Disclaimer: I still don't own Van Helsing... It's on my to do list!

Gabriel Van Helsing, famed monster hunter, and now happily married man, had just sat down with a book. He was still in his robe, he had his soft house shoes on, he had not shaved nor combed his hair, and he was loving every moment of it.

He had just propped his feet up, and opened his book on Werewolves, when a scream echoed across Valerious Manor. Gabriel blinked, closing his book he waited, he heard a crash and an enraged howl.

He leapt up and was running the instant his feet hit the floor. His navy robe billowed behind him as he raced down the hall to his bedroom. Hesitating only a second, he pulled a pistol from his robe pocket. Pulling the hammer back with a sharp 'click', he slowly eased the door open.

His heart in his throat, terrified he'd open the door to see his wife dead at the hands of some hideous creature. Peeking around the corner, he stopped at what he saw.

His wife, Anna Valerious Queen of the gypsies, was standing in the middle of their bed. Fully clothed, hair in utter disarray, one high-heeled boot in hand. He stepped fully into the room and stared at her.

True they'd only been married for a year, but he doubted he'd ever seen her react to anything like this before.

Looking about the room, wondering if he'd missed something, nope, he didn't see anything. He looked back at Anna who lifted her chin and stared out the window.

"Anna?" he said politely

"Yes love" she replied just as politely, though he thought heard a little quaver in her voice.

"What are you doing?" he leaned against the doorframe, folding his arms against his chest. She blinked,

"Taking a bath"

Gabriel raised a brow, and ran his eyes over her apparel.

"Aren't you a little, uh, over dressed for the occasion?" he questioned, realizing this was dangerous territory.

She stiffened slightly, crossing her own arms, boot still in hand,


He nodded and looked up at her, she seemed unwilling to meet his gaze, he pointed into the open bathroom.

"In there?" he asked as gently as possible. She looked up at the ceiling, then nodded shortly. He nodded again, clearing his throat,

"I'm just going to--," he slid into the bathroom, pistol at the ready.

Expecting Mr. Hyde or at least a rat, he was unprepared for the evil thing that greeted him. Anna's other boot was lying amongst a shattered picture, and on top of her boot, was the biggest ugliest spider he had ever seen.

Leaning casually out the door, he glanced at his wife, who blushed terribly. He pointed in the direction of the 'monster' and mouthed the word 'that?'. She inhaled sharply, glared at him and nodded.

Turning so she couldn't see him roll his eyes, he laid his pistol on the dresser bent over and removed his left house shoe. Turning to look at Anna one last time, he smiled reassuringly and held up the weapon. She did not seem to find this comforting.

Sighing heavily, he apologized to the arachnid, about to strike when a thought hit him.

He turned to find Anna watching him intently, a frown on both of their faces.

"Anna, it isn't evil" her eyes sparked angrily he held up his hand and shoe in a comical 'hands up!'. Once again facing the offending thing, he sighed again.

"I am sorry" he told it, even as he brought the shoe down. One less spider in the Van Helsing house hold.

Standing back up slowly, his wife's boot in hand, he smiled at her and showed her the remains of the thing.

She let out the breath she had been holding and smiled brightly at him. He smiled back, and put his shoe back on. Holding both arms out to her, she stepped down to him. Kissing her lightly on the nose, he ruffled her curly hair and kissed her forehead.

She smiled sweetly,

"My hero" she said mockingly, tossing her boot over her shoulder. He cocked his head and smirked,

"I will be expecting a large breakfast to make up for it" he told her. Stooping for one last kiss he playfully shoved her towards the bathroom. She laughed happily and disappeared inside in a swirl of hair. Staring after her for a while, Gabriel shook his head once more. The great Van Helsing, who had killed Count Dracula, twice mind you, reduced to squishing spiders.

He thought of Anna, and decided she was worth it, after all this would be wonderful for blackmail later.

Just to be safe he waited till he got back to his study before he let his laughter take him to the floor...

I've got an idea for a sequel, should I continue?