FFVII, and FFVII:AC are © Squeenix
Lawyers: Levee is mine as a minor OC character. He plays a very tiny part. The rest belongs to Sqaure.
Note: This isn't connected to Zack's Diary since this was written long before that. I didn't want to change it since this took so long.
ALSO. It's important to note, that I wrote this before the movie was released, or in fact, when we were scraping the barrel for details back then, so this story is an ALTERNATE version of the movie, hence it doesn't follow the original movie at all.
This is possibly the longest fanfic I have ever written and completed.
Enjoy! : )
The Advent Child.
"I don't even understand why you think this has anything to with that disease spreading..." A quiet voice tried to reason.
The hallway appeared never ending as shadows danced over the walls as the two males walked.
"Because it might have something to do with him." Another voice replied a cold, firm voice.
"But, he can't even speak Cloud... Never mind say his own name – and he doesn't know where he is half the time!"
"Levee," Cloud turned to the blonde doctor, intensity in his now crystal-like blue eyes.
A long time ago, Levee would've been afraid of a pair of glowing eyes glaring at him in the dark, but these ones seem to be worse, even without the Mako no longer glowing within them.
"I want you to tell me everything that's been going on since I brought him here two years ago." Cloud snapped him out of his thoughts.
Levee sighed, "Alright, but I strongly doubt he has anything in common with S - "
"Despite looking exactly like him...?" Cloud butted in, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again to find Levee looking at him sincerely.
"You brought him here before you killed Sephiroth, Cloud, him being the most-human looking..."
The ex-SOLDIER shrugged, "Sephiroth killed off the others, but most of them died because they were "failures", but..." he trailed off, saying the second last word with spite.
"You did what you thought was best, Cloud, for God's sake..." Levee sighed, tired of this old argument, "You let him live, and you brought him here, and despite his mental state of mind, he's happy here. He mightn't be able to speak, but he's shown me he's happy here."
"I'm sure..." Cloud brushed his sentence off with a hand.
Levee's shoulders stiffened a little, his yellowy-brown eyebrows knitted together into an agitated frown.
"Alright then, do you want to see him for yourself?" he asked stubbornly, but regretted it immediately afterward. He stood there in silence, his mind blank, awaiting Cloud's answer.
Cloud folded his arms, a look of consideration crossing his face.
Not much had changed since Cloud was here last, though his black clothes radiated something different about him, Levee mused, almost like he was regretting something...
Even though his young face was still handsome and bright-looking, something in his eyes gave the impression that he could be a lot older, and those blue orbs were colder then stone. He also looked like he hadn't slept much either.
Two years... Cloud pondered, It doesn't feel like two years... In fact, it doesn't feel like you're gone at all...
Damn it, why did I save that little runt? Better off dead and rotting like Sephiroth at the bottom of the Northern Crater...
But no, his voice of reason had won over his hatred, and he brought the child to this institute. Damn, not even Tifa knew – but Vincent had been there. A part of him wondered time and time again if Vincent would've saved the boy if he hadn't himself. It was his, and Vincent's secret alone.
"Alright." Cloud said finally.
Levee's lips formed into a thin line, but he agreed nonetheless and led Cloud dow the hallway.
They walked in silence for a while, until Cloud spoke quietly.
"Did you ask him about Sephiroth?"
Levee nodded, curly blonde locks bouncing, "Yes, but the things he said about Sephiroth didn't make much sense to me. Since he can't talk, he drew pictures of what he could remember. I've tried teaching him how to write, but he gets confused easily, and tends to forget things."
"Yet he's able to show you what he can remember?" Cloud asked.
"His memory comes and goes" Levee continued, "That's why he zones out sometimes. He's able to write to some extent, a few words, his name, how old he is, but he'd be able to do that one day, and it'll all be forgotten the next -"
He scratched his chin thoughtfully, rambling now, "Though what's odd is that it comes back again, and he's able to write things I haven't taught him..."
"What kind of pictures does he draw?" Cloud asked, though he wondered if he was just wasting his breath.
"He can draw quite well, strangely enough, but what confuses me is that he draws rooms – rooms with beds or desks and some have books, stacks of books, everywhere"
Cloud but his lower lip as Levee continued.
"I'm guessing one or two of those he drew are laboratories, during the time Hojo experimented on him.."
"Maybe." Cloud murmured, but knew better.
"But he's drawn pictures of people as well, mostly Sephiroth, but it seems he doesn't actually like Sephiroth at all."
Cloud stared at him, both blonde eyebrows raised. He was surprised, but again said nothing. Levee stopped at one door.
"This is his room" he pointed, but there was no name, just a number on a bronze plate nailed to the whitewashed door. Cloud felt slightly unnerved.
Levee pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door, but poked his head in, knocking gently. He spoke in a soft voice that Cloud couldn't hear, but there was silence on the other end. Levee opened the door a little wider, looking back at Cloud.
"You can come in."
Feeling his heart thump chokingly in his throat, Cloud followed him inside.
The room was bright blue, a painting hanging above the oak desk where the child sat. He smiled up at Levee good-naturedly, completely oblivious to Cloud standing next to him.
He's grown a lot, Cloud though worryingly, Though he's thin, it doesn't mean he's not dangerous...
The teen's hair was cut short from the last time Cloud saw him. The tips just touched his shoulders, his hair parted on the side, letting one long strand slide down the left of his cheek.
His eyes were the exact same as Sephiroth's, his face the same structure, if younger.
It was like looking at Sephiroth himself. Only this 'Sephiroth' was smiling happily, cheerfully. Something that greatly distinguished him from the Sephiroth.
"Seth, this is Cloud Strife. He's a friend of mine. He wants to ask you about Sephiroth." Levee explained.
The smile melted a little, with a slight turn of the head and those cat-like eyes were looking up at Cloud with uncertainty, almost with fear.
Maybe he is harmless to some extent... Cloud forced himself to relax, though a frown still remained between his eyes at the name. He turned to Levee.
"Can you leave us be?" he asked gently. For a moment, uncertainty crossed Levee's face, then he looked at Seth.
"Do you mind if I leave the room, Seth?"
Seth's eyes dropped to the floor for a few seconds, then rose them to meet Levee's once more and he nodded.
The blonde doctor left the two, leaving the door closed, but unlocked.
A few minutes passed between them before Cloud broke the silence.
So, do you remember me?" he asked, leaning against the wall, his eyes gazing around the room.
There was a single bed at the far wall, shelves above it lined with books and notepads. It was a small room, but spacey and bright.
Seth didn't move, looking at the floor, his hands on his knees.
Cocking his head to the side, Cloud looked to se if there was any number tattooed on his hand. There wasn't.
Another 'Failure' maybe? Cloud wondered.
"Was you're name always Seth? Or did Levee give you that name?"
Seth looked up at his helplessly, his lips parting slightly, but no sound came out.
"I know - you can't talk. Is... there any way you can show me? Anything at all? Levee mentioned pictures?"
Seth looked completely lost...
This is a waste of time...Cloud thought sourly, but was ripped from his thoughts when Seth stood up. He was nearly as tall as Cloud –
He walked up to the ex-SOLDIER, who tensed immediately, his eyes boring into Seth's.
The teen lifted a sleeved arm, his hand touching Cloud's face with his fingertips. Then he nodded.
Cloud blinked, frowning, which made Seth take hid hand back quickly.
"You remember me?" Cloud asked again, and Seth nodded once more, smiling happily that he answered one of Cloud's questions. Cloud relaxed again, folding his arms and taking a softer tone.
"You remember I brought you here?"
A nod.
"Do you know why you were brought here?"
Seth hesitated, then shook his head.
"Ok.." Cloud breathed, once again leaning against the wall. Seth sat back down, pointing at the bed and looking at Cloud questioningly.
"No, I'll stand Seth..." he said gently, "Can you tell me anything.. about Sephiroth? Do you know who he is?"
Seth nodded and pulled out a notepad from a drawer under the table of the desk. He flipped a few pages until he stopped at one and turned it around, pointing at the faint sketch.
Cloud leaned in close, amazed at the near-likeness of the drawing of his nemesis. It was just a head and shoulder sketch, but his expression was that of sadness.
"Yeah – Sephiroth..." Cloud nodded, "Seth, I want you to try and remember anything you can, and be honest about it."
Cloud sat on the soles of his feet, the blonde ex-SOLDIER eye to eye with the younger man. Seth looked nervous – his hands gripping the sides of the chair, but nodded nonetheless - looking straight at Cloud.
"Do you hear voice in you're head? Any kind of voice that just appears and tells you to do something bad? Like.. Killing someone?"
Seth looked at Cloud, startled, then shook his head frantically, his eyes squeezed shut.
"Ok, ok." Cloud waved his hands a little, and Seth calmed down a little, but now his face was etched with misery.
"Do you have any dreams of Sephiroth?"
A nod.
A little more determined, Cloud continued, "Did you have a dream of Sephiroth burning a town to the ground? Or killing someone?"
Seth nodded, his chin resting on his chest, looking a little haunted.
"Did you have any recent dreams of Sephiroth? Like... What he might be doing right now?"
This time Seth frowned, then picked up a lined notebook. From the ink smudges, it was already written on, and Seth started to write something slowly. After a few impatient seconds, Seth handed the notebook to Cloud.
In sloppy handwriting, it said:
"Sephiroth is dead"
Though the sentence was reassuring, Cloud felt a little at a loss. Maybe Levee was right? Then a thought struck him, and he hoped Seth wouldn't go ballistic on him.
"Do you know Jenova?"
Seth froze, and Cloud regretted his idea the instant he said it. He bolted out of the chair, hiding in the corner of the room, his back to Cloud. The ex-SOLDIER stood up, walking cautiously toward the shaking teen.
"She's not here – but, does she speak to you at all, in you're dreams?"
Seth sniffed, and Cloud realized he had started to cry. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Slowly, he lifted a hand to rest on Seth's shoulder.
"Please, it... would mean a lot if you could tell me." Cloud said softly.
Seth turned around slowly, and he nodded.
"What did you do to upset him?" Levee asked, accusation in his voice.
"I mentioned Jenova and he started crying. I didn't hurt him if that's what you mean."
Cloud muttered, though he felt satisfied enough with the results he got from the teen.
It didn't matter that Seth was all upset or whatever, if what he said was true, then Cloud was on the right track at least.
"Thanks Levee, I have to go now." Cloud said quickly and started down the hallway, leaving a frustrated Levee.
He walked back into the room and found Seth sitting on the bed, his eyes closed but tears still streamed down his cheeks.
"Seth, did he hurt you?" Levee knelt in front of him, taking his hands.
The teen shook his head, but did nothing more.
Please RR!