First off, I am so sorry I've kept everyone waiting for over a year...just about had a coronary when I saw how long it had been. Quite a bit has happened...I got engaged, had to quit my job because of a nasty little thing called Archillies Tendonitis and I'm having to deal with my lil girl going through puberty. Oh what fun THAT is...So only a short chappie to curb whatever cravings you have. Don't forget to R'n'R!

Now, reviews...only two this time...


Here's that awesomeness! And thanks for the cookie hun :)


Another chappie for you to get you teeth into sweetie, thanks for all the support ^_^

Right! On with it!

Chapter 23: Nightmares And Coffee

They were dancing, she in a full length gown, and he in a tuxedo with coat-tails. The music twined around them, almost tangible, while bright bubbles drifted in a light-hearted dance of their own around the pair. The only thing to be seen was a pure white dance floor, stretching off into forever, and deep blue skies with wispy clouds floating overhead. 'This has to be paradise,' thought Alex, as she clung tightly to Modo, swirling around the dance floor. Then, Modo pulled away, and morphed into Lil' Hoss. The bike beeped at her and drove itself off into the endless white and blue. Arms slipped round her from behind, and she turned, smiling. The smile fled when she came nose to snout with Tread, half of his face missing and a gaping hole in his stomach.

"Miss me?" he rasped as the scene darkened.

Alex's eyes shot open, and she pulled herself up onto one elbow, breathing hard. It was still dark out, and Charley was sound asleep in the bed across the room. Alex shuddered from the nightmare, got up and dressed, and silently slipped out of the bedroom. She entered the kitchen, not bothering with the light and padded over to the stove to heat a cup of Martian coffee.

"Can't sleep?" came a low voice from the table.

Alex jumped, then gave a sigh, realising who it was without turning around.

"Nightmares," she murmured, filling a cup and sitting at the table, where Throttles form could barely be seen in the darkness.

"Need to talk about it?" he asked, sipping his own coffee.

"Nah…just weird images and Tread keeps popping up." Alex sighed again. "I'd just like a solid nights sleep. Ever since that…incident, I've not been able to, other than the afternoon when we got back."

"Why haven't you told anyone?" Throttle fixed her with an intense stare.

"I didn't want anyone to worry," Alex explained. "Besides, I'm getting enough sleep…just."

Throttle looked at her a few moments longer before returning his attention to his coffee. There was something she wasn't telling him, and it bugged him, but he wasn't going to push the issue. Yet.

The sun crept over the horizon, finding the two still at the table. After the first awkward silence, the conversation had started and flowed easily, the two talking about nothing in particular. It was in the middle of a story of Throttle's, that the door opened and a shirtless Modo strode in, looking worried. As soon as he saw Alex at the table he visibly relaxed, grabbed 2 coffees, and turned toward her. Setting the cups on the table, he lifted the small girl from her seat, Alex squealing in protest, sat down himself then settled her onto his lap.

"Was worried when I didn' find ya in yer room," the grey giant murmured in her ear, putting one of the coffees into her hand and tightening his arm around her waist.

"I've been chatting to Throttle…woke up last night and couldn't get back to sleep," she explained, snuggling up to him and leaning her head on his shoulder. "Came down for coffee, and he was already here." Alex, stood to put her other cup in the sink, cocked her head to one side, and asked, "Did you really have to go round with your mechanical arm painted pink after losing a bet?"

Modo's face went through the most interesting shades of red before he glared at Throttle who was smiling innocently.

"You are SO gonna pay for that, bro," the big mouse grumbled. Alex had been watching the whole thing, highly amused.

"So it's true then," she said brightly, not through with her teasing yet. Modo had other ideas. He shot up from the table, and gave her a wicked smirk.

"Eeep!" squeaked Alex, before she shot out of the room, with Modo in close pursuit.

Charley walked into the kitchen at that point, looking back through the door.

"What was that about?" she asked, as a loud squeal and giggling indicated Alex had been caught and was now being subjected to tickle torture.

Throttle gave his girl a satisfied smile.

"Alex came down early, so I kept her entertained by telling her some of Modo's most embarrassing moments," he said, grinning. Charley laughed as she poured her own coffee and joined him at the table.

"Uncle, uncle!" Alex gasped as Modo went for her ribs again. "I yield!"

Modo sat back, grinning and Alex collapsed on him, breathing like she'd just won a marathon.

"You're evil," she panted, unable to hold back the smile that had plastered itself to her face.

"And you love it," rumbled the big mouse as he pulled her more firmly into his lap, nuzzling into her neck. Alex giggled, leaning back on him, feeling more content than she ever had in her life.

"Wouldn't want it any other way," she grinned like the Cheshire cat, almost purring like one as well. "You know, we have to ask Tala when we're heading back home."

"Tha's true," the big mouse mused. "How about tomorrow evening' if she hasn' got a time?"

"Sounds good to me," Alex replied, rubbing her cheek on Modo's still bare chest, making him growl.

"C'mon, don' do that," he rumbled in her ear. "There's other people in the house ya know."

Alex turned her head and gave him a smirk almost as wicked as the one he gave her in the kitchen, and deliberately did it again.

Modo growled even louder this time and attacked the side of her neck with small nibbles till she squealed.

Asking Tala might take a little longer than anticipated…