Kai and Hiromi hate and despise each other! You must read on and see what I'm talking about. :3 I've seen a lot of stories featuring a cabin, so guess what the setting is.
Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade. Takao Aoki does.
EDIT:I took out a few sentences of the first chapter, so if it says I updated this story, then that's why.
---Chapter 1---
---Trapping Two Bulls in a China Shop---
---Normal POV---
"Jerk!" Exclaimed Hiromi angrily.
"Baka!" Countered a fuming Kai.
"Idiot!" She shouted with more rage than before.
"Loser!" He yelled louder.
They were face-to-face as they screamed insults at each other. The rest of the team and Mr. Dickenson stood around helplessly watching. By now Kai and Hiromi were practically going hoarse from yelling but they ignored that.
"Alright you two, enough!" Mr. Dickenson said, causing the two angered teens to turn their heads to him at the same time and glare.
"You two really need to cool it! You've been fighting for as long as I can remember and now it's gotten so bad that it's starting to affect others around you!" Exclaimed Mr. Dickenson.
"He started it." Said Hiromi suddenly.
"Did not." Countered Kai.
"Did too."
"Did not."
"Did too."
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"That's it!" Mr. Dickenson raised his voice to be heard over the quarreling two. "I'm sending you two on a vacation."
The Bladebreakers were sitting in their seats in the car. The group watched Kai and Hiromi carefully.
Kai and Hiromi were each reading a book, and every so often would glance up and glare at the other with a scowl, and then go back to reading.
You could literally feel the cold aura radiating from those two.
The car ride was five hours long, and not a single word was spoken in between.
"We're here," said Mr. Dickenson, breaking the silence. Tyson whooped, and practically broke down the door and ran out. The others followed, leaving behind Kai and Hiromi. The group waited outside and Mr. Dickenson watched them from the driver's seat.
Kai and Hiromi scowled behind their books, and pretended like they hadn't arrived. They were against this whole vacation idea.
"C'mon you guys!" Exclaimed Kenny. "You're on vacation, you should be happy!"
They both put down their books at the same time and stood up to get out. They froze when they noticed the other.
"You go first." Said Kai.
"No. You." Said Hiromi.
It went on and on until Mr. Dickenson had enough, and reached back and pushed both of them out. They both landed on their feet after catching their balance. They looked at where they were- it was snowing, and there were lots of pine trees blanketed in white, and in front of them was a large cabin made out of wood, cement, and stone.
"Let's go take a look." Offered Rei and they all started up the steps and inside the cabin. Everyone's jaws fell open when they saw what was inside- it was like paradise.
There was a big flat screen TV, a large Jacuzzi, A large kitchen area, a beautiful bedroom with a bed, the couches and chairs were all nicely perfected, the kitchen's tiles were cleaned enough to reflect, and many other things.
Hiromi smirked a bit and flung herself on the soft bed. She smiled wider.
"This is amazing," She stated and everyone smiled except Kai. "But, there's a problem." She said, keeping her eyes closed. Everyone was confused.
She pointed at Kai. "Remove that thing from my sight." She said and giggled loudly afterward, burrowing herself in the pillows. Everyone snickered and Mr. Dickenson smiled, Kai's face went cherry-red.
"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh burnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn," Said Tyson mockingly.
Kai growled ferociously and prepared to pounce and strangle. Everyone snapped out of their states and grabbed onto Kai, keeping him from killing their friend. Hiromi's eye cracked open and saw Kai struggling against everyone, and almost winning. She closed her eye and smirked.
They finally got Kai to settle down; the two sat glaring daggers at each other in a staring contest since half an hour ago. The group was just about to leave.
"Now you two behave yourselves, I don't want any fights breaking out while you are unsupervised. Our numbers are on the table if you need them, and don't forget to call 911 if someone gets hurt, ok?" Mr. Dickenson said between the staring contest. The two nodded very slowly, still not breaking eye contact. Mr. Dickenson sighed and then led the rest of the Bladebreakers out and away, leaving the two in the cabin alone.
"What chance do you think they have of becoming friends again?" Asked Mr. Dickenson worriedly.
Max sighed. "A snowball's chance in hell."
How do yah's like it so far? I wanna know:3
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