A/N Revised!
Chapter OneBEEP BEEP BEEP! Was the peircing sound the alarm clock made as it ripped though the Higurashi mansion, waking up one of the house's inhabitants. Groaning at the sound, a girl no older then 19 carefully sat up on her bed and shut off her alarm clock. Running her hand through her tassled raven hair she made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Fifteen minutes later Kagome was finally ready for the day, she dressed in simple red jeans with a plain blue t-shirt, looking in the mirror once again, she first checked on her daughter to make sure she was still sleeping. Yep daughter, her daughter Sakura Higurashi. Sakura was only four years old and had shoulder length black hair and dark blue eyes unlike her mothers brown eyes and waist lenght black hair. Finding her daughter fast asleep Kagome headed downstairs to get a cup of coffee.
Pouring herself a cup, Kagome was just about to sit down at the table when the phone rang. Glancing at the clock which read 6:31a.m., Kagome sighed and went to go answer it.
"Hello?" Kagome asked as she clicked the talk button, while wondering who in their right mind would call, this early in the moning.
"Kagome I am so glad your up, I had a feeling you would be up about this time" Sango said happily into the phone
"I get up this early every morning, Sango now what do you want?" Kagome asked tiredly. 'Of course Sango would be the only person to call this early in the morning.' Kagome thought.
"Well..umm..you see...I can't watch Sakura anymore." Sango said slowly into the phone.
"What! How come?" Kagome almost yelled into the phone as she sat down at the table.
"My dad's sick, so now I have to take care of him. Sorry." Sango sadly said.
"It's okay Sango it's not your fault..I'll just have to find another babysitter by Monday." Kagome replied.
"I'll find you one!" Sango said.
"No it's okay I can do it, I mean I did it before didn't I?" Kagome replied
" Yes you did, but don't worry about it this time, I'll find you a new one it's the least I can do" Sango relpied firmly.
"Are you sure? I mean, seriously you don't have to." Kagome said
"No I want to!" Sango assured her friend.
"Alright." Kagome said taking a sip of coffee.
"Okay well I guess I will start looking for a new babysitter for you." Sango said.
"Fine, I still say that you do not have to do this." Kagome reminded her friend
" I know but I want to." Sango replied.
"Alright as long as you are sure." Kagome answered
"Yep I'm postive, but I got to go." Sango said happily
"Okay..well bye and I hope your dad gets better." Kagme replied.
"Thanks and I will have a new babysitter for you on Monday for sure! Bye" Sango said as she quickly hung up the phone.
With SangoIt was now 9:00. Two and a half hours after she got off the phone with Kagome and she was still debating over who she could ask as she wondered the streets of Tokyo.
'Well I could ask Miroku' Sango thought but immeditly dissmissed it with another one 'No hes too much of a pervert and he would probably use Sakura to pick up girls' Sango thought bitterly.
'Well there is only one other person that I could think of that I can trust to watch Sakura for Kagome and that is Miroku's bestfriend, Inuyasha' Sango thought as she turned around and headed in the direction of Inuyasha's house.
(A/N Was it bad?Well review please if you do then I know that I am doing something right well then till next time Ja ne)
Character Information
Kagome Higurashi
age: 19
status: single with
Home: Kagome lives in a three story mansion on the east
side of Tokyo with her daughter.
occupation: head excutive in
Shikon FInances (youngest in history)
Home: Lives with brother
Sesshoumru and Rin.
occupation: senior in highschool
age: 19
Home:Lives with dad and little
occupation: senior in highschool
Miroku Houshi
Home:lives with uncle in an apartment a block
away from Inu's house.
occupation: senior in highschool
age: 4
status:single (duh)
Home: lives in mansion
with mom
occupation: none
Kikyo Miko
Home: lives by herself in an apartment by the
occupation: Sophmore in highschool
Home:Lives in an apartment with his
girlfriend Ayame
occupation: resturant owner
Home:Lives in an apartment with
her boyfriend Kouga
occupation: The spot (a coffee shop)