Well here it is, the highly anticipated (yeah right) fourth chapter. At the end of this chapter I have a question to ask you all. Please answer, it will help out a lot. Enough of that, on with the chapter.
Starfire was walking down with her head hanging even lower. As she walked small tears fell to the ground and acted like a breadcrumb trail, she was thoroughly miserable. She had just seen Robin dancing with Kitten in the form of herself and didn't seem to realize it, what's more he also seemed to be enjoying himself. She didn't want to talk to anyone; she just wanted to be alone. She found a bench, sat herself down and rubbed her arms from the small gusts of wind. She looked around, there was no one in sight, no one to comfort her. She sat and wondered how or even why Robin would allow himself to be fooled by someone as unlike her as Kitten. She felt another crying spell coming on.
"Everything all right"? She whirled around and Lee was standing there smiling at her. She stood up, ran over and hugged him. She did not crush him this time however, since she did not have her powers.
"Oh Lee you must believe me, I am Starfire not the one who has undoubtedly been roaming the Tower". Lee hushed her.
"I know. I, Robin-San and the others have discovered her. I also have the bruises to prove it". He moved aside some of his hair to reveal a small purple bump. "I haven't been by Raven to correct it yet".
"She attacked you", asked Starfire worryingly. Lee shrugged it off.
"She may know how to use your powers, but she does not understand them". Star looked confused. "You know, why they are the way they are. How they came to be, or what their true nature is. They are a part of you, not Kitten". Starfire nodded and sat back down. She sniffled again and Lee put his arm around her shoulder (in a brotherly comfort).
"I do not believe I should interfere with Robin's new relationship".
"What do you mean", asked Lee. She wiped her nose.
"Well, he, he and Kitten"- She trailed off and Lee knew what she meant. He nodded in comprehension. "I just want him to be h-happy".
"Starfire", she looked up. It was not often that Lee called any of them by their regular names. He usually referred to them as whatever-San as a sign of respect, to Robin it was for loyalty. "You of all people should not believe what you see". Starfire was instantly filled with hope. She stood up and dried her eyes.
"Thank you Lee". He smiled and bowed.
"We should return to the tower", Star nodded in agreement and began walking with Lee. Then a question came to her.
"Lee, why did Robin not come here to see me"? Lee didn't look at her but smiled and nodded.
"All part of the plan"
"Plan"? Starfire was intrigued.
"Before he left for dinner, Robin-San had a talk with the others.
A talk which they told me of after I regained consciousness. Anyway, He found your behavior to strange to be you, so he organized a very well though out plan to catch your imposter red handed. In such a way that there's no escape, no alibi. An that is where you come in Star-San".
"I do not understand", said Starfire while walking.
"This Kitten, as the others called her, is using your powers. Meaning that sooner or later you will be the only one who can stop her. Now here is what is going to happen". He explained the complete details of Robin's plan as they made their way down the street toward Titans Tower.
AT TITANS TOWER.....................
Robin and Kitten were standing on the roof of Titans Tower watching the night sky. 'This is one of Starfire's favorite things to do', thought Robin. From the time they left the restaurant Kitten had taken hold of Robin's arm and up to right up to know had not loosened her grip.
"You know you can let go of my arm now", said Robin not looking at her. Kitten looked very annoyed and released his arm. She was beginning to fear that something was wrong. The entire night she had not seen Robin smile at her or anything, was there a chance that Lee was right about Robin knowing Star too well. 'Ahhh, what a bunch of crock', she thought to herself. 'They probably had a fight or something, and that's why Robbie-Poo was ignoring me like this. I've got him and this whole thing in the bag'. She then tugged on his arm.
"Can't we go inside, it's so boring out here on the roof", said Kitten with half closed eyes. Robin turned his head slightly.
"But you always like to come out here. I've said some important things to you on this roof. Don't you remember", he asked suspiciously. He faced her and saw that a single large sweat drop was coming down the side of her head.
"B-but I would rather you tell me those things inside, maybe in my room", she ran a finger down his arm. She stared straight into his eyes trying to get him to fall into them. When her finger got to his wrist he quickly grabbed her arm.
"Star's eyes can do that, your's can't. And do not touch me". He roughly let go of her arm and walked towards the railing. She was afraid of this; Robin had found her out before she could turn him otherwise. She followed up behind him trying to think quickly. "Did you actually think you would be able to even sound like Starfire, you sound more like an illiterate British woman".
"I am not sure what it is that you mean Robbie-Po-, I mean Robin".
"And then there's the fact that that's the second time you've called me by that really embarrassing name".
"On the contrary Robin I mean it with the utmost love and respect", she said in her normal voice.
"Can you love me enough to leave me, Starfire, and the rest of the Teen Titans alone. Forever". Kitten pretended to look like she was thinking about it.
"No". She said this and Robin nodded. He then threw a small device at her which bound her hands.
"Then maybe I should just hold you here, Kitten, until Starfire can come around with the means to switch back the both of you". Kitten's eyes turned green and she broke apart the handcuffs.
"Or maybe I could just smack you around enough to where you wouldn't even remember that there ever existed a name like Starfire". She fired a few loose Starbolts at him, which he dodged easily. Just like at the prom he pulled off his suit to reveal his usual boy wonder uniform. She looked a little perplexed at this.
"I only wear a real suit when I'm sure I'm not going to have choke down my food".
"Oh that's verrrry funny Robbie-Poo, but in the end I will get you and you will see things my way"!
"That's another thing. Why this sudden obsession over me, I thought you liked that weird Fang guy".
"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS"! She shouted at him and launched several more Starbolts at him followed by a stream from her eyes. He brought out his staff and blocked the starbolts but was struck in the leg by the eye beams. He fell to the ground and gripped his leg. He still wasn't sure what hurt more; starbolts or eye beams. He was on one knee while using his staff for support as Kitten came and hovered right over him.
"So. Give up"?
"Hadn't planned on it", he whipped his staff around and it cut a piece of her dress. She backed up a bit and smiled evilly.
"Careful Robbie-Poo, you wouldn't want to damage such a nice body now would you". Robin's eyes narrowed. "Because I'm just so sure you enjoy nothing more than looking at it"!
"Perhaps, when I'm looking at the right person". By now Kitten was sure she was going to get nowhere with Robin. She then landed and juggled a single starbolt in her hand while walking towards him.
"Fine, if I can't have you"- she hit him hard in the stomach. "-Then I will make sure she won't"! She let loose a almost pointed looking starbolt, sending it on a coarse for Robin's face. It was inches away from him when a bright blue light suddenly hit it dead on and just tore it to pieces. Kitten turned around swiftly to see Cyborg changing his sonic cannon back into his hand. Behind him stood the rest of the Titans.
"B-but h-how", stampered Kitten. Robin got up and joined his friends.
"Kinda hard to trick an empath", said Robin shacking his head. Kitten looked over at Raven who was waving with a really small smile. Kitten recharged her fists.
"It doesn't matter, I can take any one of you! Come one! Sooner or later I'll just end up beating all of you"!
"Except one of us", said Beast Boy. They all turned around and made way for Starfire in Kitten's body, who at the moment looked like she could take on five of her and I guess we'll throw Slade in there. As she walked by Robin he took her shoulder. She turned back to face him.
"Don't worry, remember how we've been training. You can do this". Starfire nodded and turned back to Kitten. In order to defeat Kitten, Starfire was going to have to exploit her own weaknesses. Not a thought she particularly liked, but it was the only way. "STARFIRE", Robin shouted. She turned back again and Robin threw her his staff. She caught it and smiled back at him.
"Greaaat, just great Robbie-Poo. Give Star your little tooth pick, I'm sure that'll make all the diffrence", sneered Kitten. She readied her fists and Starfire expanded the staff. They stood for a long moment just staring at each other in their bodies.
"This could get confusing on who to root for", whispered BB. Raven gave him a dope slap.
"What if Starfire doesn't win", asked Raven. Robin put on a crooked smile.
"That's already been taken care of", he said and they watched as Starfire and Kitten then charged at each other. Kitten threw down a merciless wave of starbolts while Starfire did her best to dodge them. Star knew that firing that many starbolts takes a lot of energy and sooner or later Kitten would have to take a breather. Sure enough Kitten quit throwing energy balls and began panting. Starfire noticed this and took her chance. She ran up and struck Kitten in the midsection with Robin's staff. Kitten flew backwards and slammed up against a wall, watching this made Starfire wince.
"Oh, I'm going to be feeling that later". She darted forward and went for a good strong lunge. Kitten's head snapped up and she moved out of the way just in time as Starfire stuck the staff into the side of the building.
"What'd you trying to do? Kill yourself"?
"Well I didn't think the staff was that strong"! Shouted Starfire. She went in to try and trip Kitten, but she broke the staff in half with her eyebeams. Kitten then punched Starfire in the side and she flew up against a large air-conditioning unit. Then she felt herself being picked up by the throat. Kitten the tilted her head to one side.
"So how does it feel to be on the receiving end", Starfire began to gasp for breath. "WELL! HUH"? Starfire began to pass out form lack of oxygen.
"Alright maybe we should step in", said Robin and before they could move they saw something move past them. It was a giant ball of oozing muck which hit Kitten and had her stuck to the ground. Starfire fell down and clutching her throat she gasped for air.
"That's something you're never going to do to my girl ever again", said Fang stepping into the moonlight. He turned to the Titans and pointed a small blaster at them. "And none of you move"! The Titans all pretty much said "Whatever" and stayed where they were. Fang then approached Starfire, who he thought was Kitten. "Sorry I'm late baby, but they sure took their sweet time in let'n me out of jail. By the way your father says hi".
"NO YOU FOOL I'M KITTEN", she shouted struggling to get free of the giant web blob.
"HEY WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP"! Shouted Fang pointing at her. He turned back to Starfire. "Anyway, I've decided that after I get rid of the rest of the Titans I'll find us a nice get away on the coast or something". He then leaned in to kiss Starfire. Panicking somewhat she suddenly brought out Puppet King's control device.
"Before you do all of that, why get rid of this for me please", said Starfire in the best Kitten voice that she could muster. Fortunately Fang was dense enough to fall for it. He took the device and looked it over.
"What is it", he asked scratching his head.
"Its something she was going to use to kill me. If you destroy it, then well, she can't use it", Star gave him a dimpled smile.
"Sure anything for my Kitten".
"NO YOU FOOL DON'T", shouted Kitten, too late. Fang threw it up in the air and blew it apart with his little blaster. Almost immediately there was a sudden gust of wind and Starfire fell to the ground as she left Kitten's body and flew back over to her own. Most very reluctantly Kitten moved out of Starfire's body and was sucked back into hers. As soon as Fang realized what just happened Robin had knocked him out and tied him up.
"Good job", said Cyborg. "Bout how did you know Kitten's freaky ex was going to come 'round"?
"I had him released for good behavior and told him that there was something important happening at Titans Tower tonight. He'll be going back on charges of violating parole". Raven and Lee had just finished binding a very grumpy Kitten when they heard a soft "Eh hem". They all turned to see Starfire waving at them while stuck to the ground.
"I am glad we succeeded Friends, but could you possibly get me out of this messy thing". Robin and Cyborg laughed to themselves.
"No prob Star we're on it", said Cyborg. Him, Robin, and Beast Boy walked over to free Starfire.
LATER THAT NIGHT IN PRISON....................
Kitten sat in her cell with Fang, brooding the next twenty years that she would be spending there. The judge tacked on five more years for escaping.
"You know Fang, you just might be the dumbest ex-boyfreind I've ever had", said Kitten with her arms folded.
"Uh, I think I'm you're only ex". Kitten gave a look that said 'Don't remind me'. Then they heard a strange thumping noise. They looked around and traced the sound to the floor. Kitten put her ear to the floor and could just make out the words; "HEY, SOMEONE THERE! GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW"! She looked back up at Fang who simply shrugged.
BACK AT TITANS TOWER ROOF.....................
Starfire leaned against the railing and watched the night sky. It felt like a long time since she had been on this roof. She rubbed her midsection and dreaded the sore bruise that she had given herself. She felt like going inside when the one person she wanted to see showed up.
"Hey, you want some company", asked Robin. Starfire smiled broadly.
"That depends, is it yours"? He stood against the railing next to her.
"Tell me Robin, while you were at the restaurant, were you by any chance enjoying yourself"? Asked Starfire rubbing the back of her head. Robin let out an audible snicker.
"Are you kidding? I think I checked my watch half a dozen times. Even if I didn't know it was Kitten in possession of your body, it still wouldn't feel right". Starfire moved a little closer to him. Robin noticed and jumped up and down in his mind. "Oh yeah, now this is who I'm talk'n about". He put an arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"So exactly how many songs did you dance"?
"Oh come one Starfire, we've already told ya it was all an act", he said glancing down at her. She giggled somewhat.
"Forgive me, I believe I have just made a joke"?
"Good one Star", said Robin laughing quietly. They stood there for a while just watching and enjoying each other's company.
"Yeah Star"
"I am sorry for ruining our dinner plans for tonight".
"Star don't worry about it, I'm two hundred bucks in the red, but give it a second thought. We'll make plans for another night. And to make sure nothing happens to either of us, we'll take the day off to". Star curled up closer and hugged him tight.
"We should go inside now, it's getting late", she said not really wanting to. They broke off and walked into the tower. They got to their rooms, which were on either side of the hallway, and Starfire stopped Robin before he could enter his room.
"Whether you see tonight as ruined or not, allow me to now attempt to make up for it". She approached him and pulled him in for a good long good night kiss right on the lips. She looked Robin in the eyes and just as Kitten had attempted to do, got Robin completely lost in them. "Good night", she whispered. After a good long moment she went to her room humming to herself. Robin just stood there wide-eyed. He turned to his room and forgot to open the door and bumped right into it. Rubbing his forehead he went inside thinking happily to himself, 'I'm getting luckier everyday".
So what'd you think of it. Heres my question; for my next fic should I go with a story on how Lee came to be a part of the team or just go ahead with my next idea? For those of you who are actually interested in Lee in the slightest, let me know. Which ever way you suggest I hope you catch my next fic. Until then R&R.