Your eyes do not deceive you, just a small chapter, going to try and get back into the swing of things xxx

Chapter 23

Danny led Sarah down to a large paddock, Sarah counted at least 30 horses in there.

"Wow you have so many horses," she exclaimed to Danny.

"Thats not even half of them," Danny giggled. "We have 3 other paddocks this size full of horses, though we have a lot of extra ones here at the moment due to all the guests staying at the castle, lucky we have a lot of room!"

Danny pulled Sarah right up to the fence that surrounded the paddock, he let go of her hand and put his fingers in his mouth and let out a long, slightly complicated whistle.

"All of the horses have their own whistle call." He explained as a beautiful grey horse bounded towards them. "Her name is Arora, she is very gentle you will like her." He said as he led the horse towards the gate.

Danny unlatched the gate and harnessed up the horse leading her over to Sarah.

"She's beautiful." Sarah said as she stroked the horses nose carefully. Arora pushed her head into Sarahs hand, obviously liking what she was doing, Sarah giggled.

Danny grabbed Sarahs hand again "round you come" he said as he led her to Aroras side. "now hold onto the saddle and try and pull yourself up, I'll give you a hand."

Sarah gripped the saddle and pulled as Danny pushed her up "swing your leg over the saddle" he said and with one more push Sarah was up.

Sarah wrapped her arms round the horses neck, gripping on tightly fearing she might fall off.

"Sit up straight," Danny shouted up at her, "you wont fall off I promise!"

Sarah gingerly unwrapped her hands, slowly sitting up, she felt a lot more stable sitting up than she thought she would.

Danny gently took the reins and began slowly lead Sarah and Arora round the courtyard.

The horse seemed to have a calming effect on Sarah and for a moment she forget all about the recent horrors. She stroked Aroras soft neck as Danny lead them about.

"I could give you riding lessons if you like." Danny said.

"I would really like that" Sarah replied.

Danny lead them up towards his fathers workshop, smoke was pouring out of the chimney and people were rushing in and out with armfuls of weapons.

"We better not go too close" Danny said as he stopped, "she might get startled, shes still quite young, not used to lots of noise and people running about."

Danny turned and began sroking Aroras nose as Sarah had done previously just as his father appeared at the workshop doors.

"Danny!" He yelled. "Danny we could really do with a hand in here, stop messing about with that horse."

Danny looked up at Sarah, his face crumpled "I should really go an help him, I'm sorry."

"No need to appologise" Sarah said "I know everyone is very busy at the moment."

Danny helped Sarah down from the horse and they both walked Arora back to the paddock.

"I had fun today Danny thank you," Sarah said as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek "I would really like those riding lessons."

Danny blushed slightly and smiled "you betcha" he said as he ran up to join his father.

In the distance the Goblin King growled slighty at what he had just seen, he slammed the door and stormed off back into the castle.