Disclaimer: See chapter one
Queerquail: Sorry after rereading it after I posted it I realised what I had done. However, it gave you a quick laugh so it doesn't matter.
Mina knocked on the oak door. Upon hearing no answer she pushed open the door and walked into the dim room. At the far end of the room there was a four poster bed with red hangings. In the centre of the bed there was a lump shaped roughly like a human.
'Saskya?' she called.
The lump stirred, 'What?' she mumbled into the pillow.
'Get up.' Mina walked over and drew the curtains. The morning June light streamed in.
What a perfect day to get married.
'Oh my Lord.' Declared Saskya as she sat up and brushed her curly hair out of her eyes.
'What's wrong?'
'I'm getting married.'
She jumped out of bed and began dancing round the room.
'Of course you are. Now we have to get you ready. We have to be there in three hours.'
'Where?' Saskya asked stopping mid dance.
'Westminster abbey.' Mina opened the large wardrobe.
They spent an hour doing their hair and eating a rather nice breakfast of toast, coffee and a goblet of blood. Saskya's nerves were beginning to mount as she dressed in her gown. Before she pulled on the gown Mina pinned a pouch to her petticoat that contained a piece of bread, wood and cloth and a pound note, apparently for good luck. The dress had a white bodice with thin white straps that had biased cut chiffon sleeves with a full romantic skirt.
'It's strange to think that it a few hours I'm going to be Mrs Gray.' Saskya said as did up the strings on Mina's maid of honour dress.
'Don't worry,' she turned round, 'Right you need something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Oh and a sixpence in your shoe.'
'Alright, something old could be these diamond earrings. Something new could be the diamond necklace Dorian gave me. Something blue could be the garter.'
'And I'll lend you some boots for something borrowed.'
They put the sixpence in and then Mina brought the veil of a box. She put the white gold hairpiece on the brides head. Her hair was piled up and had several coils hanging loose. The veil was lowered over her face and back. It almost reached her waist.
'Ready?' asked Mina.
'Sure.' Saskya replied.
They got in the carriage that sat outside. It was drawn by four white horses and they had white ribbons on their tack. The carriage sped on its way. Saskya sat in the back her wringing her hand and playing with her bouquet and engagement ring. Mina put her hand over hers and held it tight.
'Don't worry. It will all be fine.' She nodded not trusting herself to reply.
They arrived just as the cloak struck quarter to eleven. The bells were ringing as they stepped from the carriage. The stairs leading to the abbey doors were lined with people. Saskya felt like a princess, even though she actually was. In the main foyer stood Leonate with his two children. Natalya was set to be the flower girl and stood in a pale grey dress with a basket of rose petals. Next to her was Ivan who was going to hold her train. Leonate sent his daughter off who began the slow walk to the aisle. Mina followed her down keeping her perfect posture. Saskya glanced in the mirror as she put her right arm through Leonate's left. In the mirror she saw her dress but not her body, which didn't entirely surprise her. What did shock her was that she saw two people behind her. She knew there wasn't anyone though. On her right there was a tall man with pale skin and shoulder length black hair. On her left there was a woman with brown curly hair and piercing blue eyes. She shook her head and the images disappeared.
'Ready?' Leonate asked.
He kissed her cheek and they began the march. So many people had been asking her if she was ready. Was she ready? To become Mrs Dorian Gray.
Of course.
She was pulled from her reverie when Leonate lifted her veil and kissed her cheek. He handed her right hand to Dorian and smiled before sitting with his wife.
She could fell his pulse has she held his hand. Looking into his eyes she knew what she was doing was right. Within no time at all she had said 'I do.' And Dorian as lowering his face to hers. He captured her lips and she tasted his smell of liquor and aftershave. When they broke apart they smiled at each other. As they walked down the aisle they guests applauded her. When they reached the stairs outside they crowd that had gathered applauded. Suddenly they all stopped and she tightened her grip on Dorian.
A group of around thirty people surged through the crowd and stood at the foot of the stairs. They were all dressed in black tight clothing with silver armour covered by red cloaks. A man stepped forward and lowered his hood. The crowd gasped. His hair was platinum white. His gold armour distinguished him as their leader.
'Your Majesty. We are the warriors.'
'Why are you here?' Saskya asked trying to keep her voice level.
'Now you are married you can call upon us. Until that time we will abide peacefully,' He turned to the army saying something they couldn't hear. He turned back and drew his sword. He saluted her with it.
'Congratulations Mr Gray. Take immense care of her.' And with that they disappeared into the crowds.
After a moment of stunned silence the crowd began to cheer again. Dorian led her to a grand carriage and helped her up. The horses began to lead them home. They remaining guests threw rice and petals and occasionally a shoe which if it landed in the carriage was good luck. Saskya suddenly threw her head forward as a shoe hit the back of her head. Turning she saw Skinner tipping his hat to her laughing. She blew him a kiss and turned to her husband.
'You had better keep that promise Dorian.'
'What promise darling?' he looked perplexed.
'Until death do us part.'
A picture of Saskya's dress can be found at uwwuw.uyosua.cuom/ucatualoug/ruomauntiuc/ruomauntiuc.hutmlu
(Remove the u's to reveal address as DM won't let me publish it)
A/N: It seemed perfect for her. This is the end and I shall finish Ancestors momentarily. Thank you to everyone who read this fanfic even if you didn't review. And to my reviewers, much love. I hope you enjoyed this and look out for more of Saskya's adventures.
Love Artemis Gray.