Standing on the Edge of Tomorrow

Note: Well, this is it. Thanks to all my loyal readers. This was the first fanfic that I ever wrote, so it was nice to see that so many people enjoyed it. Please look for the sequel Standing on the Edge of Tomorrow II: The Rising Sun, which will be up shortly, hopefully by the weekend.


Buffy and Faith stood amongst the carnage and wreckage of the battle, seeing those who fought beside them lying in the rubble. Then, looking at the survivors, they smiled, knowing that they had indeed won possibly the greatest battle of their time. Turning to Buffy, Faith wrapped her arm around the golden haired slayer's waist to support her and said, "Let's go home."


It had been nearly four months since the battle against the First Evil. Though the slayers had been busy with the usual vampires and demons that inhabited Sunnydale, it was a relatively peaceful and quiet time. However, as Buffy stood looking at herself in her bedroom mirror, she felt a knot of apprehension forming in her stomach. She thought of all the battles she had fought in her life and realized that she had never been as anxious before any of them as she was now.

"You look beautiful," Giles said, knocking on the door and entering. "You also look paler than death," he said amusedly.

"I'm just a little nervous," Buffy replied, turning to flash him a smile before gazing into the mirror again. "That's normal right?"

"Absolutely. This is the rest of your life, after all. It's only natural to feel a bit apprehensive about the decision. But, Buffy," Giles said, pausing beside her and smiling warmly down at her, "it's the right decision."

Buffy smiled brilliantly and nodded her head. "Yeah, I know it is. I can feel it, in here, where it matters," Buffy said, putting her hand over her heart. "Everything ready?"

"We're all waiting on you," Giles said, offering her his arm. Buffy graciously accepted it and he led her out of the room. As their feet hit the bottom stair, music began playing. Turning they walked toward the backdoor. Looking up, Buffy could see all of her friends and family, at least the ones who really mattered, gathered in her backyard. Faith was standing on a makeshift alter Xander had built, with one of the Coven members next to her, ready to administer the ceremony.

"Deep breath," Giles said, as two Council members opened the door for them. Stepping out onto the grass, Buffy felt her eyes welling up with tears.

"She looks beautiful," Buffy whispered, her eyes locked on Faith's.

"Yes, she does," Giles replied, blinking away his own tears. He had always thought of Buffy as a daughter, and now, leading her down the "aisle" at her wedding, he realized that she was. He was incredibly proud to be able to share the moment with her, to watch her grow up into the woman she was meant to become. Though Faith hadn't always been a friend to everyone, Giles knew that she and Buffy were meant to be together. They fit like the yin to the yang, light to dark.

When they reached the alter, Buffy stepped forward and took her place next to Faith. "Hey," Faith whispered, smiling over at her. "You ready?"

"Never been more ready in my life," Buffy answered, noticing that Faith's eyes were sparkling in the sunshine. She chuckled to herself, knowing that Faith was doing everything in her power to keep from crying.

Kara stood next to Faith and Willow stood next to Buffy, with the rest of the Scoobies seated in the first row of chairs they had set up. The ceremony began and as Faith slipped the ring on Buffy's finger, she spoke her vows. "B...Buffy," Faith said, stumbling over her words a bit. "You've always been my light in the dark. There were so many times when I doubted myself. But every time you pulled me back. I wouldn't be who I am today without you. I love you so much and no matter what happens, I will always stand by your side," Faith finished, her voice shaking slightly at the end.

Buffy paused for a moment, collecting herself, before beginning. "I don't know that any words of mine could express to you how I feel about you. You're my rock, my foundation. Without you, I would collapse. We've been through a lot together and every single moment I cherish because I spent it with you. I love you with everything that I am and I always will."

"You may kiss your partner," the Coven mistress said after pronouncing their union. Faith captured Buffy's lips with her own, sealing their union with a searing kiss. When they broke apart, everyone began to clap.

"Time to party," Xander said, as Buffy and Faith walked down the aisle together to the limo waiting in the front of the house. They had rented out the Bronze for the reception.

Anya laughed to herself before responding, "Yes, because watching you get drunk and dance like a crazed sea man is always entertaining."


Kara and Kennedy stood the pool tables, watching Faith and Buffy dance their first dance as a married couple. "I'm really glad I got to see this," Kara said, watching her parents with a broad smile on her face.

"So I have a question," Kennedy said, with a slightly confused expression on her face. "What happens if they decide they want to have a kid? It won't be you will it? I mean, that would be kinda weird. That wouldn't make me a pedophile, would it?"

"No, not unless you actually had sex with the little version of me," Kara said, laughing into her drink.

"It's not funny, it's a serious question," Kennedy argued back.

"Okay, when you look at little children, does it make you excited in that way?" Kara asked, holding back laughter at the horrified look on Kennedy's face.

"No way in hell," Kennedy instantly replied.

"Then you're safe."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Is there something you want to tell me, Ken, 'cuz you seem awfully hung up on this pedophile thing," Kara mocked.

"Oh, for Gods sake, never mind," Kennedy grumbled.

"No, really, if there's anything you want to tell me, please do. I want us to have an open and honest relationship," Kara continued sarcastically.

"No, I'm good. Forget about it," Kennedy replied.

"Okay. But if you ever feel those urges...hey, where are you going?" Kara asked, watching Kennedy stalk off, heading toward the bar. Chuckling to herself, she walked over to the door and stepped outside to get some air.

Breathing in deeply, she looked up at the sun. A black cloud moved over the sky and blocked the light for a split second, before the sun popped back out again. But in that moment, Kara felt a cold sink into her bones that she had never known. "Hey, you coming back in?" Kennedy asked, popping her head out of the door.

Kara looked over at her and smiled. "Yeah, I'll be right in." Throwing one last look out at the sky, Kara turned and walked back into the Bronze, disappearing from view.

The End.