Disclaimer: No... we do not own anything...

A/N: This idea came to me just last night... Lily and James writing letters to each other!! I decided that it would be fun if I (I'm moose) were only one of them. After discussing the idea with Inadequate... it was decided that I would be James... so remember... I'm James... Inadequate is Lily

Dear Miss Evans,

Moony (Remus) gave me the most wonderful idea! I was sitting near the fire, complaining about how you and I can never have a decent conversation, he was doing his homework, and I could tell he was getting more annoyed by the minute. Anyway, suddenly, just as I was telling him that it was unfair how HE got all the good conversations with you. He turned to me and yelled "PRONGS!! WHY DON'T YOU JUST WRITE HER A BLOODY LETTER!! AND LEAVE ME TO FINISH MY POTIONS HOMEWORK!!!" I'll tell you now Lily, Moony can really yell when he wants to. But, his idea certainly was a good one, finally a way to talk to you, without talking!! I hope that did make sense... Well, I was overjoyed by the idea. I decided to start writing straight away! So here I am, ten minutes later, writing this!

Well, now I really don't know what to say. You must be laughing now, James Potter silenced on paper. I can see the headlines now...

What shall I talk about? The options are endless... Well, not really, I don't think you want to talk about how ugly Snape is... or about the weather... so I must think of a safe topic...

I know!! After five minutes of thinking, it struck me! Homework! Thank god for school, otherwise, I may have had to talk about the weather. So have you started your charms homework? I would think you have... you always seem to be ahead of me in that subject.

Well, I must try to make this letter longer, but I can't think of anything to write!! Maybe I should ask a boring question... How are you? I am desperate...

Sorry this letter is so short, but it isn't my fault! Well, maybe it is... please think about writing back Miss Evans.


James Potter

A/N: Hope you liked my first letter... I know it is short... but they will get longer!! R&R!!! P.S I know this chapters been posted before... I posted it in my other account some how... I'm sure I logged onto my shared account though!!

- Moose