Although James and Lily stories are my favorite to read, I'm not positive I can write them. So here's an experiment. Cheers! lol

Disclaimer: The wonderful characters of this story, belong to her genius J.K. Rowling, and not to the person writing this fan fic.

How did it happen? To this day I do not know. The enigma that was James Potter.

He used to be such a bigheaded prat, so arrogant and self-conceited.

Why did he have to do it?

Why did he have to change?

I was perfectly content hating him.

Why did he have to change for the better, and tear my utopia apart?

My world was crashing down. The new feeling James gave me when he was around me, flipped my world, so I no longer knew which was up or down.

But, in order to understand a story, you must start at the beginning. And now as I look back on it, I realize how long ago it seems.

It was Fourth year, and I had just seen that prat of a Potter prank the notorious Severus Snape. To this day I don't know why that was such a bad thing.

But, the fact that it was that git Potter, making the trouble, aroused the anger inside my soul. In other words, anything Potter related, utterly and completely pissed me off.

His friends and he were in hysterics. I wanted to use any sort of spell to blast him out of my sight.

As soon as I saw him sober up, I knew he was going to come and taunt me with his absolutely hideous personality, and not to mention, in my opinion, his looks as well.

He slowly walked with meaning toward me. I wanted to kick his little egotistical arse. But, I knew people were watching, and I only had one of my best friends with me.

Although we were equally talented as the Marauders, minus Pettigrew, we were outnumbered. 2 to 3. Okay maybe 3 and ΒΌ.

"Hey, Lily." He said, trying to be seductive.

"Bugger off Potter!" I replied absolutely irritated with his shenanigans.

"Umm...Lily?" He started to say, I could see the blood rushing to his face.

"What is it now Potter!" I didn't want to hear the voice of that pest again.

"I was wondering if you would... umm... like to... umm... go... with me... to Hogsmeade... next weekend?" He nervously tried, his face was as red as Arthur Weasley's hair; I found it quite remarkable.

"As if I would ever find you in the least bit appealing. You stray so far from charismatic, I wonder how you sleep at night!" I bitterly replied.

I glanced over at one of my best friends, Rebecca, for support. She was giving me the be-nice-look-or-else look.

"C'mon can't you find it in your heart, to be nice to one so fine as me?" He inquired.

Before I could even say "the" he blurted out, "Oh wait, I'm sorry I forgot. You don't have a heart!"

Oh that was so low. My fists were clenched, and Beki elbowed me quite painfully so I wouldn't curse every inch of Potter I saw.

"Oh, yeah?"


"You pompous, devious jerk. I thought your friends were smart, but obviously not, if they hang around you." Right after I spoke I gave Remus Lupin the look. It was our secret code.

Whenever I said something that involved James friends, Remus, being a gentleman, knew not to take it personally, because we both knew the blow was meant for Potter and his ever growing ego.

"Potter you make me sick! Every time I'm around you I feel like taking poison to put myself out of my misery. Because to me being in your presence is miserable! Excuse me while I puke!"

Sirius Black took his chance to get his paws into our business. "Oh Lily darling!"

"Oh yes Sirius-poo!" I said in a sing-song voice. We played this game since the day we met.

"You know, sweetie-pie, that James really, really, really, beyond all belief lluiiuddddmphmsddsss vvuo." Four hands had just been pressed against Sirius blabber-mouth, two were James' seeker hands, and two were Remus'.

"I sorry, love, I didn't quite catch that." I replied keeping up our stupid sassy act.

"I said, Jamesphmhph!" Hands were placed over his mouth again. He threw them off, with a pouting look on his face. "Fine, I can't tell you."

"Oh my! I'm hurt!" I dramatically expressed, putting my hands over my heart.

"Lily," James started again.

"What," I snapped.

"Will you walk with me?" He innocently asked.

"Potter, I wouldn't do it even if my life depended on it. I'd rather die a thousand painful deaths than endure your narcissistic and self-centered presence alone for two seconds."

"Ouch, that hurt Lils."

"Don't you ever call me that you prat. You aren't even worth my time." I raged starting to storm off. "James Potter from now on do not expect even the light of day from me! You half-witted twit!"

Beki and I left them dumb-founded as we walked back up to the castle.

"That blasted fool," I said to Beki, "Whenever I am around him I felt like screaming until I run out of air and die, just so I won't have to spend another second in his company!"

"Oh, Lily! You are such a drama queen. He isn't all that bad." Beki replied.

It was second nature to her. She had tolerated my I-hate-James-Potter speeches so many times before she didn't even have to think about what to say anymore.

You know you want to tell me off for writing this story. So tell me before I post the next chapter. Lol (hint: the button is in the corner! Lol)

Please lemme know!
