Fury of the Beast 1/?
Feedback: Please, send it! I need feedback to sustain my own unlife!
Category: Dunno, I'll go with pg-13. Nothing worse than the show, I think.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything but the poor guys who are gonna die, and I don't own most of them, either. Not getting money for it, anyway. So there is no point in a lawsuit.

Hello people, nice to be here.

This is a crossover with the World of Darkness, where vampires are in places of power, and guide humanity while staying in the shadows.

Now, this is a (hopefully) brief description of the vampire clans.(As described by my Redemption manual) In this world, there are 13 great vampire clans, where each clan has certain traits and characteristics. However, there are more than 13 clans, as the Tremere have stolen the power of vampirism from another clan, and is fairly young. There are also lesser clans and clanless vampires, called Caitiff.

Assamite: A clan of vampiric assassins, their homeland is in the Arabic region. The members of this clan are hired out as contract killers to other clans, and they increase their power by diablerie: Draining another vampire of all their blood. Naturally, this is forbidden to vampires, so the Assamites may conceal themselves as members of other clans.

Brujah: In the dark ages, they were scholar-warriors, striving towards perfection. They had a great city, called Carthage, where vampires and mortals alike lived in harmony, but the Ventrue clan attacked and destroyed it. In the modern nights, many elders of the clan are dead, and what remains is young vampires with little care for tradition or history. Many of the members of the clan don't care about the Ventrue destroying Carthage, as it happened long before their own mortal, or vampiric, lives.

Cappadocians: A clan of vampires that study death, and the secrets of the grave. The clan had little interest in earthly power, and were trusted as advisors in vampiric courts. In the modern nights, there are few, if any, Cappadocians still around, as the Giovanni clan has diablerized most, if not all, of the clan.

Giovanni: These are a family of vampires that acts much like a mortal Mafia, trafficking in goods, weapons, drugs and power for wealth. They are very dangerous, for they have taken the power of the Cappadocian clan, and are accomplished necromancers.

Followers of Set: The Setites are worshipers of the ancient Egyptian deity, Set. Few would give hospitality to a Setite, as they corrupt the ethics of humanity and vampires alike. The clan claims no allies, and is reviled by the other clans.

Gangrel: This clan seems to be much more feral than the other vampire clans, being closer to the animals then other clans. The members prefer a solitary existence, and if they could, would wander the woods and live there for all of their unlives. However, hostile werewolves hove confined many Gangrel to the cities.

Lasombra: This clan is called the Shadow clan, for they manipulate rulers and those in power from the background. Many Lasombra would prefer the title of Kingmaker, to King. This clan has one thing in common to the demonic vampires of the Buffy-verse. They have no reflections, while other vampire clans do. This makes the obsess with paintings of themselves, to remind them of their own appearance.

Malkavian: This would not seem to be a clan at all, if it were not for one thing they all share. No member of this clan is sane. There are slavering psychotics and gently deluded, but all are insane to some degree. Malkavians have been both feared and respected, as they have hidden wisdom that can be most useful, but only the Malkavian himself may actually understand the information.(Trust me, Malkavians can be very annoying)

Nosferatu: This clan suffers from a terrible curse, as the vampiric Embrace makes the members of this clan hideous, and makes them abominations in the eyes of all. They wander the hidden places of man's domain, shielding themselves from the eyes of humans and vampires alike. Their misshapen forms have made them perfect a power few other clans can: The power to hide in plain sight. Using their mystical powers, they can be completely invisible.

Ravnos: This clan is basically a group of gypsies, wandering with undesirables and rejects of society. They are skilled with the ability to create amazing illusions, and chaos usually follows the members of this clan.

Toreador: The members of this clan are devoted to beauty in all it's forms, and there are many artists, musicians, writers, poets, and other gifted creators among their ranks. However, there are also many "poseurs" that lack any creative gifts at all.

Tremere: These were once members of the Order of Hermes, a group of mortal wizards. Some became obsessed with the pursuit of immortality. They killed a member of the Tzimisce clan, and took the power in the blood of that clan to achieve immortality. Unfortunately, what immortality they got, was not the kind they wanted. Some vampires claim that this clan are not vampires at all, but mortal wizards that cursed themselves forever while looking for immortality. They are feared by all clans, for the terrible magics they use.

Tzimisce: Of all the vampire clans, the fiends of this clan are the most vicious, as they have had to defend their holdings from all sides for millennia. They practice a cruel 'fleshcrafting' discipline that they use to disfigure their foes, and sculpt themselves into beings of terrible beauty.(In my opinion, they just make themselves uglier)

Ventrue: These are the aristocrats of the vampiric world, and the members of this clan were usually conquerors in life, and have yet to shake the habit. Others were merchants that achieved success, and were taken into clan Ventrue as a reward. There are no failures among the Ventrue, only successes and the fondly remembered dead. Most vampire Princes of the cities are members of this clan. They are the ones that has helped make vampires into a thing of myth and legend.

Crosses alone don't hurt these vampires, but the Faith in a higher power is what harms the vampire. Because of this, it is not restricted to any particular religion. The vampires cannot walk in the sunlight, unlike the vampires in the show based in this world: Kindred the Embraced. But there are powers that they can use to reduce the harm done by the sun's rays. Presumabably, a vampire with enough power can walk in the sun, but not for long.

Also, werewolves are the mortal enemies of vampires, and can turn themselves into great killing machines at will, but are strongest under a full moon(I think). In this merging of the universes, I'm assuming Oz couldn't control his change very well because he's rejecting the wolf inside him, and can't make the change into a true werewolf as a result.

This fic takes place in season 4, the Initiative is around, and also takes place after my favorite game, Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption. Anyhoo, enough babble.

Los Angeles March 14, 2000

Angel drove into the rundown part of the city, where Gunn and his vampire hunting group made their HQ.

The air was cool and fresh, as it blew through Angel's spiked hair. Quite refreshing for the human residents of L.A, but Angel barely noticed the difference in temperature, being undead.

The reason he was making the trip was because Cordelia had a vison of a group of demons infesting an old warehouse, and Angel wanted backup.

He heard a scream from a nearby alley. He braked, and jumped out of his convertible, and ran towards the alley.

He found an attractive, brunette, woman, cornered by a large, football-player-sized vampire.

"Hey, pal!" Angel called.

The vampire turned around. "Back off! This is my meal!" The vampire yelled.

"No, she's not. You see, in about a minute, you'll be a pile of dust."

The vampire growled and charged at Angel.

Angel dodged to the left, making the giant mass pass right past him.

Taking the opening, Angel kicked the vampire in the side, sending him reeling.

The vamp recovered with an uppercut, forcing Angel to dodge back.

Angel swept the vampire's feet out from under him sending him to the hard pavement.

Angel drew a stake, and tried to stab the vampire in the heart.

The vampire rolled, and kicked Angel in the face, sending him against a brick wall.

The vampire then pinned Angel against the wall, wresting the stake out of Angel's grip.

"So, this is the little traitor, Angelus? I thought you'd be tougher! I'm only 50 years old as a vampire, and I've beaten another vampire that's over 200!"

The vampire gripped the stake, and prepared to stab Angel with it.

Then, a hand grabbed the vampire, and threw him against the opposite wall.

Angel crouched, watching the attractive woman, standing above the hulking brute.

"And you, Caitff, cannot even tell when you have met a true vampire? You are foolish and brain-addled!" The woman yelled.

Her hands elongated into terrible claws. In one swipe, she cut the vampire's head off. It burst into dust.

She turned to Angel, eyes glowing a fearsome red.

"Why did you try to help me?" She said.

Angel was confused.

"Speak Caitff! Or you will share the fate of your kin!"

"I'm not his kin." Angel growled.

She looked at him, and Angel had the feeling she could look right into him. She blinked, confusion all over her face.

"Who are you?" She said.

"Angel." He said. She nodded.

"You are most strange, brave sir. I have no doubt that our paths will cross again." The woman said.

She then left the alley, leaving Angel to ponder what had just happened.

The woman walked into the Barclay Hotel, walked into the elevator, and pushed the button to the penthouse suite.

When she got out she looked around, and called out. "Christof?"

She looked around, and saw Christof on the balcony, looking over the city.

She joined him.

He looked at her, and smiled warmly at her.

"Anezka, you look radiant this night." He then pulled her into a tight embrace.

Still hugging Christof tightly, she spoke to him.

"I met a strange Kindred earlier tonight. Well, two actually."

"Are you all right?" Christof said.

"I'm fine, Christof. There was something odd, though. The first one I met wanted to feed upon me. There was no humanity in him at all."

"He must have been ruled by the Beast, like the fiend I destroyed to save you."

Anezka shuddered at the memory.

"I know that, Christof. But the second one I met, there was humanity within him! He tried to save me!"

Christof pulled out of the hug, looking at Anezka carefully.

"Many of us still have our humanity. Why are you confused over this Kindred?"

"I looked into him, and saw something very strange, even for us. He had a powerful dark creature inside of him, a truly black Beast. It's very strong, Christof. If you or I had that Beast within us, we would be as evil as Vukodlak. I thought they were Caitiff, but it seems they are something else entirely. They had normal faces, then they had demonic features." Anezka replied.

Christof pondered.

"How strange. He tried to save you, yet his Beast is more overpowering than our own. I've not heard of a clan like that before."

"Nor I. And I've been aware of the last eight hundred years. I've not seen one like he before."
Christof looked into her eyes.

"Did you catch this one's name?"

"He called himself Angel." Anezka said.

Christof chuckled.

"An ironic name. Perhaps he earned it somehow?"

Anezka nodded.

"We may speak with this, Angel, later. For now, we must search for our quarry. I've found from Samuel that one of them lies rather close to here."

Anzeka thought of her Nosferatu friend, and smiled.

"How is Samuel?" She said.

"He seems to be doing well, the Sabbat have stopped hunting him." Christof replied.

"I am relieved to hear that. No-one would cross the Sabbat if they could help it. Speaking of the Sabbat, how is Wilheim?" Anezka said.

Christof shook his head sadly. "He has gone back to them. I don't like his choice, but he's too used to serving Ecaterina, and I fear he cannot change his ways."

"He has been serving her for more than eight hundred years, Christof. Also, he cannot forget his hatred of the Ventrue."

"Tis a foolish thing, to cling to one's hatred. I am saddened by him going back to such creatures."

They shared a moment of silence.

Then, Anezka smiled.

"What of Lily?" She said.

Christof smiled back.

"She is currently working in a strange tavern here in Los Angeles."

He frowned for a moment.

"Caritas, I believe. A strange place, where demons and humans alike are welcome. What I find strange is that the patrons go and sing upon the stage."

Anezka laughed.

"Tis called a kariokie bar, Christof. I find the entire thing ridiculous, but some people find it amusing."

They shared a laugh.

"Now, what of our quarry? Where is this one hiding?" Anezka said.

"Within a small town, tis called....."

Christof thought for a few moments.


Well, that's the prologue, or first part, or something like that.
Anyway, I'd like feedback please.