Lily walked through the edge of the forest near the house that James and her had just bought as their new future home in the Gordic's Hallow. She looked behind her, wondering if she should be doing this. Marrying James that is. Since she had accepted his marriage proposal she had been running into every type of problem and fight imaginable and James didn't seem to care.
He had gotten a job as an Auroa, as did she. That was when the biggest fight of the summer had started. He had told her that she was a woman and shouldn't be doing such a job. That she would get killed and then what would happen to whatever future children they were to have. Then he had said something that royally ticked her off. He had said that women belonged at home and not out having a job. That was when she had left. She had a small little duffle bag filled with things and she was NOT going back. That much she knew. At least not right now. She had to get as far away from James as possible. But first she wanted to brood over what had happened.
She didn't know where in the world she was going to go. She didn't want to barge in on Alice and Frank. They were so busy with the wedding that she didn't want to bring any hardship or pain upon them by seeing her this way. She couldn't turn to Nancy because she had not been heard of. But as she thought of Nancy her mind turned to Sirius. She needed to talk to him. He was perfect. She apparated herself over to his flat instantly, running up the few steps, and knocking on the door quickly.
The Sirius Black that she found was no longer the happy go lucky man she had once known the past few months. He had dark circles underneath his eyes and there was a deep sadness to them, making them -if it was at all possible-to be even more gray.
"Hey Lils. How are you? What are you doing here?" He asked, ushering her in. She looked around. It looked like there was no sign of Nancy-the woman that he loved. She turned to him, ignoring his questions and just stood and studied his face.
"What happened Sirius?" Lily asked him softly, her voice obviously striking a nerve. His eyes glistened in tears.
"Voldermort. He killed her. HE KILLED HER!!" Sirius screamed, smashing a fist into the wall.
"Oh, no. Not Nancy." Lily cried, putting her arm out to steady herself before she fell over. Sirius led her over to the couch and sat down beside her.
"He killed her. Her and our son and daughter. We were going to have twins. Twins, Lily. I was going to marry her. And now she is gone. My babies, my love. Gone. To that asshole. That thing."
Lily placed a hand upon his shoulder, not caring that the tears flowed down her face freely like small waterfalls.
"We'll get through this." She promised. Lily held him and rocked him, not knowing truly what to do for the man's pain.

A door slammed angrily causing both of them to jump and look in time to see Nancy walk through the door. Sirius jumped up,
ran to her, and spun her around, laughing and crying at her return.

"SIRIUS! THE BABIES!" Nancy exclaimed. He put her down quickly. He covered her face in kisses and hugged her to him.

"You're alive." He whisperd into her hair.

"Don't tell me the Ministry told you I was dead?" She asked. He nodded against her.

"They came and said you were killed."

"I get an injury and take myself to St. Mungo's and it is automatically believed that I am dead. I have already taken care of the Ministry. Did you send owls to the others?" Nancy asked.

"I was writing them when Lily came." He let her go, allowing Nancy and Lily to hug.

"You're alive! And pregnant! When were you going to tell me!" Lily said, giving her a hug, happy tears sliding down her cheeks.

"At the wedding rehersal. I wanted it to be a surprise." Nancy said, placing a hand upon her stomach.

"Congratulations to you both." Lily said, smiling brightly.

"How come you're here?" Nancy asked. She watched as Lily's face fell and a deep sigh came from her lips.

"James and I had a fight. He said that women are suppose to stay home. I can not stay with him in that house right now. I'm not even sure I want to marry him now."

"He said that?!" Sirius exclaimed angrily. Lily nodded.

"You can stay here as long as you need to, Lily. I think James needs some time to think about what he has said." Sirius said,
looking over at Nancy to see if it was alright. Nancy nodded. Lily smiled.

"Thanks. I am glad you two are my friends."