Disclaimer- I have to say that all of the Sonic characters in this fic or mentioned do not belong to me they belong to Sega. Now as usual on with the story.

Difficult To Open Up


Today was a beautiful day and the wind was blowing a cool breeze, Cream was lying down in a field full of gorgeous flowers, she remembered a time where she would make flower crowns for anyone she liked including for her mother such fond memories she had shared with her friends.

For some reason she could not help but to feel very happy, it has been a month since her encounter with her mother and it seemed like the situation between mother and daughter never happened which was good since that was the way things were supposed to be.

She heard footsteps coming towards her and she guessed it was her love of her life, Amy stood over the loving rabbit, she then sat down next to her and Cream could see that Amy held onto some beautiful flowers.

She extended her arm with the flowers in her hand towards Cream and said "Flowers for my sweetheart."

Cream sat up and replied while taking the random assortment of flowers "Thank you."

The flowers were simple which is what Cream loved about this gesture cause she enjoyed the simple things in life the sky, the scenery around her, everything the world offered was beautiful.

The doe smelled the flowers looked at Amy, gave her a quick kiss on the lips and said "What's the occasion?"

Amy looked at Cream and said "Oh nothing except I wanted to talk with you."

Cream then looked at her and asked "What do you want to talk to me about?"

The pink hedgehog got something out of her dress and said "You know it seems like every time we almost make love we are always bothered by someone or something."

Cream nodded and Amy added "Well I got ourselves a solution, its romantic, we can be alone and best of all no one can bother us."

Amy gave Cream what she was holding and Cream took a look at it and she saw that they were tickets to a romantic getaway.

Amy then said "We will be off in 2 days."

Cream was so excited that she caught Amy by surprise by dropping her flowers and jumping on top of her, but by doing that they both rolled down the hill together just as they were rolling they started to laugh and scream very happily, once they rolled down to the bottom they calmed down.

Amy was on top of her at that point and they were going to kiss until they heard someone cleared their throat.

The two lovers turned their heads to see Sonic was there and boy did he look very uncomfortable around them.

The blue hedgehog looked at them and said "I.. hope.. I am not interrupting…. something."

Amy then replied while getting up "No you are not. What is it?"

Sonic then said in an uncomfortable tone "I.. came to tell you I am having… a party on tomorrow night same time as usual."

Amy then said "Of course we will be there."

Sonic was about to leave until Amy asked "Sonic are you alright?"

The blue hero then said "I am sorry I just find it so hard to accept that you and Cream are….."

Cream finished off his sentence "Lovers."

Sonic then said "Yeah."

Sonic then continued talking saying "I don't know why I act this way it just… that.. I am.."

Amy stopped his babbling by pinching his mouth closed softly and said "Look Sonic I am still that same girl you had known for years, I am still the same person who had a crush on you for years."

Cream then got up and said "Sonic can you not see I am still the same innocent girl I was 10 years ago so why can you not see us for who we are."

The blue hero looked at the lovers it seems that out of all the things he did fearlessly (If you don't include water) this was one situation he could not put his usual smile on for.

But Sonic knew they had a point and he looked at them and said "Ok I will try and treat you like I always do but it is so hard."

Cream then replied "We know but look at how Tails copes maybe you could go to him for advice."

Sonic then said "Yeah you are right I will thanks guys."

Sonic left at sonic speed before they could say another word.

Cream then asked Amy "Do you think he will ever get used to us?"

Amy then said "Sure he will."

The pink hedgehog then added with a smile "If him and Tails get together he will be fine anyway."

The two lovers laughed at the possibility for those two to be lovers which would never happen.

At that point Cheese was in front of them with a look of worry on his face as he said "Chao chao chao chao chao chao, chao chao chao." which was translated 'I wondered where you two were, I was worried.'

Cream then said "Sorry Cheese we left you on your own it just that me and Amy will be off to a romantic getaway in 2 days and I got really excited."

Cheese could not help it but to feel happy for Cream he then asked "Chao chao chao chao?" which was translated 'But what about me?'

Cream then said "I am sure we can get all that sorted out before we leave ok."

Cheese then said "Chao." which was translated 'Ok.'

Cream turned round to see a very relaxed Amy who then said in a romantic tone "Now where were we."

Cream took the opportunity to kiss the pink hedgehog onto the lips and embrace her which Amy returned, the doe then laid down onto the soft grass and Amy was on top of her, their tongues got into each others mouths as the kiss went deeper, Amy then felt up and down Cream's body but then Amy broke the kiss and Cream looked at her with wonder, wondering why did Amy do that.

Amy then whispered into her ear "Just a little preview of what could happen between us in 2 days."

Cream could not help but to feel very excited for the real thing to happen, then Amy was about to get up until Cream pulled her back down and said "Cant we stay here a bit more longer looking at the sky together."

Amy then nodded not wanting to say another word, they then rested their heads onto each other looking up to the sky not knowing what will happen in the near future and not knowing what will their romantic getaway will bring.


Please review all I ask is that you all have enjoyed it and say what was good about the story also tell me if you think the plot is good I always doubt myself when it comes to this. Well an authors job is never done till next time readers.

ATTENTION READERS- I will make a fic involving their romantic getaway which will include a lemon but I am afraid it will not be on due to the rules on it but it will be on Sonikku2004's site (Now called The Almighty Sonikku) hope you read it when I am done.