From Times Long Past

Chapter One

Shenlong's Place of Rest

With the purification of the dragonballs completed a weakening Goku tries to return to his world. But something interferes. In his current state he does not have the strength to resist.

Capsule Corp

Vegeta is training in the GR when he finally is too exhausted to continue. Dragging himself to the console he barely manages to turn off the gravity. With the lightening of the gravity he feels much stronger, but still very weak. Feeling a sudden "tug", he tries desperately to "pull" away but cannot. At full strength it would be no problem, but his current condition he does not have the strength to resist.

The Senshi Dimension Outside of Juuban High

After another day of her usual carefree joy, a 5 yr. old Usagi skips down the street with her mother. "Usagi! Please stop jumping around so mu..." gasp "Oh my goodness! Those poor children! I'd better take them to a hospital!"

5 Hours Later At the Hospital Waiting Area

"I'm sorry Mrs. Tsukino but in their condition I doubt they'll be awake within a week or two at the least. By all rights they shouldn't even have survived long enough to get here. They are very lucky that you and your daughter came along when you did. My advice is to just go home. We'll call you when they wake up or something happens."

"Well, if they're not waking up for a week or so..."

"Exactly. Don't worry we'll call you as soon as something happens. And we'll check out those tails of theirs as well."

In a Private Room Not Far Off

'What... Where am I?' Looking around he sees a small form next to him. 'Who? Wait... Kakarott!' "Kakarott! Wake up!"

"Huh? Not now Vegeta, I wanna sleep a little longer." Goku says in a sleepy voice.

"Kakarott! You are going to wake up right now and tell me why the hell we are in human hospital surrounded by needles!"

Leaping out of the bed Goku flies up to the ceiling and looks around frantically. Seeing needles lying around on the table freaks him out and he flies down behind Vegeta begging him to "save him" from the killer needles.

He is about to tell him to shut up when a sound catches his ears. "...and we'll check out those tails of theirs as well."

"WHAT!" Eyes wide he turns to Kakarott with wide eyes. 'Those tails? They must mean Kakarott's! Wait a minute... THOSE?' "Did you hear that?" Seeing Goku nod his hand trembles for a moment before he steadies it. Reaching behind him he finds that he does indeed have a tail.

Vegeta and Goku's ears pick up more of the conversation. "...of course we'll probably have to cut them off so the children can have a normal life."

"Vegeta turns around, his eyes narrowing. "No one cuts off my tail! And I am not a child! I am a grown man!"

"Ummm, Vegeta?" Goku says cautiously. "You're small like me. And your hair is back to normal too."

"That's impossible..." Vegeta starts to say when he notices that he and Kakarott are indeed the same height.

The Hospital Waiting Area


Mrs. Tsukino and the doctor look at each other before running into the children's room. Both are shocked to see the two up and are even more shocked to see that their wounds are completely healed. They are a little confused of course because the shorter one with the flaming hair seems to have tiny bolts of electricity flowing off of him.

At the Time Gates

Pluto is immensely frustrated. Never before has something happened that she could not understand or fix. 'I don't believe it! How is it possible that they could have dropped from another universe? Not even I have that power! And to make things worse their trail has been completely erased! If I don't act fast...'

Goku and Vegeta's Room

"Vegeta calm down!" Goku says. "Look all we have to do is talk to Shenron. He could fix this for both of us."

AN: So what do you guys think? Should I add this one too or should I finish the other two first?