Disclaimer: Don't sue me! I don't own Shaman king, I just pretend I do. But don't tell that to the impossible-dreams police.

Ok, this is my very first fic, so keep that in mind before you flame me.

The beginning of the story IS when Kigali is just a small girl, but that's because no one will get the story if I don't start from the beginning. But she WILL grow! Yay!

And some characters might be just a little bit OC... sorry about that! Thanks for reading!

Lady Dragonfly


"We will always be best friends... won't we Anna...?" asked the small girl to her only family sitting in front of her.

"Shh... they'll find us..." she hesitated "and of course we will always be best friends..." They were quiet for a few minutes, listening to the footsteps of the very people that were trying to find them, but Kigali couldn't allow them to take Anna away... she had been suspecting that Anna's parents would try to give her away after they found out her little "secret", after all, not many people had the ability to see ghosts and spirits... yet here they were, two little girls about the age of seven, both with the rare ability that had destroyed their lives. Kigali was not worried about her own parents; for they had already abandoned her years ago when they learned that she could not only see ghosts, but also shapeshift into every animal she touched. Anna wasn't much better off either; she had the power to read minds. A power she absolutely hated.

They had both ended up in Shallow Brook College, on the outsides of London, England. Kigali Belaqua and Anna Kyouyama. Kigali didn't know where she came from, since she had lived in the college for the most part. She had long brown hair with white strikes in the sides and sapphire blue eyes. Anna didn't know where she was from, since she had been brought with no information, but she had shoulder length blond hair and the deepest black eyes.

Kigali looked up at Anna, the fear in her eyes was clear as well, they heard footsteps coming closer and closer. If Anna was found, she would be sent to Japan to live with some family that had offered to take care of her. A relocation. The steps were right outside the janitor's closet by now. The door burst open and both girls spilled out along with various cleaning products. Anna reacted quickly, she grabbed for Kigali and tried to run for it, but she slipped in some "Mr. Clean" floor polish product. They went down hard. The janitor, who had also fallen back from surprise at having two small girls jump out of his closet instead of the usual mop and broom, also recovered. He reached out and grabbed them both by the collars of their shirts.

"Now what are you two doing here?" they were silent, "I better take you to the headmaster, he's been looking for you two all over campus!"


Caught... caught after all we went through. My brain had run out of evasive ideas, in fact, I was feeling sick inside. They had caught Anna. They had taken Anna to the headmaster and locked me in my room so I would stay out of trouble. I banged on the door again and again, but they were either ignoring me or not anywhere nearby. One hour.

Two hours.

I looked through my belongings hurriedly. If it would come to leaving, there was only one thing I needed. I brought out of my bedside drawer a small pennywhistle and slipped it into my pocket. I didn't really remember, but according to the headmaster, I had come with my sister. She had run away a long time ago, but before she did she gave me her whistle. It was my only true possession all of the rest of 'my' belongings belonged to the college.

Three hours.

It was then when I heard it. Anna. I could the screaming and cursing and I knew that they were taking her away. If I didn't act now, I would never see her again. I focused my thoughts and concentrated on the animal I was going to become and had become many times before.


I fought the urge to throw up as they dragged me to the car that would take me away. "NO!!!" I screamed with all my might "Let me GO!!!" I called Kigali over and over and over... I couldn't leave her; we were like sisters. Then I was stuffed in the car, the door slammed in my face. I looked out the window as the car drove away and saw Buddy, the headmaster's dog, trying to catch up with the car. Kigali. I opened the window and yelled at her before the car sped away...


The dog was getting tired. It wasn't built for speed. Kigali looked at the car as it sped away, but she also heard the last words Anna yelled through the open window in the car... "Asakura... in Izumo"

Kigali knew what that meant, that was the family Anna had been sent to. She didn't have time to think about it for more than a few seconds, for she could already see the headmaster and all his aides getting on various cars. Without a second thought, Kigali dashed for the forest lining the highway and vanished in the thick growth.


They had taken Anna. "What now?" I asked myself, human once again. I looked over my options... and... well, there weren't many. Either I went back to the school.... No, that wasn't even an option, even if I wanted to go back, which I didn't; I would probably be punished for my behavior. I would have to find Anna myself; I would have to go all the way to Japan with zero money. Not Good, I would have to find another way... but before I could, I would need some sleep... I felt darkness closing in around me... and, amazingly, started to dream.


So that was the first chapter! I really hope you liked it.

I'll try to update really often for you guys!

Next Chapter A Dream of the Past