Disclaimer- i don't own anything, yeah that's about it.

This is a new fic I wrote when I was bored, hope you like it.

Hermione smiled as she looked around her new room. It was huge, by far the biggest bedroom she'd ever seen. The only down fall she could see was having Malfoy right through the bathroom.

"Granger? Have you seen the bathroom." Maybe if she didn't think about him he'd never talk again.....one can only hope, she sighed to herself.

She slowly made her way to the door on her left, making sure to drag her feet, ultimately causing her to trip herself.

'Okay...bad idea.' she silently said to herself, rolling her eyes and getting up. As she dusted off her robes she heard that annoying little voice again

"Granger?" Malfoy demanded, throwing the bathroom door open to stare at her.

"What do you want?! I'm tired and here you are going on about a bathroom, honestly if you've seen one you seen them all." she muttered, turning on her heel almost as soon as the door opened.

She sighed, looking around the unfamiliar room before deciding to sit on the bed, which was covered by very comfortable looking pillows, everything in a pale shade of blue. 'Really,' she thought to herself, forgetting about the un-welcomed guest for a minute 'you'd think it would look all washed out.' she smiled and nodded her head in approval. She could get used to this. Her eyes drifted to the wall directly in front of her bed. A tall book case was pushed up against it and filled with books, save two shelves. Which she assumed was where her personal collection was soon to call home.

"Granger?" an impatient voice broke into her daydream of someday finding the perfect book.

'He's still here?' she asked herself, turning her head slightly to acknowledge that she heard him.

She heard a sigh when her eyes landed on the desk that was on the wall to the right of the bed, it was white with black details here and there (A/N: It really does look pretty, especially in me head lol.). It was all in all a lovely room, other than the six foot intruder that totally set off the theme by wearing black...well black everything. She flashed a smile to said intruder and laughed out loud when he turned his head slightly to look behind him.

"I was smiling at you, Malfoy. What did you want anyway's?" she asked slipping higher onto the bed, her back resting on the white headboard.

"I was going to point out that we share a bathroom. I thought you'd like to see how the best live,
I'm sure after this year is over you'll never see anything like it again." he said smoothly,

"Thanks for the information on the bathroom, I'll be sure to send pictures to my mum and dad."
she said sarcastically.

"What ever, Granger." he snapped at her, before turning and leaving her room via bathroom.
Slamming her door for the full affect of spoiled child.

"Well some one's testy." she said to herself, smiling at the face he made when she didn't yell at him for the bathroom remark. He looked out of his element, his only defense shattered......she loved it. Maybe head girl was more than what it was cracked up to be.
Draco stormed into his room and threw himself onto his bed. She'd taken the fun out of his only defense against her. She didn't see him doing that when she called him 'ferret boy'. No, she didn't, he lashed back at her. That was the right of the world, he was losing his touch. He couldn't get a muggle born close to tears anymore.

'You have all year to get her knickers in a twist.' he thought to himself after a minute of thinking.

He finally decided to get up and look around his room properly, he'd made a beeline for the bathroom as soon as they opened the portrait of that blasted, dense night, Sir something or other.
He glanced at the bed he just vacated. It was alright, for being a school bed.

"I'd rather have had black." he said staring at the dark green sheets.

To his surprise the sheets seemed to fade into black, he looked around the room. No one was there. Did it work with everything? He wondered.

"I'd rather have chocolate." he muttered, just in case he was mental and some one overheard, to the basket of fruit that sat on the dresser.

He smiled as the fruit melted away and a large bar of Honeydukes finest chocolate had replaced each fruit. He wondered if know-it-all had figured out the little trick, probably not. He smiled to himself and walked back through the bathroom and opened her door, without bothering to knock.

"Grang...." he stared at her as she put a book up on the middle shelf of the condensed library they called a bookcase.

Her robes were gone, replaced with jean shorts, very short if he had a say, and a red tank top,
what did they call them......oh yeah, ravioli strap shirt. Stupid if you asked him, naming a shirt after food. What next? Pictures that didn't move? He chuckled to himself at his last thought, he was rather witty if he said so himself. She must not have known he was there because she dropped a book on her foot as she turned to see who had laughed.

"Ow! Malfoy, I thought I told you to get out." she said sternly, pointing to the door before looking down at her injured foot.

"Keep that up and you're going to end up like the stuck up old bat of a teacher, McGonagall." he warned, finding her expression very amusing.

For some reason he didn't think she felt the same way. Maybe it was the book that was hurled at his head, that he missed by the way, Quidditch practice wasn't for nothing people! It could have been the second book that joined the first, or the third. He didn't know but soon discovered that thinking about something like that wasn't the smartest idea he'd ever had, that thought occurring to him as he was knocked back by a rather thick book, losing his balance and toppling backwards. Maybe head boy wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
That was the first chapter and i dont' know if i should go on with the story. R&R to help me decide.
