disclaimer: No, I don't own anything...

A/N: Back in black... That was stupid, I know... Now I will kindly ask you to review. And of course read.




"Why are we doing this?"

"Sorry?" Harry gave Draco a questioning look.

"Why we fuck?"

"Do we need a reason for that?"

"Good point." Draco smirked and kissed Harry.

"So, does the whole school know yet?" Draco asked then and sat on top of Harry.

"You mean have they told anyone about this? I dunno. It's possible, but I doubt it."

"You do, huh?" Draco kissed his neck and shoulder. "I bet Weasley has told everyone by now."

"Hermione wouldn't let him. They don't hate me that much." Harry gasped as he dropped wet kisses on Draco's neck.

"But they hate me that much." Draco whispered and accidentally bit Harry's shoulder.

"Ouch!" Harry cried although the bite did feel good.



"That's gonna leave a mark." Harry muttered and pointed the spot Draco bit him.

"Well, at least everyone now knows that you're mine." Draco smirked.

"No ones gonna know 'cause I'm not showing this to anyone." Harry snapped.

"What's wrong with you? Don't snap at me."

"Well, sometimes I have to, so deal with it!"

"Hey, it's not my fault that your friends found out about us!"

"Actually, it is! You came to me in the first place, remember?!"

"If you don't want to go on with this, just say so!"

"I don't want to go on with this!" Harry shouted.

"Fine! Me neither!" Draco yelled back and stormed out of the Astronomy tower.


Days passed by. They didn't spoke to each other. But they both felt empty.


"Harry? Are you okay?" Hermione asked carefully.

"Well, let me see." Harry started. "My best friend has abandoned me, he doesn't even look at me anymore, you act like everything would be perfectly normal, when it isn't, and Malfoy- Um... Never mind."

"What about Malfoy?"


"Oh please, Harry! I'm not that stupid. C'mon, what's wrong? You've been little down lately. Did he do something?"


Hermione sighed. "Malfoy!"

"Why would I care a shit about him?" Harry gave Hermione a puzzled look. She smiled knowingly.

"'Cause you love him."

Harry spat out his pumpkin juice. "What?!"

"I think you're in love with him. If you don't care a shit about him, then why are you all miserable because of him?"

"I'm not miserable!"

"Yeah, sure you aren't."

"I'm not! And how do you know it's all about Malfoy anyway?"

"Well, before you got all miserable-"

"I'm not miserable!"

"-you stopped seeing Malfoy. It's so simple, Harry. You love him. And you're sad because you're not with him."

"I don't like you right now." Harry announced.

"I know, sweet, I know. It's okay. You should tell him."

"Tell who what?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Tell Malfoy that you love him."

"I don't love him."

"Oh boy, this is going to be a long night..."


"Draco? You okay, sweet?" Pansy Parkinson cooed. Draco couldn't hear her. He was watching at the Gryffindor table where Harry sat with Hermione. He noticed that Hermione looked very frustrated.

Why am I thinking about him all the freaking time?! Draco wondered in his mind. He's not that special!


Draco snapped back to reality and turned to Pansy. "What?"

"Are you okay, Drakie? You seem kind of out of space."

"I'm fine, and don't call me Drakie." Draco snapped.

"Whatever..." Pansy muttered offended and left.

Draco gazed back at Harry. He saw how Hermione said something to Harry. He even realized what she said. But no way...

It wasn't possible. They couldn't love each other. They hated each other. All they had was sex. There was no love. Or was there? No, there wasn't.

Draco sat there staring at Harry for a moment which felt like forever. Then he stood up and walked towards Gryffindor table.

He heard Hermione muttering: "Oh boy, this is going to be a long night..." He saw her raise her head and nod to Harry. Harry turned around.

"What'd you want?" Harry asked. When he got no answer, he stood up.

"What'd you want, Malfoy?"

Draco took a grip behind Harry's neck and kissed him roughly. After the shock Harry came along with the kiss.

Hermione grinned as she watched the two boys.

Ron stared at them wide eyed.

Teachers were shocked, but Dumbledore smiled.

Draco broke the kiss and rested his forehead on Harry's.

"I'm sorry." Harry murmured.

"Yeah, me too." Draco murmured back.

"I guess everyone knows now."

Draco gave a short laugh. "Yeah, I guess so." He kissed Harry quickly. "Let's get the hell out of here."

Harry grinned as Draco took his hand led his out of Great Hall.

Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Hermione started to clap and whistle. And when the two boys entered Entrance Hall, they heard how the whole school, except Slytherins, clapped and whistled.

Draco just smirked as they walked towards the Astronomy tower.


A/N: I'm not really sure is this the end. Maybe, maybe not. I really don't know. Anyway, review... please...


bloom-lover2004: thanks... MyLiFeIsRuInEd: well thank you... and keep wondering "smirk" yafit: Ron's dumb? Well, he IS Ron... Flammy: I'm glad you like it... RazorbladeRose: Ron definetely took it better than James... Thanks anyway... I guess... Khrystyne: thank you... Maybe I'll just call you... kyhmy! No, I can't... It's Finnish and it means 'lump'... "grin" dragon-fire1013: thanks... You picked up some hints? No way! lol...