I Think It's A Clone Now

By WakkoRyan

Disclaimers, Introduction, Blah Blah Blah:

I haven't even read all of the Animaniacs fanfics on this site as of this posting, so any similarities to other fanfics are unintentional. Animaniacs are the property, copyright etc. of Warner Brothers; other characters are property and blah blah blah of me, a.k.a. WakkoRyan. If there has ever been a fanfic with these names used, I have never read it but I apologize anyways!

(((A/N: words))) means I, the author, am talking.

Xakko – voiced by Christopher Walken

Vakko – voiced by Samuel L. Jackson


July 19, 2004: At ACME Labs, late one night, a group of scientists were working on cloning humans in a secluded area of the lab. Illegal, but they weren't exactly conformists. There were 13 scientists, and no one else at the lab knew of this project. As far as the other scientists knew, that wing of the lab had been abandoned long ago. Since it was illegal, the project supervisor had made this decision: any clone actually produced would be killed after the testing to determine the effectiveness of their work was completed. They would show the results to people who might want freelance cloning done for them.

Another group of scientists (the ones doing legal work) no, they weren't lawyers, they just weren't illegal were working on Dr. Scratchansniff's behalf on a project where ink samples were taken from the Warners at certain emotional moments sparked by movies Scratchy showed them. Scratchy had told the Warners that it was to understand toon emotions, which was true to an extent, but what he was really doing was trying another method to de-zanitise them again.

The vials of blood that were to be used for cloning were waiting for the illegal scientists in a refrigerated room in the regular portion of the lab. There was no refrigeration unit in the part of the lab the illegally practicing scientists were using, so they had to take that risk to preserve the samples. Of course, they had put false labels on them in case someone was to closely look. One of the scientists on the cloning team had overheard about the Warner project, so the false labels were made up to make the blood samples (kept in a different type of test tube holder) look identical to the ink samples; they would just have to be used before the legitimate scientists came to get the actual ink samples.

That night, just before the cloning team went to get the vials to commence the cloning process, a janitor was cleaning in the refrigerator. The janitor was supposed to be restricted to certain areas of the lab, leaving cleaning of sensitive equipment and samples to the scientists, but he was new. Due to the cramped space in the refrigerator, his broom handle hit both the stack of blood vials and ink vials. The broom that the quick-thinking janitor had moved under them prevented breakage, but the vials fell out of the test tube racks. Since the janitor saw one set of identical samples rather than two sets, the samples got placed back in random places in the two different test tube racks.

The scientists had devised a cloning system where they needed to only use blood, no microscopic stem cell stuff; just dump blood into a machine. (Remember, there is a fine line between genius and insanity, and some have a perforated line; these guys were very smart.) For this first cloning session, the scientists wanted to experiment with blood from three separate people rather than from one person per clone. Choosing vials of what they thought were blood at random, nine vials of emotionally charged ink were added to the machines, three to each. In the first cloning machine, the following vials were added: Yakko's sample from when he was told to imagine he was Norman Bates from Psycho, Wakko's take on Agent Smith from The Matrix, and Yakko's ink sample after Scratchy told him to pretend he was Darth Vader during a viewing of a Star Wars movie. In the second was added Wakko's reaction to watching Ahnold in a Terminator movie where he was a good guy, Wakko's reaction to an Indiana Jones movie, and Yakko's thoughts on Hawkeye Pierce in the MASH finale Goodbye, Farewell, Amen. In the third, Dot's sample from watching Carrie and being told to imagine she was Carrie while watching it was included, along with vials of the same circumstances from watching The Exorcist and a movie on Lizzie Borden.

As the three clones were forming, the scientists noticed that something was wrong. The clones looked suspiciously like those Warner brats. But they decided to complete the cloning anyways and examine the results. After all, although they no longer had a way to kill a toon after the destruction, in a fire, of their toon killing bullets and the research papers detailing the ingredients, they still had a chemical that, once placed on a weapon, could injure a toon. And torturing a toon that was like a Warner was something that many of the scientists on this illegal project wanted to do, due to the fact that the sibs had terrorized them so many times. And torturing would be easy. They were already trapped. Part of the way into cloning, metal bands were installed to hold the creations in place. And since the scientists had a chemical that could injure toons, it would only be a matter of time until they could once again develop a way to kill toons, and at that time they could have a production line of creation closely followed by killing.

December 9, 2004: Chambers 1 and 2, apparently forming males, were forming well in the lab. But since there was limited room, a team took the clone in chamber 3, apparently forming a female, to another, secret, ACME labs branch, located in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Most members of the staff were told that chamber 3 was destroyed to increase the secrecy of the transfer. The entrance to the lab was disguised as a cottage at McDonald's point, a small community on the shores of the Washadamoak Lake (((A/N: yup, probably spelled that wrong.))) The Canadian Forces Base Gagetown was just a few kilometers away, across the lake, so ACME labs considered it to be a secure location that was in a place that no one would expect. Little did they know, the unexpected was to happen back at the lab.