One-Shot /Angst / Pg / SasuSaku implied

Quite a turn from my usual Yaoi fics, probably, if you people want will do a follow-up including SasuNaru or/and KakaIru...

It was like talking to a wall.

She'd come to that conclusion after receiving the same response from the jet black-haired boy in front of her.

"Fine" it was all she ever got out of him, it was as if he didn't care to acknowledge her existance, it was as if the Uchiha boy was too busy plotting about revenge to care for something else. She had waited four long years for Sasuke, she had given him all of her heart, never faltered and had tried to make him realize how important he was to her, but he just brushed her away. When ever she had tried to start up a topic about something serious... he'd leave her alone.

She knew he cared for her as a friend and only as that, what ever the word 'friend' meant in the Uchiha Universe, to her it was a whole new place where she nothing made sense. Let's be honest here : if a 16 year old girl is throwing herself at you (literally) and you are a 16 year old boy, would you really let that chance pass? not that all boys are horny little bastards but when she's been doing it for quite sometimes you could at least have the decency to politely tell her off.

He had never really done that. Even after she had confessed her undying feelings for him, he had nodded in understanding and said "okay" but didn't quite say Yes or No to her, so it made her want to rip her hair out.

It wasn't that Sakura's life was bad, she had Lee-kun who had , much like herself, declared his undying love for her. But she had politely turned him down, saying that her heart belonged to Sasuke. Lee had accepted it. But he still helped her, what ever she needed she'd get it for him; even Naruto (despite being involved with Hinata) would offer her his help, but she'd turn them all down. She only cared about Sasuke.

So on that faithful day she had decided she would ignore Sasuke. It was not as hard, though. She had joined the ANBU in hopes of showing Sasuke that she could do good and didn't need anyone's protection. Sasuke had become Jounin and quitted the ANBU to persuade his own interestes (mainly his brother), so she didn't need to talk or see him. She thought that would get through to Sasuke's thick-skull, it didn't.

It had been 4 months since she had told herself that she no longer would bear Sasuke's silent treatment, she had given up on him, for good.

It was still a plan her brain told her. Deep down she somehow expected for him to realize that he needed her, he needed her attention.

Quite clearly, he didn't.

He still had the attention of a whole village worth of female population. One less was probably better for him, he wouldn't have to worry about being ogled by her anymore... But she had saved his life a few times, back when they had been a team. Shouldn't she at least hold a special place in his heart? Apparently not. She would never hold a special place in the Uchiha Universe.


((Sorry, I cut it so suddenly. But the Ideas stopped flowing. This is a one shot))