Rhiannon 5: So... somehow, someway... I completely forgot about this fic. Don't ask me how, or why. I just did. So here is the belated chapter 3 and I will keep up the rest of the posting until I get it all up. Promise.

Wings of a Falcon: Chapter 3

Sebastion stood in the wet sand staring at the waves. He hadn't
quite gained the courage to go talk to Michael though wanted to desperately.
He thought of the clairvoyant and wanted to go see her again. He took his
time, slightly afraid of having to get his cards read again but as he
reached the place he didn't see the building. Confused he stepped to where
it had been to find nothing, an empty lot. He shook his head, the building
had been here. He was just here a few weeks ago. Feeling more then a little
disturb he turned on his heel towards home when he noticed something.

"Ives?" He called staring at the blond.

Ives didn't seem to hear him as he walked quickly down the opposite
side of the street. Checking for cars he ran across.

"Ives!" He called running after the blond.

Ives seemed to be possessed as he rushed down the empty sidewalk.
Sebastion had thought he was going home but then they turned on his street.
He finally caught up with the older boy and felt a jolt go through him.

He was on of the tallest people that he'd ever seen. With by far the
prettiest blond hair Pippin had ever seen. He was gentle as he stroked his
fevered heard whispering softly in his ear.

Dream Flash

"It will be fine. Merry will be fine." He'd said as he closed his
hand over his.

"But Merry."

"I know he's taken some hard blows Pippin. Trust in me and the
healing powers of Aragorn, please." The blond whispered leaning towards a
side table to blow out a candle.


"It's late Pippin. You can see Merry in the morning."

End Dream Flash

"Oh god. Sebastion. I was coming for you." Ives whispered as he
hugged the boy.

"But why?" Sebastion asked softly.

"I can't say right now. Trust me?" He asked softly his blue eyes

"Of course. What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"It's Isaac." His voice was completely hushed.

"What happened?" Sebastion asked his eyes wide.

"Someone hurt him. We can't take him to the hospital. Michael's with
him." He whispered taking my hand and dragging me with him.

"Why don't you have a car?"

"I was so desperate that I left it. I think you can help. The others
are already there." Ives whispered.

"Don't you think Michael's wife would object to this?"

"She thinks he's some sort of mentor for us. Just come. We need you
Pippin." Ives voice was so soft that Sebastion had almost imagined it.

"What did you call me?" He asked softly.


"I'm so sure that you did." Sebastion said as they got to Isaac's
apartment which luckily was not far.

Ives led the way and they found the small-crowed apartment.
Sebastion paused to marvel at the fact that they all fit in the dive.

"Any change?" Ives asked softly.

"No." Michael spoke as he exited the bedroom.

"Why was I called?" Sebastion asked softly.

"We thought it would be good if he had family around him." Eli


"We're Isaac's only family. The rest are either dead or assholes."
Ives explained softly.


"You should call Cian. He's the closet thing to family that he has."
Morganna spoke up for the first time.

"Who is Cian?" Sebastion asked feeling slightly dazed.

"A counselor from Isaac's youth, him and a few others kind of
adopted him." Michael explained.

"Please. Go see him." Ives whispered as he sat on the couch looking

"You love him don't you." Sebastion found himself asking.

"It's not just that. I can feel his pain." He whispered the blue of
his iris standing out in stark contrast red lining his eyes.

Sebastion nodded and slipped into the room. Isaac lay terribly still
on the bed, he walked closer sitting down and watching the older boy breath.

"What happened to you Isaac?" He asked afraid of what might happen.
This had been a whirlwind week of bad things happening.

Shrugging his shoulders at his rhetorical question he reached out
and took the older boy's hand. He felt a flash hit him.

Dream Flash

"Nay. I won't back down Legolas. Not now."

"Aragorn it is dangerous!"

"How can it be dangerous to love you!"

"What about the hobbits? Would you abandon them to chase me down?"

"Nay. You will not run. What will Pippin do without you? He needs
your elvish light. He's fading." Aragorn pointed out as Sebastion realized
that he was staring at them from a bed.

"I know. Forgive me for acting rash."

"You know that I am not marrying the elvenstar. Why do you push
such? What are you afraid of Prince of Mirkwood?"

"That is none of you business Aragorn son of Arathorn." Legolas
growled as he pushed past the man and was gone.

Aragorn came and sat next to him, he rubbed his hand his forehead,
his hand seeming so large.

"I didn't mean for you to see that Master Peregrin."

"Tis all right. If it is of any consolation. He feels the same way.
It's just. He's afraid of the rules of men." He whispered as he touched
Aragorn's hand.

"I know. For I am afraid of them too."

"So am I."

End Dream Flash

"Pippin." Isaac choked on his name as he shot up.

"Welcome back to the land Isaac." Sebastion whispered still in awe
of the vision they'd shared.

"What happened? What'd you do?" Isaac asked gripping his shoulders.


"I was with Ives. We were talking about getting together. The next
thing I remember is we're in that castle room with you. What's going on
Sebastion? Where's Ives?" He asked his now ice blue eyes darting in fear.

"Ives is fine. He's in the next room. Apparently you were injured in
some way. He called us all over and then when I touched you." Sebastion
trailed off.

"You just as clue less aren't you little one." Isaac spoke fondly as
he wrapped his arm around his shaking shoulders.

"I am."

"Let's go out there and show them I'm fine. It takes a lot more then
that to knock me down." Isaac said as he stood.

"Ives said you had a troubled past. What did he mean?"

"That's a story for later. But I will tell you. Just as Alastor will
have to tell you."

"Why do you keep coming back to Alastor?" Sebastion as stepping in
front of Isaac to stop his movement towards the door.

"Because I can see how you and Alastor feel for each other in your
eyes." Isaac answered weaving a little on his feet.

"He hates me! Can't you see that!" Sebastion cried.

"He's just afraid of what he feels. Ives and I were like that once.
It'll change once he gets his head out of his ass. I promise."

"How do you know any of this?"

"The memories."

"What about them?"

"When you touched the palantir that Gandalf had me carry to Rivendel
after the war. And he had to take you back to Gondor and Merry forced you on
the horse. That was when I knew." He smiled before pushing Sebastion out the

Sebastion turned to stare but Isaac just smiled and walked past him.

Walking slowly down the beach he ducked under the dock and almost
smashed hard into Will. Quite startled Sebastion backed up and stared at the
older boy. His smile was disarming and he looked up from what he was doing
and Sebastion finally noticed all the books around him.

"What are you doing?"


"On the beach?"

"It helps me think."

"Um, I'll just smile and nod." Sebastion spoke as he sat down.

"So now you're going to annoy me?"

"Um, no. What are you studying to be?"

"Completely undecided." He replied cheerfully.

"Well. that interesting."

"You know. I'm not that scary. You don't have to act all shy around

"It's not that."

"Sure, and Alastor's the nicest person on the face of the earth."

"William!" Sebastion mocked gasped.

"It's true. But. He tells me everything, so it's not like it's
something I don't understand."

"Could you tell me about Alastor?" Sebastion asked softly.

"Isaac was right. That idiot. I can't believe it."

"Right about what?"

"You like him don't you?"

"Like who?"

"Don't play around."

"Me do such a thing?" Sebastion asked beginning to enjoy the game.

"You're a good kid, little daft around the ears. Oh, I'm having a
party sometime next week. You should come."

"I don't know."

"Morganna and Alastor will be there."

"I'm in."

"I still can't believe that Isaac was right. I'm going to end up
owing him a lot of drinks."