slap me, but she was surprised when I blocked it. "It's called kick boxing, bitch." Her and her friends stormed off, and Chris smiled at me. "That was AWESOME! How long have you been in Kick boxing?" "Only about 2 classes." I said, grinning.

Author's ending notes: Okay, so this is going to be a one shot fic, if I get more than 5 reviews I'll continue, K? Catcha later, and I hope you read and review.