Globes & Maps

Chapter Four
You Think That You've Made a Mistake

Maybe you'll find me on another lonely street
By the smell of summer after she rains
And maybe you'll lose me alltogether in her heat
Let this humid air take away my pain
...Ben Franklin's Kite

Ginny ran out of their apartment and all the way to Audubon Park before she realized where she was. Sinking down onto a bench, she pulled her knees up to her chin and let the tears fall.

"I cannot believe that I'm in love with Draco Malfoy."

"Am I really that bad?"

It was David- Draco, really -but he was back to looking like the David Martin that she had originally met.

"Yes," Ginny whispered. "David was wonderful. Draco Malfoy, the spawn of all evil, is far from being wonderful."

Draco sat down next to her. "But I am David."

"No, you're not. You're the boy who made my life a living hell."

"Ginny-listen," Draco said, taking her hand in his. "David Martin the name might have been fake, but David Martin the person, he was always real. Always. From the very beginning."

"You don't understand," Ginny said, still whispering. "It's impossible; I cannot be in love with you. It's just not possible."

"Explain it to me then." Draco wiped away her tears with a gentle thumb. "Please?"

Ginny sighed and stared at the ground for a few minutes before finally looking up.

"I can't."

And then she walked away.

Ginny spent her Christmas at the airport
She said planes made her feel like she could get away

"Lauren- I just, I just don't know what to do."

Lauren tightened her arm around her best friend. "It's gonna be all right Gin. You'll be fine."

"No I won't. Everything was so great and now it's all..."

"Gin," Lauren cut in. "Stop thinking about it." Ginny sniffed and stopped sobbing. "What do you say we go for a girl's night out?"

"No thanks," Ginny shook her head. "Maybe tomorrow. You don't care if I stay here tonight do you?"

"Of course you can sleep here. Come on, let's go get the other bedroom set up for you."

And I won't be the one who lets you down
...If I Die

The doorbell rang late that night while Ginny was asleep and Lauren went to answer. She found David at the door.

"I suppose Ginny's told you what happened?"

Lauren nodded and let him inside her apartment.

"Do you want something to drink David?"

"Water's fine, thanks. And you can call me Draco."

Lauren went into the kitchen and filled up two glasses of water. Returning to the living room she found Draco looking at an old picture of her and Ginny when they went to the beach their first year of high school.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Draco wondered.

"I know you love her. Even if she's not sure about it, I know that even after you find who she really is, you'll still love her."

"Is it really that big of a deal who we both are?"

"To her, it is. You'll understand once she shows you."

"OK," Draco muttered, knowing that he wouldn't get any more answers from Lauren. "If I fall asleep, wake me when she gets up?"

Lauren smiled, "Sure. Goodnight- Draco."

I will write this down for you
So you can read it
I will hold my breath for you
'Til I can't feel it
...Miss America

Ginny paced in front of Draco back at their own apartment the next morning, spinning her wand around in her fingers. "You do realize I'm only doing this because Lauren won't let me get away with not telling- showing -you who I really am."

Draco simply shrugged.

"What was the spell Snape used again?"

"Cambiarpersona," was the answer.

"All right." Ginny stopped pacing and stood in front of him. "Here we go." She pointed her wand at herself and said the spell.

Ginny felt her scalp prickling as her hair changed back to its trademark color. She didn't shrink any: it appeared that the real Ginny had grown into the fake Ginny's height. Ginny blinked her eyes and, looking into the mirror, she saw herself for the first time in 10 years. Turning so she was facing Draco, she waited for his reaction.

"You're beautiful."

Ginny snorted. "You don't recognize me do you?"

"Should I?" Draco wondered out loud.

"You only made life for my family a living hell. Specifically my brother and his friends, otherwise known as the Dream Team."

Draco's eyes widened. "Weaselette?"

Ginny bit her lip, tears starting to fill her eyes. "I'll just be leaving now. If you need me, which I seriously doubt, I'll be at Lauren's again." She grabbed her keys and purse and started for the door.

A hand gripped her arm just above the elbow. "No, don't go."

Ginny turned around to face Draco. "Why not? I'm a Weasley aren't I? Malfoys and Weasleys aren't meant to be together. Everyone knows that."

Draco shook his head and grabbed her other arm. "I don't care."

Ginny grinned through her tears. "Really?"

"No lie. Besides, I really do love you- Weasley or no." He kissed her swiftly and then smirked. "It's not like I ever wanted to be a Malfoy anyway."

So please forgive me
For being like I am
But I'll take you if I can
...Inside the Pocket