
It's been a long time since I've worked on this story. I'm sorry, I didn't know what to write for it. It might be a while before I write more. My other stories I am working on. I hope you enjoy it.

"So where do we want to live?"

"Can we even afford a place of our own?

"I don't know, we'll have to find work."

The couple walked down the street contemplating how they wanted their future to turn out. People ignored them, for they had thoughts of their own that were similar, or thankful that they did not have to think of such things.

Alice tried to make their conversation light. "Do we want to work as Lotis Masters?"

Kyou fortunately had a chuckle ready to reward her with. "I don't think we'd get paid for our work." He gave a sigh as they stopped waiting for the cars to pass. "I don't want to be any more of a burden on my Aunt and Uncle."

"Yeah," Alice nodded. "I don't think my parents would let us live with them either."

"Am I right?"

Frey did not really know how to respond. He kept his head down, memories were overflowing his mind, taking too much control.

Mayura rested against the door. She was tired, sadly today had taken quite a bit out of her. "I'll take you silence as a yes."

"Can I see you tomorrow?" He looked up at her.

Mayura just nodded.

"Alright then." He gave a sigh, pushing himself up to stand. "Have a good day!"

With that he was gone leaving Mayura to wonder what exactly this Norwegian man was like.

"So Seno-san what is it that you and your lovely wife came to talk about?" Yuki Maruyama set his cup of tea down.

Clearing his throat Mr. Hajime Seno began, "We think Kyou is a nice boy. We trust that he will take excellent care of our Alice, but we wonder what he is like."


Maki cut him off. "We understand. We ourselves wonder what Alice is like. We think that she is very sweet, but if the marriage is to be successful we would like to know what kind of wife Alice will be."

"Yes, of course." Makako spoke for her husband. "We want the two to be happy, but we cannot approve the marriage until we know each of our children."

Wow! He knew she was pretty, that she had a brain beneath that luscious hair, that she…she could be something. He wanted to find out what there was to her. It was common knowledge that women had many secrets, different layers.

"Kawaii…" he heard a girl mention to an other one as he walked by. His ego boosted slightly. Foreigner with good looks…what a curse to be burdened with.

Mayura…her sad face drifted through his mind. He wanted to help her in some way. Her heart was pure, but that miniscule portion of Darva left in it was a problem. Was Kyou like his Ida?

Was Alice a tool to forget his cousin? What about Mayura? She could be a tool for Alice.

Too many questions, too many things that could be answered in the morning.

"Are you two still looking for a place to stay?" Aoi poured the tea with grace.

Four people dressed in kimonos sat around a table. Today they were going over tea ceremonies. Aoi wore her usual dark indigo kimono with the red obi. Today she had Alice dressed in a yellow kimono with green grass and bamboo growing from the hems, a sky blue obi and orange obijime. Kyou and Kaoru both wore black kimonos with black obis.

Alice blushed, "Hai. I haven't spoken to my parents about it because my father seems to still be in a bad mood."

The room stayed silent for a few moments, everyone uncomfortable.

"Well, we might have some news that can help you." Kaoru smiled at them.

"We rent rooms, if you two are looking for a place to stay?" Aoi smiled at the couple.


"Yeah," Kaoru laughed. "It's really up to Miyabi-san if you two can live with us, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"That's great! But you're already doing too much for us as it is." Alice protested.

Aoi smiled her wonderfully kind smile that would end the argument. "Don't worry. We're more than happy to help you two. It is not going to be a problem."

"Are you sure?" Kyou looked concerned.

Kaoru nodded "Hai, so stop worrying."

The younger couple bowed. "Arigato gozaimasu."

"There is no way that we can take advantages of you two more than we have already. We must decline your offer." Kyou tried to make his words sound kind.

"That's ok," Aoi still had her smile. "I think Kaoru's old apartment is still up for rent. If you don't mind I can give you the address after we're threw."

"Hey Kyou!" Frey stuck his head in his companion's room. "Can I talk to you?"

Kyou placed his book down, and sat up. "Sure. What is it?"

Frey found a hair to sit on. He looked around the room, it had very little decorations or color. God it was awful. He clasped his hands together. "What was Mayura like before Darva?"

Ok, I know it's short, but I figured I would give you short and now instead of making you wait for a longer chapter. If I don't get a job soon then I will probably be working more on fanfiction, but I'm going to get a job, or I'm going to be doing a lot of volunteering so I don't know what to tell you about when my next update will be. I'm really sorry. I hope you enjoyed and please review!