Chapter 59

"So you're enrolling the kid into the nearby school. Not a bad choice." Krillin was at Mr. Satan's with Jensei after taking care of the school business for his son and was now meeting up in concerns of the dojo idea. Jensei was prodding and poking at the interesting things he was finding in the mansion while the adults talked. "So, I was told that this dojo idea would be a good investment for not only you but me as well, being the world champ and all."

"If you want to look at it that way, but also, I was thinking it would just be a good idea for people to be able to defend themselves. I've wanted to open up this dojo for a while and not that I have a way for it to come true, I'd like to fulfill it." Krillin answered. Mr. Satan nodded his head in a knowing manner.

"And what is the wife's stance on it all?"

"Oh she's all for it. With Jensei going to school, we're hoping that it would be a good income and with Marron having the baby soon we were hoping Goten could get a good position as well." Krillin explained.

"You've got it all planned out."

"For the most part. I even found a good location. The dojo could be located only a few blocks from the elementary school. Kids could come after school easily and get lessons." Krillin answered and glanced at the man in front of him who was rubbing his chin in a thoughtful manner as he looked off into the unknown distance. "Ah, plus you could get a chance to connect with your fans and develop good public relations." With that, the man's eyes lit up and he nodded his head in approval.

"Right, right. That is a great idea. We'll meet up in a week with some men and start putting together blueprints, look at the areas you suggested and get this thing moving." Krillin grinned and shook hands.

"You won't regret any of this. This dojo will be a complete success." Mr. Satan nodded his head, smiling proudly at the man.

"Looking forward to it." He agreed.

"You're gonna get your own business now?" Jensei had asked as he and Krillin left.

"Yup. Not sure when exactly it'll be opening but it should be great. You'll be our number one student of course." He informed brightly. Jensei grinned.

"I can't wait! And when Mar-chan has the baby then it can come there too!" Krillin laughed.

"Exactly. Then you can teach your niece or nephew your techniques." He suggested, causing his son to look at him with an excited shine in his eyes.

"Awesome!" he cheered and bounced excitedly around. Krillin smiled as his boy did a personal celebration.

"How about we go by Capsule Corp and see what Bulma-san is up to." Jensei nodded excitedly. Since his mom was out doing errands with his sister for the new baby, any errands he would have to do with his dad were more than welcomed.

Goten poked his head into Gohan's office and gave a small wave. "Hey, you wanted to see me today, right?" The older male looked up from behind his thickly framed glasses, which Goten always commented on hating, and smiled warmly at his younger brother as he closed the file folder he had been looking over.

"Thought you had forgotten about our agreement. After that party last night I figured you were probably hung over or something." Goten snorted.

"No way. I hardly ever get hangovers." Gohan raised an eyebrow but smiled all the same.

"Well then. I'm thinking we can go out for lunch instead of to mom's."

"What exactly is this meeting about? I have to go to a Lamaze class with Marron later on tonight. It's the last one until after the Christmas holiday."

"Christmas is in a couple days. You get her a gift yet?" Gohan asked as he removed his glasses and pocketed some money. Goten sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I had my eye on something for her, but I have to go back and see if the price went down." Gohan gave his brother a curious look. "It's a tennis bracelet she had her eye on for a while. I keep going back to see if its there, but the price doesn't seem to wanna change."

"How about we go by and check it out during my break then?" Gohan suggested, leading his brother out the office. Goten nodded his head absently. "What do you have in mind for lunch? Sushi maybe?"

"All you can eat!?"

"Sure, why not." When they arrived at the restaurant, Gohan smiled at his younger brother's enthusiasm. Some things really never changed. "So, how do you feel about becoming a dad in a few months?"

"Oh I can't wait. Plus Marron's mood may improve once she pops this kid out. She gets so moody. Like last night, I thought it would be a good idea if we made-" he stopped and glanced at his brother. "Never mind." Gohan laughed and shook his head.

"Welcome to the ups and downs of marriage. Either way, I wanted to meet with you cuz I wanted to give you something. Its for the baby, but I figured you and Marron would appreciate it all the same." Goten looked at his brother curiously as Gohan reached inside his suit pocket and pulled out an envelope.

"What is it? Its not money is it?" Gohan chuckled.

"Not exactly. I want you to open it with Marron. I've got high hopes for you guys and your family and I know if anything, she'll love this." Goten nodded his head slowly and grinned at his brother all the same.

"Well either way, the kid is definitely gonna be a fighter. Marron complains that it moves a whole lot at night."

"You guys haven't found out if it's a boy or girl yet?"

"Nah… Mar wants it to be a surprise."

"If it's a girl, are you still going to make a fighter out of her?"

"Sure why not? Look at Pan. She's a great fighter." Gohan let out a sigh.

"Yeah, but all the same, its hard being a father worried about the battles his daughter may get caught up in. No matter how much she is able to keep up with the boys, she's still my little girl." Gohan explained.

"I never really thought about it that way…" Goten answered and leaned back in his seat.

"I guess I got more to talk to Marron about when it comes to this kid after all." Gohan smiled and nodded.

"Videl and I had decided as soon as we found out she was pregnant we wanted our child, boy or girl, to be a fighter, but things change when the child is born and put in situations that a parent can't easily rescue them from."

"Must suck even more since she's all grown up and guys are looking at her." Goten added. Gohan groaned, his shoulders sinking in a sulking manner.

"I know… and I think she has a boyfriend. She keeps going out at night and coming back late. I asked Videl but Pan hasn't told her anything." Goten made a face.

"A secret boyfriend?"

"Its possible." The brothers sat in a thoughtful silence and Goten nodded his head in a knowing manner. "Well if its serious, I'm sure she'll bring the guy around on Christmas. That's what Bra did that one time."

"Right." Gohan looked doubtful, but Goten was certain that if Pan really did have a serious boyfriend, she would definitely introduce the guy to the family in no time.