Optimus Prime and the Autobots drove down the highways of Japan. The Aerialbots overhead along with Powerglide made sure everything was clear ahead.

"So what are we doing here again?" Ironhide asked as he pulled up next to Optimus.

"We're here to oversee the opening of a museum." Optimus Prime clarified.

Ironhide snorted.

"Are the humans so scared of Megatron that they need us to watch over some ancient junk?" Huffer added as he entered the conversation.

Optimus mentally sighed. They always underestimated the Humans.

"These artifacts are of significant in ways that Megatron would seek them out and use them." Optimus Prime stated. "And besides a little history might do you good."

"Riiight. If our own history is boring to me what makes you believe Human history is any more interesting." Huffer snapped.

"Actually Huffer there's one artifact that has just been discovered that might keep your attention. It's a shard of the Shikon no tama. That's what its called in Japanese, Shikon no tama. In English it's 'the jewel of four souls'." Spike added as he Carly and Bumblebee pulled up besides Huffer. "I read about it in the news paper. In the feudal era of Japan there was a jewel that was said to be sought by demons."

Huffer raised his eyebrows mentally at the word, 'Demons'.

"Demons? You mean those weird little creatures in Human folk lore?" Bumblebee asked.

Spike nodded.

"Yep. The jewel was said to increase the power of any demon that possessed it." Spike said as he pulled a newspaper from the back f his pocket and handed it to Carly. She read the article aloud,

"Recently thought as only Japanese lore, a shard of a pink jewel was found among the ruins of a castle in the Japanese mountains. The jewel shard was later identified as the legendary Shikon No Tama. Or' Jewel of Four Souls'. Archeologist, Fukuramu Tamakudou claimed the finding was a remarkable event like the finding of Troy. Once thought to be legend turn history. Lore experts are now considering the rest of the jewels legend as History. The jewel was said to be in the care of a priestess with spiritual powers who met her untimely demise at the hands of an Inu yasha or 'Dog demon'. The jewel was said to be cursed and whomever possessed it would come great trouble and woe."

"Wow. So why are they so excited over a piece of rock?" Ironhide asked.

"It's the legend Ironhide. Humans have so many stories and tales and to find out one is true just leaves more questions to ask and more mysteries to uncover. Its fun!" Carly exclaimed.

The rest of the way was quiet as the convoy of Autobots pondered the history of this fateful jewel.

(Tokyo: The Higurashi Shrine)

Kagome walked down the path from her home as she went on her way to school. As she made her way down the road and stopped at the streetlight. A convoy of cars and trucks passes by and six planes and jets flew overhead. Kagome looked on along with many other curious spectators.

"What was that?" Kagome asked.

"The Autobots I assume." Said a man next to her.

Kagome turned to look down the road where the Autobots drove by. 'Mmm..Why would they be here...?'

"They must be here to guard the Shikon shard." The man added.

"WHAT?!" Kagome exclaimed and gained a few strange looks from passer buyers.

When the cross light turned green Kagome ran across the crossway embarrassed for raising her voice.

'Should I go tell Inuyasha?' Kagome asked herself. 'If its in a museum I can't take it! Inuyasha may be able to but...the Autobots..'

Kagome spent the rest of the school day pondering her decision. She'll tell Inuyasha, but what then?

"Kagome!" She turned to the voice that called her.

"Hojo-kun!" Kagome greeted the young man.

"I was hoping you'd be free tonight to go to the museum's grand opening. Your grandfather told me your very interested in the Shikon No tama!" Hojo said as he walked next to Kagome.

"Yes I am but...I was going to-"

Hojo's hopeful face dropped. Kagome sighed and gave in.

"I'd love to go with you, Hojo!"

"Great! I'll pick you up at 7:00!" Hojo exclaimed happily and rode off on his bike. Kagome let of a breathe she had been holding only to suck it back in as her friends suddenly appeared and bombarded her with questions.

"Kagome did he ask you out?"

"Did you say 'yes'?"

"What happened?"

Kagome explained their planes to go to the grand opening of the Museum, but they were already going on about 'Hojo and Kagome's future' and so on.

Kagome sweat dropped as her friends took her, by force, to the mall to pick out an outfit for her date with Hojo.

"Its not a date! He's taking me to the Museum that's all!" She screamed in protest as they tried out new outfits.

"That's what you say."

"Your not still hung over that psycho are you?"

"You mean the one who's two timing Kagome with his Ex?"


"Poor Kagome...so young, so naïve."

"I'm the same age as you..." Kagome stated. 'They make this so complicated...like a cheep soap opera.'

They finally picked picked-out a bright pink Kimono with Sakura embroidered into the fabric.

"You look like a princess Kagome! Hojo's so lucky!"

"I have an Obi you can use! It would look so beautiful with your new Kimono!"

Kagome was glad they were having fun playing 'dress up Kagome' but it was getting late and she still wanted to go see Inuyasha and tell him of the shard. It was 6:30 when she got home. Kagome took a quick shower and pulled on her Kimono and put on the Obi that her friend Ayami aloud her to barrow that evening.

"Hojo should be here any second..."

"Whose Hojo?"

Kagome jumped at the voice.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome snapped. "Don't do that!"

Inuyasha turned his head and snorted.

"Whatever. So you ready to go or what? Your all dressed up, how come?"

Kagome sweat dropped.

"Well...I sort of have a..."

"A what?"

"A date..." Kagome mentally scowled herself for calling it that!

Inuyasha just starred at her.

"With this 'Hojo'?" Inuyasha asked with a strange look on his face.

Kagome nodded.

"We'll I'm coming with you then."

Kagome anime fell.

"You can't go to the Museum opening!"

"Why not? Your going..." Inuyasha countered with a sly smirk.

"I'm only going because there's a Shikon shard there!" Kagome quickly covered her mouth.

Inuyasha's ears pricked up.

"A shikon jewel shard? Here?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome nodded.

"Well I'm going no matter what now!" Inuyasha stated.

"You can't! Your ears will show and I doubt anyone will think you're a demon!"

"Who cares if they now I'm a demon?"

"I do! They won't simply hand over the jewel!"

Inuyasha didn't want to here anymore. "I'm going Kagome! We're looking for jewel shards and no one will stop me from getting that shard!

Kagome nodded.

"I know how you feel Inuasha, but we can't simply take the jewel. We have to find a way around the security and take the jewel without getting caught."

Inuyasha snorted. "I'll just run in take the jewel and be gone!"

"Inuyasha! You can't just-"Kagome cut herself off. "I think that's a good idea!

"What?" Inuyasha said surprised at Kagome's agreement with his idea. She never agreed to any of his ideas...

"Me and Hojo are going to be at the opening and everyone will be there to look at the jewel and fawn over it. If you simply barge in and grabbed the jewel and run off no one will think it was me! So I won't get arrested or anything! They'll be looking for a guy in a red kimono with dog-ears. By the time they can follow you you'll be back in the feudal era!"

"So that's the plan?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yep! Wait till everyone is in the Museum and the door are closed Ok?" Kagome asked innocently.

Inuyasha nodded. "By the way...what's a Museum?"

Kagome quickly explained it and told him how to get there.

Just than the doorbell rang.

"Well I'm off." Kagome said as she carefully made her way down the stairs.

Inuyasha jumped down out of the window into the tree next to Kagome's room.

'This is my idea of jewel hunting.' He said as he ran off towards the search lights that Kagome said to follow.