Disclaimer – Hear ye! Hear ye! By the power invested in me I hereby pronounce this chapter officially disclaimed!

A/n 1 – Loads of you who reviewed asked if Remy would make an appearance, and to be honest considering when this story is set, I don't think I can legitimately squeeze him in unless any one has any decent ideas? I think at most our favourite Cajun is going to get a cameo appearance towards the end but nothing more.

Now excuse me while I move country before all Remy fans hunt me down and beat me

Thanks to all who reviewed the last chapter; that was like, so totally awesome of you!

EmeraldKatzEye (his problem is that he's weird), Evil-Bunny-Leader, Ari-Kitten, Cajuns-and-aussies-r-sexy (nice name; true), Zero-vision, scarlet stripes, Icy Discordia (very cool user name), Angel of the Fallen Stars, Pomegranate Queen, Dru, Totally Obsessed47, SilkyBlack, xbecbebex, Jennifer43, life-of-lasilverwolf, The dead soul (ahhh now im under pressure to write well, hope you enjoy this chapter:))

Mentallyinsane188 – nope no rietro, I just thought it would be funny for us to listen in on Pietro's thoughts, though I think Pietro will probably hit on Rogue a few more times in this fic, cos he hits on everyone and I find that funny

epona04 – yay! Someone realised the source of my ideas, I am a major Buffy fan and the episode you're talking about inspired me into writing this fic, I even stole a line from it. Aren't you the smarty pants?

Ivan Alias – ahhhh the quote you left brought back bad memories of being forced to sing hymns in primary school assemblies. Your review was sweet and she technically has already mind read Bobby in the first chapter, I'll leave you to discern what thought might have been his...

A/n 2 - Can someone from an American high school perhaps give me an outline of their day, how many lessons would come before lunch I want to keep Rogue's timetable authentic, seeing as I'm British and at 16/17 I had about 4 hours in which I did nothing everyday because I had no scheduled lessons, ain't that a bitch...

A/n 3 - All thoughts Rogue over hears will be represented in italics just like this...

Cos there are so many people, I'm gonna do this thing where I sometimes put the name of the person who thought it before the thought, tell me if you think this is un-necessary/annoying. Random people's thoughts will not be named. Most of the time.

This is very Rogue's POV from now on, so everything non italic is her own thoughts/response to others thoughts.

Rogue rushed into the bathroom ignoring the other chattering girls and turned around to examine her ass in the mirror.

There's no gum what the hell was Kurt thinking about? Oh...

She swiped the small piece of blu tack off and turned around to examine her make-up

Yeah you still do look like a scary bitch; I can't believe so many guys like Rogue. She's not even that pretty!

Rogue turned around and glared at the girl who had thought that...Charlotte or something like that.

Why is she looking at me like that?

"What?" the girl demanded

Rogue narrowed her eyes and did a quick search. She smirked unsettlingly and turned to Charlotte's friend, Mindy. "She's screwing around with yah boyfriend behind yah back yah know."

Mindy turned on her friend in horror. "I knew it!" She screamed before she lunged at Charlotte and began to smack her around.

'Man this power rocks!' Thought Rogue happily as she strolled out the bathroom leaving the girls to duke it out.


She spun around to see Risty strolling up the now empty hallway towards her.

"Hey Risty"

"C'mon girl, we're going to be late for gym," said Risty as she grabbed her arm and began to drag her along.

"Great" sighed Rogue "Here Ah was thinking it was going tah be a good day"

x x x x x

Several minutes later Rogue emerged from the changing rooms wearing grey jogging bottoms and a red long sleeved Bayville High t-shirt which hung off one shoulder because the neck was too big.

Man would it kill her to show a little skin once in a while?

No, but it might kill you.

I hope coach doesn't make us climb the ropes today; the boys always look up our skirts

Whoo hoo I think we're doing ropes today, now we can see if the rumours about Wendy not wearing any underwear are true...

Risty looks kinda hot in that t-shirt

Urgh, guys have such hairy legs

Come to think of it. This wasn't really the best lesson to be tuning into people's thoughts. No way did she want to become Bayville's 'Perverted Thought' receptor.

Rogue sighed as more boys commented on her ass; didn't they have anything else to think about?

I bet Rogue stuff's her bra

Do not!

Rogue was just about to locate the person who had thought that when some guys messing around barrelled into her.

"Hey! Watch where yah going yah big dork!"

One of the boys turned around and got in her face.

"What you gonna do about it skunk-head?"

"Alright you miscreants, shut up and get in line!" shouted Coach Wilson as he stalked into the gym. "Anyone who talks while I take the register will have to do twenty press-ups, so keep quiet if ya know what's good for ya."

Urgh, Coach Wilson is so fat, the last time he did a press up it probably caused an earthquake. Hey! Maybe that's why Bayville had so many....

(Toad) Man this class bites, no one brings their wallets...I wonder if Kelly has seen his car yet, hope he likes pink ha ha ha ha ...wait that was yesterday...

Alright! Tara wore the skirt today...

Rogue sighed. The prof's power was so going off in this lesson.

There's something weird about those Xavier kids...

Then again. Rogue looked around sharply, it was the guy who had knocked into her earlier

Rogue nudged Risty discreetly. "Hey Rist' who is that guy?"

"Jordon...something or other, why?"

"No reason, just don't think Ah've seen him 'round before" shrugged Rogue

"Rogue he's been in our gym class the entire semester." Answered Risty incredulously

Coach threw down his clipboard and blew his whistle "Alright Maggots! Seeing as some idiots ..." he trailed off and looked at Toad incriminatingly "...blocked the toilets with stink bombs and flooded the schools baseball pitch, again, we'll be playing Dodgeball..."

(Toad) Heh, Heh, Lance and Pietro are funny, yo! Oooh cockroach! Come to Toady...

Eww...When was the last time Todd had a bath?

Yay! I like to throw things! Wait, does that mean I have issues?

And I just painted my nails....

Wow I'm actually standing next to John Jameson. We're like breathing the same freaking air!

(Shania)Oh I'm so throwing a basketball in Steve's nuts! Teach him to cheat on me...

(Steve) Why is Shania looking at me like that? Oh crap...

"...the aim of the game for those of you too stupid to understand; is to dodge. Now split into two teams!"

(Coach) They don't pay me enough for this...least Kelly gets to screw his secretary...

Rogue screwed up her face in disgust as she grabbed a basketball. That was one mental image she really didn't need. She shut off her mind to a few of the more seriously perverted boys in her class concentrated on the thoughts of Jordan

(Jordon) Why are they so confident? All of them it's like...whoa nearly got hit by that one


Rogue cringed as Shania fulfilled her wish. 'Ouch' she thought as she watched the poor boy called Steve crumple to the floor.

(Shania) Ha ha! Sucks to you Steve-o

Remind me never to cheat on her...

Hey watch the hair nimrods...

Ow! She stepped on my toe, and my 'Cherry/Blackberry Breeze in Autumn' nail polish is totally chipping!

(Coach) Ms. Miller? Nah she's an old drunk, Ms. Forsythe? Damn, happily married. Ms. McGee... unhappily married...hmmmm

Pretty soon it was only her, Risty and Toad left on her team.

Toad grinned as he back flipped out of the way of eight basketballs aimed his way, sent by the opposing team.

Oh yeah, can't hit the Toad-mister. I'm just too cool for these losers! My powers are awesome! Flintstones, Meet the Flintstones.... Whoa...why is that in my head?

Rogue rolled her eyes as she dodged out of the way of a few basketballs. "Will yah quit being so freaking obvious?" she growled quietly through gritted teeth as she flung a few back, taking out some of the competition

"Hey if ya got it, flaunt it!" Toad smiled infuriatingly as he did another impressive back-flip

"I can do that!" said Risty indignantly as she too back-flipped out of the way, leaving the opposing team dumbfounded.

Oh gawd, now we're using Toad as a role model? Eh might as well join in.

She faced off with Jordan and grinned as she performed a neat succession of flips avoiding the shots being made by his team.

Wow! How can they do that?...

Awesome! I am so joining a gymnastics teams....

Hehehehehe Risty has a wedgie!

Guess Tolensky wasn't kidding when he said he had some incredible moves...that is seriously foxy...wonder if he's available...

Ewww, first her century old math teacher and now Toad? What is this world coming to?

"Ow!" screamed Risty angrily as a basketball hit her, she growled and stalked off to the side

Alright! I hit her in the boob!

"Someone's a sore loser yo" laughed Todd

Risty spun around and glared at Toad but didn't say anything.

"You're friends scary," he said pointedly to Rogue before throwing a ball at the opposite team, knocking a guy out of the match

"I'll give you scary you little freak!" screamed Risty before chasing after him leaving Rogue on her own.

...She's just like Scott and Jean...Thought Jordon as he prepared to lob a basketball in her direction.

Now there's an insult if I've ever heard one thought Rogue as she dodged his shot

...too self assured. As if they got something no-one else has, like a special power or something that makes them better then everyone else....either that or Rogue is just a fridgid bitch, I heard she was a recovering alcoholic...and that she used to be fat

What? Rogue grabbed a basketball and aimed with all her might.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! She hit me in the balls!"

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thought the whole class collectively as Jordon fell to the floor crying

That girl has serious aggression...that's so hot

(Random Gossipy Bimbo) She did a Shania, oooh I bet he cheated on Rogue, I can't wait to tell the girls about this!

Ha, ha! Don't mess with the Rogue you loser! Wait tell the girls about what now?

"Ok you idiots, Rose's team wins." Screamed Wilson after blowing the whistle Everyone on the losing team has to do 20 sit ups - get moving!"

(losing side)Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

"It Rogue!" she huffed crossing her arms

Lame name

That is so...Charlie's Angels,or maybe more 007. I think I'm gonna call myself Star from now on, but with two r's. Hmm...hey Starr! I like it!

"Whatever" said Coach dismissively, "They don't pay me enough to care. Ms Wilde as much as I would love to see the little twerp die, if you strangle Tolensky to death I will have to put it on your permanent record!"

"Fine!" said Risty in a slightly harsher tone then usual, as she threw Toad the length of the gym

"Arggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" screamed Toad as he flew past the P.E. instructor

(Toad) He he! Nabbed coach's wallet Argh! Wall! ......Owww!"

"Well that was fun, c'mon Rogue let's go get changed before the bimbo's start stinking up the changing room with cheap perfume" said Risty as she dusted her hands

"Yeah one second" said Rogue as she walked over to put a basketball back in a box, taking the time to search Jordan's mind quickly and wiping away any suspicions he held towards the X-men.

She grinned as she found something she could use.

"Hey you!" screamed Coach at an unsuspecting student, "Spit out that gum!" I'm so lonely, why did my wife leave me for the rich good looking millionaire? I'm gonna go find Ms. McGee to see how desperate she is...

The teacher's in this school were nuts.

(Toad) I'm singing macho macho man....I want to be...a macho man!

Rogue looked at him strangely as she followed Toad out the building, must be a Brotherhood thing....

x x x x x

Jordon walked stiffly towards his locker only to find a big crowd hanging round it.

"Move out of the way you freaks!" he shouted gruffly

A girl smiled at him strangely, "What ever you say 'Pampers'!"

Jordon did a double take as the girl walked off, how the hell did she know....?

He screamed when he caught sight of his locker door and then ran away from the laughing masses.

Someone had kindly taken the time to scribble a nice message.

I'm 17 and I still wet the bed

Mommy likes to call me 'pampers'

Review!!! Tell me what you thought about this chapter cos I would love it hear it, I'm a feedback whore



P.S. hands up if you caught he spiderman reference?