I am so sorry it took so long to update but I have been busy packing, I am moving, nothing I can do about it. The really sad thing is the people I am moving in with don't have internet so I will only be able to update on Sundays for now on and if I miss an update it will be a whole week before I can get back on again.
I apologize again for this late update. Also, I packed up the papers I had with my review responses written on them so I am just going to say thank you to all my reviewers.
I had a little trouble writing this chapter and trying to get my point across, so if it's bad let me know and give suggestions please, I could use some.
Chapter 11.
"It's been two days since we left Kanyous' and we have already been attacked by demons four times, " Sango says to Miroku as two, plus a sleeping Shippou and Kirara, rest around their camp fire. "The bad part is that every time we have been left to take care of them because Inuyasha won't fight" she finishes as she picks up Hiraikotsu to polish it.
"I know how you feel, I am in awe that Inuyasha has actually been able to go through with the whole, not fighting thing. And have you seen how weird He has been acting lately, I mean, he has actually been avoiding arguments with Kagome and when they do argue he gets away a fast as he can" Miroku states trying to get her opinion on the subject.
"I know what you mean, he is even more distant than normal. And yesterday I swear I SAW his mood shift, one moment he was mad a Shippou for chewing on his head then he became depressed when Kagome said something to him about it" she said while watching the young kitsune shift in his sleep before looking at Miroku again.
"He has emotional lately, it's almost scary. Yesterday, he almost killed me for being to close to Kagome when we stopped for a break," He says.
"I don't think that's why he yelled at you," Shippou says suddenly as he sits up to look at the adults.
"What do you mean by that?" Miroku ask, managing to look half way offended.
"I mean, Inuyasha was just trying to stop you before you get yourself into trouble with Kagome. Can't you smell it's that time when you should behave because her moods change real fast" He says completely innocent, right as Sango gives him a pop on the back of the head.
"Shippou! You shouldn't be going around telling other people stuff like that!" Sango scolds him.
"OH, so it's around that time is it?" Miroku exclaims.
"And what would you know of it monk?" Sango asks, obviously not amused.
"As boy, and monk in training I was taught all about the wonders of the female body" He answers.
"Pervert" Sango says as she gives him a cold stare.
"You guys, when do you think Kagome with get back from her bath?" Shippou asks "It's late and I'm tired".
"Why don't you go back to sleep then?" Miroku asks.
"I want Kagome, I didn't mean to fall asleep earlier" Shippou says with a yawn.
"Did I hear my name?" Kagome asks everyone as she and Inuyasha step out of the forest.
"Kagome!" Shippou yells as he gets up and launches himself into her arms. "What took you so long, can we go to bed now?" He asks, looking up into her blue eyes (A/N- I am going by the manga, not the anime, she is supposed to have blue eyes not brown.)
"Of course Shippou, are you tired" She asks already knowing he is.
"No" He fibs, "I just thought you might be after all that walking today."
"You're a demon, can't you sleep by yourself?" Inuyasha asks, poking fun at the kit.
"He's still a little kid Inuyasha," Kagome says as she rolls out her sleeping bag.
"It doesn't mean anything, the reason he is like that is because your constantly babying him" Inuyasha pipes back.
"You're just jealous because I get to sleep with Kagome and you don't" Shippou says to Inuyasha while sticking out his tongue.
"Why you little... Come here runt" Inuyasha fumes as he bolts after the screaming kit.
They run around the camp, jumping over people and knocking over Kagomes Big yellow bag in the process.
"Inuyasha stop it,"
Kagome yells suddenly enraged how immature is that, he can't
even take a little teasing from a kid "He doesn't know what
he's saying can't you just leave him alone?"
"He knows
exactly what he's saying" Inuyasha continues as he nearly catches
the young demon, until he feels something he dreads. He stops and
looks at Kagome.
"Can't you just leave him alone" Kagome asks with tears running down her face. Inuyasha is speechless (A/N –Been happening a lot lately, sorry).
Oh shit, here come the tears. I've got to get out of here before something happens. I don't know how this will affect me. Inuyasha thinks as his eyes begin to tear up. He turns around quickly and says "Fine" and walks off into the forest.
Miroku and Sango watched the whole scene unfold, but only Miroku saw Inuyashas' eyes as he turned around. He couldn't believe what he had just seen; he thought that his eyes were playing tricks on him. So, in order to make sure he wasn't losing his mind, he got up and followed after the hanyou.
"I'll be back in a minute, I have to check on something." He says before anyone has a chance to ask.
Inuyasha made his way into the forest mumbling under his breath and thinking as he walked. Why do I always have to push her just a little to far, and I should have known better, any Idiot with a nose could tell you shouldn't mess with her now. I blame it on these Damn beads. He found a nice low branch a settled in for the night. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice he wasn't alone.
"Fucking beads, why the hell do you have to torture me with feeling her damn emotions?" Inuyasha says out loud to try and vent a little bit of the anger that had been building up.
"What?! You mean to say that you can feel Kagomes emotions?" Miroku suddenly said from below, catching him off guard.
"How long have you been down there Miroku?" Inuyasha asks trying to change the subject.
"Long enough to hear what you said about feeling her emotions, now do you want to try and explain why you never said anything before?" The monk says not falling for it.
"NO, I don't want to explain anything. Now leave before I put an end to your bloodline" Inuyasha threatens with a growl in the back of his throat.
"Now, now. If I leave now Inuyasha, then I might just have to tell Kagome to cheer up so you can to" Miroku says, making the threat sound innocent.
Inuyasha jumps down from the branch he was on and gets right in his face "You wouldn't dare."
"I don't know Inuyasha," he says as calmly as if he were in no danger at all. "Maybe, if I were better informed I might be able to judge what to say, and what not to." He says. Inuyasha got the point.
I know him he wouldn't hesitate to let it slip, especially not after the monk-beating incident. It would be nice to talk about it, wait that's Kagomes' emotions talking again. May as well Thought Inuyasha.
"Ok monk, but listen up 'cause I'm only going to say this once" He says as he sits on the ground classic Inuyasha style with his hands in his hoari sleeves.
Miroku follows suit, "I'm all ears".
Inuyasha starts right off, getting straight to the point "ever since those beads were put on Kagome I have been able to feel her emotions"
"So when she is happy, you're happy, when she is sad, you're sad?" Miroku asks trying to understand.
"Not exactly, it only seems to work when her emotions are really strong, plus I keep my own feelings at the same time" he clarifies.
"Is that why you were crying earlier?" Miroku asks.
"I WAS NOT CRYING!" Inuyasha yells, "It was those damn beads making me tear up."
"Is that also why you haven't been fighting?" he asks as he slowly removes his hands from over his ears.
"Yeah" Inuyasha sighs kinda, "How can I fight, I can feel how much she actually trusts me. How can she trust me? I mean, what would happen if I got hurt and I lost her trust, I can't have that happen. I know she basically said she didn't mind if I still fought, but I just can't." he confides, obviously still affected by Kagomes emotions.
"I can see why you're conflicted, why didn't you tell us?" He asks.
"Yeah right, like I'm gonna walk up to Kagome and say 'I know how you feel, literally', like that's going to happen." He finishes.
"OK, I see what you mean" Miroku says holding up his hands in defeat, "I just hope I can keep this to myself"
'What do you mean you HOPE you can keep this to yourself? You better or I'll make all of Sangos' beatings feel like love taps" Inuyasha growls.
"Inuyasha didn't you know? They are love taps" He remarks as he stands up.
Inuyasha face faults "You need help monk."
"Don't worry Inuyasha, I get your point." He says as he begins to walk back to camp. He then says over his shoulder "I guess I should get going, don't want to leave the girls alone" then he speeds up.
"I'm coming too, I'm not leaving you alone with Kagome, as a matter of fact, I don't want you near her when I'm not around" He yells as he follows after him.
There, done with this chapter, now review and tell me what you think. Suggestions are welcome, flames are funny, and help with building an army to fight the gnomes is greatly appreciated.
REVIEW Please.